‘AfrikaBurn’ Is a Magical Festival of Fire in the Desert with a bunch of Amazingly creative people, practicing Radical Self - Expression !

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


This Article is my first ive ever written as I am actually a photographer but i would like to earn some steem so that I can buy a video camera to start filming documentaries that I can share on the site, They shall be on how to heal the world so here goes ! at least I think i am a good photographer and I hope the images convey the experience more than the story ☺
So Africa Burn is
an official Burning Man regional event that has been held annually in the Tankwa Karoo in South Africa since 2007.
It is centred on the construction of Amazing elaborate temporary artworks ,built by volunteers in this harsh semi-desert environment, most of which are burnt during and towards the end of the event.
Attendees wear elaborate costumes and create decorated art cars and Mutant Vehicles.

“Africa Burn” Creative Projects was created in 2007 as a Not-For-Profit Company, with the intention that it would serve as a vehicle for the creation and co-ordination of an independent South African Burning Man regional event.
With all events to date held on a private farm called Stonehenge, which is adjacent to the Tankwa Karoo National Park. The farm is very isolated baron and without trees or water,an unforgiving environment with dust storms ,rain showers ,high winds but surrounded by a mesmerising beautiful backdrop that creates a stage for this magical performance that plays out for one week of the year ,
In 2010 the dates of the annual event were moved to earlier in the year, as autumn weather was scorching hot and spring was found to be better suited to the event,
It is currently possible for a public holiday (or in some years two public holidays) to be included within the week during which the event runs from 23-30 April ,

It also means that it is not so close to Burning Man, to allow for more international participants.
This Year there were over 13 000 participants from all over the world that ravelled in the Magic of the event.
The theme for any Africa Burn is intended as a point of possible connection, or inspiration. The theme is not enforced, and art or performance is not necessarily in line with the theme. This years theme was ‘Play’
As a regional Burning Man event, Africa Burn adheres to the ten principles of Burning Man and added another in 2014. Among these guiding principles are the Leave No Trace philosophy, self-expression, self-reliance, and communal effort. The 11th principle, 'Each One Teach One', was added to encourage the sharing of knowledge throughout the community, in order to ensure the uptake of culture matches the growth in numbers. Theme camps are one of the key components of the vibrant regional Burning Man.
Theme camps are established by participants to enhance the experience for all participants and they are situated along the border a semi circle of approximately 800m across facing the open space that the artworks are built and burnt, behind the Theme Camps are the camping arias with roads demarcating quiet and loud aria’s,
Loud music emanates from Colourful elaborate Theme Camps until the early hours of the morning or often all night through till dawn,
There are numerous Mutant Vehicles ,Like the Spirit Train that transports party goers around the desert while blasting out Rocking Techno or Trance beats to make the dessert Thump, There is nothing for sale or to buy and money has no value ,there is no exchange but only a Gifting Philosophy, the idea is to bring something to share with your fellow man ,”Ubuntu “term meaning "humanity". It is often also translated as "humanity towards others", but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity, In Southern Africa, it has come to be used as a term for a kind of humanist philosophy, ethic, or ideology, also known as Ubuntuism.
"MOOP", or Matter Out Of Place, is the term for litter. Reducing and removing MOOP is part of the Leave No Trace philosophy.Everything that the 13 000 + people bring into the desert as well as all reminisces of burnt artworks are removed to leave the desert exactly as it was found by the end of the festival,as if no one was ever there,
San Clan
By analogy to the Man at Burning Man, the main sculpture at the event is called the San Clan. It is designed to look like a San rock art glyph of a group of people. The intention is to convey the idea of unity and community at the event. Like some sculptures at the event, it is burnt. The burn used to take place on the Saturday night, but is now scheduled for Friday nights in order to accommodate weather delays and provide participants from far afield with more time to return home from the event.
I have been very privileged to have attended every one of the 11 Burning man festivals from the first one in 2007 when there were only around 800 friends together making it happen, It grew from a visit of a few friend to Burning man in the Arizona Desert and feeling that we in South Africa needed our own Burn, The company's founding Members were Richard Bowsher, Paul Jorgensen, Monique Schiess, Mike 't Sas-Rolfes, Liane Visser and Robert Weinek.
Many of them were associated in the film industry and with all the wood that came from the film sets and their friends in the set building circles they had access to scrap wood that they could build the first Artworks with and with that started the first Africa Burn, The location of the burn is the Tankwa Karoo National Park, a Scientific National Park in South Africa.
The park lies about 70 km due west of Sutherland near the border of the Northern Cape and Western Cape, in one of the most arid regions of South Africa, with areas receiving less than 100 mm of average annual precipitation, In the hottest areas of the park, the mean maximum temperature in January is 38.9 °C, and in July the mean minimum temperature ranges from about 5 to 7 °C. The Tankwa Karoo has a allot of mysteries and untold stories , It has been said that some of the last bushman people left the area only 25 years ago. Many of this proofs to be in the San rock art drawings and engravings that can be found in caves and rock formations in the area and some dating back thousands of years, while others only a 100 years.

