Reflecting on Steem and Steemit During this Unique Time.

in #steem6 years ago

I very rarely write about Steem or Steemit. However, the events since the Hardfork have presented me with a unique opportunity to step back and think quite a bit about Steemit.

For some people, this place is an addiction (I happen to be one of them). It has become part of our daily routine to wake up, grab our phones or run to the computer to check out what we may have missed during those six hours we spent sleeping instead of Steeming (I know that we are supposed to get closer to eight but when Steemit entered my life... something had to go). Part of this process may involve checking Discord or Chat, but it is always Steemit related.

Over these past four days, Steemit has been far less active. I don't want to post or vote until the voting gets back to normal. Therefore, I have spent a fraction of the time on Steemit. Now you would think that would mean I have found I have a ton of extra time to do all the other things I was missing out on over these past 29 moons.

But do you know what I found myself doing?

Sitting on the couch and flipping through TV channels and watching things I did not care about at all.

All this time I had thought Steemit was taking time away from other things. But that is not the case at all. Steemit has merely forced me to prioritize my time and has encouraged me to only use it on important things like my family, my friends, my job, myself and the Steemit community.

When students are in high school, they hear all the time that playing a sport or being involved in other co-curricular activities is the best thing for time management. Many athletes report that they do best in school during their season. Because they don't have time to waste... they don't waste any. They find it far easier to get sidetracked when they have nothing else to do.

But not everyone here is an addict like me. Some are here just because it is fun. Some are investors who are suffering from FOMO and want to make sure they around when the Steem rocket launches to the moon.

But there is one other group who I reflected on this week.

There are many community members from developing nations and countries in the throws of economic chaos who rely on Steem to put food on their table TODAY. These people are not simply here looking for a handout. They are using Steem to empower themselves to earn that food they put in front of their families.

They earn by blogging, vlogging, painting pictures, and singing songs. The earn it by curating and interacting with others. They earn it by developing Apps and programs. They earn it through their talents, dedication, and hard work.

The down side of the past few days is that these dedicated people have not been able to earn as they should. I feel terrible for these people. I wish they did not have to go through this. But the huge upside is that this opportunity has existed for them for over 2 years. And it will exist for them and many other people like them for many years to come. I can sit around and complain about what happened, or I can focus my energies on what will happen in the future.

I choose the latter.

Sometimes you need to go through growing pains. It sucks in the moment, but when those pains are over, Steemit will be in a position to expand and to help even more people in the future.

While I was lamenting about the fact that some very good, creative and talented people would be going without rewards, a very good friend reminded me that Steemit's development team are the builders. They are "laying the brick and mortar" that allow all of us to use Steem however we choose.

Some will use it as a hobby, investment, or business. Others will use it to feed their families. Some will use it as a way to empower people to feed their families.

But without the "brick and mortar", none of us can do any of that.

If that wasn't enough to get me back in balance and feeling postive, he reminded me of what SMTs will allow us all to do in the future.

When SMTs launch, each individual will be given the brick and mortar to build anything they choose. If someone wants to build something for investors, he can. If someone wants to build something for gamers, she can. If someone wants to build something that will empower talented, dedicated and creative people from every part of the world...Can we build it? Yes, WE can!

Sometimes it takes one step back in order to prepare for a huge leap forward.

Ok my break is almost over. Time to roll up my sleeves and get back to building.

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Nicely done. I've never been one to shy away from Steem as a topic, and do enjoy reading the thoughts of others, especially when they can take a step back and see the bigger picture.

This will be my 4th Steemy resteem in 24 hours, and I wish all could read these posts and understand we are here to test and build our future experience, and that this is better done without finger pointing, and as a team.

Six hours? You lucky pup you!

You are 100% correct. We are all pulling on the same rope and we truly are one team. If we can all remember that, we will accelerate Steem's success!

And don't think I missed the six hours part. Wow less than 6! Thank you for working so hard to help this to succeed!

Same rope, same moon with any luck!

Like you Steem has toyed with my sleep this past year, I'm just excited about where we are going. Cheers!

I do not want to be seen as one who is always complaining but I do hope that the team can learn from this and make the next hardcore a smoother transition.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep moving on does not mean that one does not learn from a mistake.

It sucks that HF20 didn't go smoothly, but it's good that Steem is almost back to normal again. A rough upgrade but hopefully this was a good lesson to the devs and witnesses.

Exactly! Mistakes happen. It is how you handle those mistakes that matter. Learning from and preventing them in the future is essential.

This is so true so true.
Life it self doesn't go so smooth its ups & Down.
We've just taken a break for better days .
These upgrades is for a better future for us all.
It had happen , let's smile for we can say we survived it .
An history cannot be narated if there are no events.(. Good/Bad)
Long live the BC 👊

"Better future for us all.'

I like that very much!

Hands down, one of the best posts I've read ia a while

Posted using Partiko Android

Actually, all my issues resolved. I just watch the RC bar and steemd now. Got shook though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to hear!

Thanks for your positive outlook and perspective. I know what you mean about Steemit addiction, I did feel a bit lost for a few days there. lol

I was almost upset when I could not Upvote and comment or do anything on Steemit. But today everything has returned to normal. Thank Steemit!

Back to normal sure does feel great!

Greetings @hanshotfirst, you touched my heart: "... They are using Steem to empower themselves to earn that food they put in front of their families..." this is the cruel truth, this is my truth, but not the first reason to stay here. I love this activity, posting, earning, sharing ideas.

And that is exactly why I hope we get back on track quickly and that this never happens again.

Nicely put. I agree with you that the best thing about this platform is that it puts power into the hands of those that are disenfranchised in many countries of the world.
Not to plug anything but I wrote about a blockchain project a couple weeks back that I think will hopefully do a similar function. Both that and Steemit have the same thing in common: the technological revolution that is blockchain and crypto.