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RE: Downvote Pool Deep Dive

in #steem6 years ago

So it's OK for those who have the most money to reward you by allocating reward shares to your countent and NOT OK to say that it should be less rewarded?

MIRA is already here.

Press releases are not done by blockchain developers so it shouldn't interfere :-)

Steem is censorship resistant. Allocating rewards has nothing to do with censorship.
(with except of some UI solution on some Steem frontends, but again - frontends)


You obviously were not around for the flag wars. You apparently do not know about @Hajin, @Bernesanders or @Grumpycat. You don't know about @LyndsayBowes or @fulltimegeek. Clearly no one cares if a whale gives a large upvote. But YES the story is different when a single individual can take away the votes of hundreds of people with a single click. Wake the fuck up moron.

Posted using Partiko Android

single individual can take away the votes of hundreds of people with a single click

It doesn't affect those votes.
Those votes are still there.
It affects reward shares that might or might not be allocated to a given content.
Upvotes are rewarded by curation rewards regardless whether they are "good" or "bad". Downvotes are not rewarded regardless whether they are "good" or "bad". It's unfair but it doesn't going to change. The difference is that we are going to remove (to a small extent) a part of costs to downvotes, so anti-abuse could work without additional cost attached.

What exactly are you trying to achieve by calling me "moron"?

Steem =/= Steemit
And how's that have anything to do with downvotes?

Steemit is the number one portal to Steem. How many witness nodes in the top 19 are under the control of the same developers who work for Steemit, or very close to them? Hmm?

What's your point? That steem is steemit? Or that steem is censored? Because it's irrelevant how popular steemit is or how many witnesses work for, top or not, none of that means that steem is steemit, even remotely. Steemit is an interface, nothing more. Steem is what steemit interfaces with. MS Windows is not a computer. Stop the nonsense. You don't have an argument, only nonsensical questions implying some connection that will never manifest or make one into the other. The same for censorship, curation is not censorship.

Posted using Partiko Android

Even Facebook removed their thumbs down.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't care about Facebook's thumbs or any other finger. Clicking thumbs there rewards Mark Z. & Co. regardless whether it is up or down. It doesn't allocate parts of rewards pool that are partially yours.

But they still censor. Steem doesn't and never did. You're so lost in the sauce you think that curation is censorship and try to use the most censorship ridden place to have ever existed, as a benchmark for what Steem should do. Get the fuck out of here with your quackery, I think it was you that tried to reason that because murder still happens laws dont work because they are supposedly there to prevent murder, ergo punishment is the least effective way to modify behavior. Quack, no, punishment is the most effective way to modify negative behavior, and once again laws are there as punishment, not as prevention, two entirely different things. The white paper spells it clearly and reasons it impeccably that prevention is not the goal.

Posted using Partiko Android

I call you a moron because you can't see something that is clearly in front of you. Have I abused the system by initiating this conversation? Who is downvoting all the comments on this very thread??? not me! Explain why THIS got downvoted:

Nobody needs to explain why they upvote, no one needs to explain why they downvote. Curation/sorting items in a listed order is not censorship because some items are awarded the very last rung of the list. Who cares that steemit censored some slime bags, good on them. They run the servers, they decide what is in clear violation of their terms and what isn't. When you write your own terms and conditions you do not answer to anyone, and they certainly do not answer to you.

Posted using Partiko Android

The only moron here is the one who thinks curation is censorship.

Posted using Partiko Android

Boy I sure got your goat. And your number.

Posted using Partiko Android

Says the person who doesn't believe in punishment and still calls people morons, not even talking about that the benchmark for what a free speech imbued platform is set by the most censorship plagued "platform", in air quotes because they act much more like a publisher than anything else.

Posted using Partiko Android

Go get your vision checked before you go around calling people on their vision.

Posted using Partiko Android

doesn't believe in punishment

calls people morons.


Posted using Partiko Android

calling you a moron isn't supposed to accomplish anything, I don't believe in scorn or any form of punishment, so I called you a moron for no real reason what so ever

Posted using Partiko Android