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RE: Do we understand Steem's fungibility?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

How much really has @lyndsaybowes invested in Steemit? From their own cash to SP? How much has @hendrix22, her partner in crime, invested his own "slave" money into Steemit? They act as if they are the rulers of Steemit! They are the Mr & Mrs Jekyll & Hyde of Steemit. By day, they have a front of charitable contributions and postings...but at night, they devour others.

And yet, these two were the ones who shreaked the most, memed the most and spam'd against me the most. The methods used by @lyndsaybowes and @hendrix22 were so dirty! All the while, their circle jerking activities were the most efficient! They haven't changed. They cajoled and stoked, just as they do now, others with SP to do what they couldn't...downvote on their behalf. I have only pitty for @fulltimegeek for having fallen under the wench's spell...he took a large bite out of her shiny red apple!

There are so many who left Steemit because of these two's incessant memes, spam commenting and downvotes on my innocent commenters...where are they now? Because they found these trolls too much, they insisted to leave Steemit and go private with me. Their cumulative powerdown was likely to the tune of over $1 Mil SP. So, these two accounts; @lyndsaybowes and @hendrix22 with barely $10k in SP between them; suffered so many to leave Steemit.

At the end of the day, investors....paying investors make or brake Steemit. AND, if you bought your SP, then you have the RIGHT to vote HOWEVER you want with them. Can I or anyone be changed by being trolled? In a word: NO!

However, the likes of @kabir88 who retaliates with highly focused intention to hurt, defame and libel me and my colleagues; has made posts cointaining fabricated evidence of criminal conduct against my innocent analyst colleague. This type shouldn't exist on Steemit....why? He drives investors away. It's amazing how @fulltimegeek upvotes such a post! Although, I'm not at all surprised at Lyndsaybowes upvoting such deviant posting.


Seems like @Fulltimedick doesn't like what I just wrote! I must have hit a sensitive note called the TRUTH!!

Look at ALL his bots out in force to downvote!

@vimukthi thanks for resteeming this post.

It's exactly what I've been feeling for a while. I've been powering down and cashing out probably 1000-2000 since I came to realize I don't have that much confidence in the management of this chain.

The socialist attitude and hate for investors and advertisers is one of the biggest things.

The fact that the rules of the chain can change very easily through company and witness influence is scary to me. That and the high level of SBD printing which is set to increase at the next hardfork.

I'm sympathetic to the cause steem was created for and think it's an amazing prototype, still using it daily. But without confidence in governance I'm not willing to keep a large % of my crypto locked up in it.

I've moved a lot into BAT because I think they're trying to solve the same problem as STEEM but allow creators to host on any website. It also takes into account advertisers, welcomes both advertising and investment.

Like this article says steem does not feel welcoming to large advertisers or investors. So I may keep posting but won't leave a lot invested here.

After the flag i got from another well known steemian ill still be stupid and try to reply to this.

There exists a divide between powerful people here and those not as powerful. A divide best seen through engagement between classes.

I dont know you Haejin, not in the least bit. You could the best person in the world or the absolute worst one. There is no way for me to tell.
You do your own thing and we all do our own thing. But its not hard to see, and you are also aware of this yourself that your engagement with the community as a important stake holder on the blockchain is really not high.
What happens is that the community seeing someone powerful as you not conforming to their sense of community contribution will revolt.
Its not that you arent allowed to do what you do.. Its that people seem to dislike what you do because they dont tend to acknowledge you as a part of the community. Im just telling you what i see.
Now i know trolling you or flagging you isnt really helping anyone. All those flags could go to a better cause but i hope that you realize that by shifting your focus more towards the community will eventually lower all the revolt you have to deal with and the flags will go away i promise you.
To hell with whoever, geeks or whatnot, they are a megaphone for those without a voice. There are always people that will stand behind anyone that does more for others then they are expected to. Try to get the attention of those and ignore the loud ones..
I really think that will change a lot of things for you and everyone.

Anyways.. Hope you wont flag me... Lost enough payout for annoying Bernie this week.


I think it is disingenuous of you to place all of the blame of this flag war on Lyndsay and Hendrix. If you look objectively at your own actions, you will find that you are entitled to at least half of the blame for all of the negative results from this. How many accounts have you wrecked because of this? How many systematic downvotes? When is the last time Lyndsay or Hendrix spammed a meme on your posts? Can we at least make an effort to move forward?

ANY holders of SP have a right to VOTE however they want. This includes the right to downvote posts based on disagreement with rewards. While the value of the vote may differ according to SP, the value the voice does not. Have you ever given any thought as to how someone with 5 one thousandths (.005) of your SP can serve as your arch nemesis? Lyndsay is no more evil than you are, but she is every bit as passionate and more so. She has not been unreasonable, even going so far as to offer to pay for the downvotes you received if you would use your SP in ways to further the blockchain. That doesn't seem like evil to me.

At the end of the day, the perceived long-term viability of the currency will make or break Steem. The actions you perpetrate here damage that perception to a large degree. To use a quote I heard somewhere, "Bears make money, bulls make money, but pigs get slaughtered." How do you think investors see your feeding frenzy in relation to the long-term viability of Steem?