This is a Magical life changing event and I highly recommend the experience and the wonderful people that one meats and the life long friends you make,
The one thing that I have always been amazed at is the lack of any theft , aggression or unruliness amongst anyone in a group of 13000 people and all they feels is LOVE ,HAPPINESS , ANARCHY ,JOY ,GRATITUDE ! :) XXX
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hey G. great shots man. the Tree as it was lit up...stunning. and the spiral/shell/turd framework pic with the starter fire in view....amazing. Well done on getting your ass there

thank you minimalmystic for you comments :) ill post some of the photos of the other 10 years i have gone if you would like to see the photos :)

I definitely want to checkout this! Looks like a tighter knit community compared to Burning Man. Great shots graliamabbott. Hopefully you get that video camera and start shooting some films soon! Good luck.

Thank you so much for your replay and ill be posting more stories soon ,i now just need to know how to get my post seen ,if you can help share it would be very much appreciated ,Regards and all the best ,

not sure what the BM scene is other than we read/hear about. I think the fact that there are still basic human rights being fought for by many people, the lens that everything we do in this country has a different texture. if anything Afrika Burns highlights the contrasts . That being said, there is beauty in everything, and the power of the ceremony and the sheer force of the fire is self evident. Let us know if you're gonna drop into AfrikaBurn

welcome :) those are really awesome pictures ;) upvoted and followed!

Thanks so much so much appreciated ,ill post more images soon and please up vote Thank You :) Graham

can you give more infos about the festival, ? please

Good morning Hanjo thank you for your replay ,here is there official website with lots more info http://www.afrikaburn.com/ i hope that give you all the info you may need ,
Regards Graham ,i shall post more more photos from previous years ive been there if you like ,
please vote and follow

Welcome to Steemit Graham! Great to have you here. You have included some great photos and the event looks really interesting.

Just to follow up on a comment you made in another post with some suggestions.

  • If you do an Introduction post with the first tag introduceyourself and with content that gives the community some insight into you, maybe with a picture that captures your personality you will get off to a good start. Let me know and I'll resteem it.
  • This post is great with some interesting detail. You may make more and get noticed more if you spread the photos out over several posts and include some captions or comment to describe what we are seeing.

Amazing! Save some stuff for later posts, you can divide them into parts ;)

Dear Graham, I think that these shots are really good(considering that you want to invest in buying better camera). Some of them are amazing! Also, as you are new here, I would want to suggest to you to make shorter album of photos, as you would spend bunch of great quality photos in one post, whereas you could make 3 posts instead.
For some tips about camera, you can read my recent post https://steemit.com/lifestyle/@alexcote/the-best-beginner-s-travel-camera-great-for-steemit-users
Hope I helped you and gave you honest review, as you wanted :)
Best of luck!

Thank You Alex for the suggestion to make the Albums smaller ,i has thousand of images and can upload each of the last 10 years of Africa Burn images in albums if anyone is interested , yes id like to start filming and posting videos to as i think that The internet if the future TV and people want to have real true content rather than Fake news ! ill have a look at your link ,ive been to a camera shop and found out about a Canon AX 10 ITS $1500 so thats what i am aiming for ,wish me luck with my posts and lets see if i can steem it up to that amount soon :)

Here's a penny for your video cam, Graham...awesome shots!

Thanks for the penny,every penny helps :) penny for your thought he he :)

Wow so many cool things and people to take photos of, looks like it would be lots of fun!

The scale of the event really becomes apparent once you see the images. The fire makes some nice shots to.