Would you be willing to take STEEM or SBD instead of paper money?

in #steem8 years ago (edited)


There are the obvious ways to acquire STEEM and SBD, posting articles on Steemit.com, curation, minig and purchasing it through an exchange.

For those who don't understand cryptocurrency or are new to it and the people who aren't really tech savvy, all of those options can be a bit confusing which will turn those people off to the idea and ultimately lead them back to traditional currency and feeling like crypto is "a scam" or "not real".


There are also the individuals who spend hours posting stuff here and hoping to get noticed and just never get enough upvotes to make it trend, leaving them discouraged, upset, angry, hurt and ready to leave the community feeling negative about it.


The other option to get STEEM and SBD is to sell stuff and accept it as payment. At the moment bitcoin is the only crypto that you can use for physical goods and services but even that has it's limitations. This could be a great time to do this because people are earning SBD with no investment so it's still in the "fun" phase but the options to spend it are mostly limited to buying other crypto's (if you haven't heard of the Million Dollar Pizza you should google it)

If you have a service you would like to offer, an ebook to sell, photography, art, music, graphic design, writing and the list goes on. You could also take a look around and see what you have that you no longer use that might be of interest to someone else and sell it for STEEM.


There are a few options at the moment to assist with this, I have opened a website like craigslist called SteemSwap.com where you can can post an ad let people know that you accept STEEM/SBD, there is another site like this in the Steem App Center called SteemMarket created by another user @msutyler.

One of the biggest problems so far with most of the crypto-currencies is that they are not accepted as payment for stuff, there for considered worthless to most and once the hype dies down and a new alt-coin comes out the people who are into crypto move to that in hopes of finding the next "bitcoin" and the last hype coin dies.


Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them and what people are willing to pay creates the value

Start selling stuff for STEEM not dollars, or take it a step further and make it STEEM exclusive as in only available for STEEM/SBD. A good example is Tidal, Jay-z built up the value of his streaming music platform by offering exclusive releases from artists only available on Tidal.


One of my talents is music, so I have started producing beats that I will be selling exclusively for STEEM. I will post them on SteemSwap.com, here at Steemit in the music section as well as other music sites but only accept STEEM or SBD as payment. If you want to check it out here is the link:


This is our opportunity to add value, assist in the growth and help solidify a permanent placement for something big. @ned and @dan gave us this amazing platform to earn and the large investors like @berniesanders, @blocktrades, @smooth, @itsascam and a bunch of others have given us immediate financial gain with their upvote. Now it's our turn turn show them our support and increase the value of STEEM by turning it into a real world currency, start accepting STEEM/SBD or even consider doing something exclusive for STEEM/SBD.


In closing, I would like to apologize to the "whales" for the shameless plug with the @ call, I promise I'll never do it again. Also to every one reading I admit, part of this article was a plug for SteemSwap.com ( which is absolutely free to post ads by the way) but this article highlites THE reason I started SteemSwap not to make money off the site but to try to create real world value in STEEM.

I admit, part of this article was a plug for SteemSwap.com ( which is absolutely free to post ads by the way) but this article highlights THE reason I started SteemSwap not to make money off the site but to try to create real world value in STEEM. Credit to @oaldamaster for the STEEM Accepted Here graphic


I look forward to conducting business with steem once private messaging and user-friendly escrow become steemit realities. Thanks for moving us in this direction!

@mada I am fairly certain that from looking at the code we can expect to see at least escrow in the next hardfork which is likely due in the next couple weeks.

@raymonjohnstone Another hardfork already! lol well as long as it benefits, I'm with it!

I dont know for sure if or when it will happen but you can see on the witness list that @Dan is running it already.

I would love to see market places like ebay and amazon built on the blockchain.

I'd love to be able to buy and sell using Steem. I've posted about paying people for contributions to my guitar pick collection. If someone is selling music I like then I'd happily pay in Steem, if I have enough. It's more convenient than some of the other options, especially if paying internationally, and there are no fees.

You can easily transfer Steem to another user. Just need to include a message to say what it's for. Shops or other sites could generate codes to use there and I expect they could code something to handle it automatically. This is exciting technology.

Two things. One, how did you get SoundCloud to display in the steem post?! I want to share tons of rap I rapped. http://soundcloud.com/laconicflow
but when I paste a link its just a link. Two, I would buy or sell with steem, but would never dream of holding it long term. I'd hold bitcoin longer than steem, but I'd be watching it like a hawk. I hold my money in dollars if I want it safe. I might take payment in a crypto currency but I'd trade it for dollars right away.

click share, on the top of the pop up click embed, copy and paste that link into your post and the player shows up in the post.

Second, by selling some of your music exclusively on Steemit or for STEEM/SBD you can drive the value, if you have a fan base they will follow you over here and vote on your posts, giving you more visibility, creating instant value for you. Look at @dollarvigilante he has a following that he brought over and his posts are big money, they are really good posts, but his following makes them visible.

Once they get here they will get interested, stay, create, participate, tell more people in turn increasing the demand for STEEM/SBD, basic supply and demand says that will increase the value in the long term.

If I had a following that dedicated I'd bring it over here but I don't. Still super underground. Thanks so much for telling me about the imbed link.

I think steem is a great investment but I would never put my own money into it. I'm happy blog and get what I can, there is too much uncertainty.

@jaycobbell - there comes a time when 0ne must believe in something! Hell, we trust the government to protect us, nothing is for certain. When I say I am certain about 'Steem', I am sending out positive vibes as I truly believe! I also go by feel and this, I can feel ye dig!

My answer : YES!