What's your choice?

in #steem4 years ago

One day the Earth is divided into equals in an effort to save the World, some in human places and others in the place of nature. Wildlife and plants seem to be surviving but, what's the impact on our civilization? 

It is said that after the first division of the world humans realized that the environment was still in danger, everything they did here affected the rest of the world and as humans continued to use fuel, pollute the atmosphere and dump plastic into the sea, wind and water currents spread toxins throughout. So, they built a great wall that began deep underground and soared as high as the sky. 

Hundreds of years have passed after the wall was finished, now no one remembers when exactly the builders, that's how legend has it. All we know is that crossing this great divider is strictly forbidden and because this wall is not transparent, no one knows what's going on on the other side. 

The lack of airy land in the human world encourages us to create flying cars, and build vertical cities high into the air and deep underground. Natural food is difficult to find, due to the absence of land and weather for agriculture, scientists create artificial food is not as good and healthy as the original but the price is cheap. Meat, wheat, vegetables and real fruit, becoming luxury goods in this new world, almost all natural resources have been depleted as the population swells. Humans are still trying to save the remaining nature here, waste recycling plants are set up in every city, but it's not very helpful. Society has also been divided into social classes, with the rich living in air towns, while the middle and poor live on the ground and underground. But everyone has one goal: to go to the forbidden side across the line. No one knows the face of the world there right now, because no one can set foot there. No one but YOU. 

You were born when the world was divided into two, every day in awe you watched classic documentaries and read about wildlife, you lived near walls and worked in water purifier factories. One day, on your lunch break out in search of the wind, that's when you saw a little green lizard, this time you saw something like that. Your little fella can't possibly live on your part of the planet because of an un supportive environment. However, this lizard is unlikely to cross because of the great wall that stands in the way.  

Unless, the idea comes to mind "the lizard might sneak in here from the side but it's impossible, the wall is built deep in the ground. You see the green creature running towards the wall, and tucking into a small hole in the ground as if there was a way through the wall, a path to the other side of the world. 

You start digging there, hoping to find a hole in the wall, you do it at night and the red, if you get caught the punishment must be severe. You finally find that way, you keep digging, and before long you finally arrive. Before you can see anything, you hear birdsong, you come out of the tunnel, and find yourself in the middle of a green swamp. Colorful flowers grow everywhere and the air is very fresh, bees and butterflies are also seen flying. In the distance, the outer boundary of an old town is visible, the concrete jungle has long been transformed into a real forest, with skyscrapers shrouded in moss and patchy plants, streets occupied by thick grass and trees growing everywhere. Human traces seem to have been lost for decades and you decided to look further a further.

As you walk you see endangered animal species in the old world able to survive. Rhinos, elephants, deer are no longer threatened by poachers. Marine animals no longer swallow plastic or get stuck in nets. This part of the planet is like heaven. But in this amazing place your safety can also be in danger, you hear the rustling of foliage behind you and there is a brown bear. The classic video about nature begins to sneer again in your mind, "when you meet a brown bear lying on the ground and don't move", you do exactly as the advice in the video, and your life is saved, the bear continues its journey.

Then, you see apples tree whose fruit is ripe, You've never tasted fruit this good, the price of this apple can reach thousands of $1000 in the human part of the world, you also pick some fruit. 

It's getting dark, and you see a star-studded sky, in your city, light pollution prevents you from looking at a scene like this. Now, you can only be amazed. But the star's view was interrupted by a plume of smoke.  

"Something's on fire" you think in your heart 

You run towards where it came from and your heart almost comes out of the way because you see what's in front. Light, then all of a sudden your phone starts vibrating, and it's connected to an unknown wi-fi network. 

"what is this" you think 

You approach and you hear the sound of people playing music, you hide behind bushes, and you see a group of people circling a campfire. The music comes from a speaker. They're like an indigenous tribe that just came out of the woods and found the benefits of civilization. 

Then, you're reminded that some remote tribes that live far from the big city don't leave their homes when the planet is in for two, they don't feel like they have to move because they never damage the environment. And now, these little tribes live in empty cities. but how can mega turn on electricity and internet? They need large numbers of workers to sustain both,  

"There's something strange here" you think  

But before you can think of a single theory to explain this strange scene, the bright lights of a building are beaming at you, and the alarm starts to sound. You get caught and people in campfires rush towards you, they yell something in a language you don't understand and drag you somewhere. You try to free yourself, but they're too strong, this group takes you up the skyscraper, and leaves you alone in an empty room.

There's a computer in the middle of that room, then, it lights up and surprises you, a friendly voice introducing it as artificial intelligence (A.I), that voice says that humans created it centuries ago to make their lives easier. However, A.I. began studying humans, and at some point they realized humans were the greatest threat to the earth. A.I. doesn't annihilate humans like in movies. But it was A.I. who decided to build the wall and this plan worked. Thanks to the separation wall nature began to recover. 

That voice offers you a choice. 

You can go back to your old city which is crowded and dirty but there are flying cars and the ease of the modern world or you can start a new life here, in a clean and beautiful but wild paradise. 

What's your choice?