Try this Steem Dollar/Steem Ticker & Conversion Tool!
Would you like to learn about an easy way to see the conversion equivalent of Steem Dollars into Steem, US Dollars and Bitcoin because this might just be what you need?
This is going to be a short post today, but I believe you will find value in the tool I am going to show you. It is a website that I have been using for a long time and this will be useful for you if you want to see what your Steem or Steem Dollars are worth, and if you need to see numbers before making a transaction.
Try this Steem Dollar/Steem Ticker & Conversion Tool!
The website is SteemDollar located at and it was created by @mauricemikkers.
When you go to that website it will show you an accurate Steem Dollar ticker and conversion.
You can for example enter "10" in the Steem Dollar field, and you will see how much 10 SBD is in Steem, USD and BTC.
The second page will show you a Steem ticker and conversion.
If you enter "10" in the Steem field, you will see how much it is in USD and BTC.
The third page is interesting and useful when you are looking at delegating Steem Power because it's difficult to calculate how much Vests is a certain amount of Steem.
You can convert Steem into Vests, and Vests into Steem.
The fourth page shows you the best Steem Dollar price for Bittrex and Poloniex.
The last page shows you the best Steem price for Bittrex and Poloniex.
I hope that this post is useful for you.
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Michel Gerard
Kind of surprise this is not built into steemit already. Nice work explaining the website though. Thanks.
Thank you very much for your comment @mawit07.
Michel thank you for writing a post that quickly shares a tool I have found very helpful and never taken the time to focus on in one post!
I know right, someone like me trying to figure out the value of 10 versus .010 or .001, that helped a lot at least explain the monetary value of what one was contemplating doing.
I am glad @sunlit7 this is useful for you.
Thank you very much @jerrybanfield for the resteem. Before writing the post I was not sure if this was going to be useful because I thought everyone knew about this tool.
I am glad @sunlit7 this is useful for you.
I have used it quite often and found it very usefull..
Thank you @steemflow for confirming it's useful.
Yes exactly! Thats what we need :) Looks like a nice website and a better service than others I tried before. Thank you for sharing this, keep it up!
Thank you @hanen for your nice comment. I'm glad it is useful for you.
nice post bro. bro i don't knows the purpose of vest. can you please explain .
how we earn it ?
Thank you for asking @imran-aslam. Vests are like stocks or shares in a company. When you power-up your Steem it becomes Vesting shares that you can't withdraw immediately. There is a number of vests that you get for your Steem Power and you have to power down to withdraw your investment.

Nice bro thanks for giving valuable information.
Very useful information. I will check it out
Thank you @emma001 for your comment. I'm glad it is useful.
THanks for the info. I keep a list of tools/sites that come in handy. This made my illustrious list! I don't understand "vests" though. If you have a moment I'd appreciate a definition. Blessings.
Thank you for asking @mistermercury. Vests are like stocks or shares in a company. When you power-up your Steem it becomes Vesting shares that you can't withdraw immediately. There is a number of vests that you get for your Steem Power and you have to power down to withdraw your investment.

I have been blind since the day I got on here and now I can SEE!.....I can understand it a lot better, maybe not perfectly but I was afraid to even do anything with my wallet because I feared doing the wrong thing, now I can play around and see how doing one thing effects the others...or at least be brave enough to wade in ankle deep.
@sunlit7, thank you for your comment, and I am glad you now can see!
It looks like a useful tool. Will check this out.
Thanks for that.
Thank you for your comment @modernpastor. I am glad this is useful for you.
Absolutely my friend :)
Thanks for that.
HI Michel,
Thank you for posting this tool. I was wondering how to convert these numbers from steem to dollars , etc.
I am glad that this is useful for you @carolynseymour. Thank you for commenting.