Please Steem go UP !

in #steem6 years ago

Steem Price is not so good like we see


What do you think ? This Price will go UP ?
Or maybe you invest or something another ?


Steem is good it has plenty of usages buy now when it's low so you can sell when it gets high

The question is:
Is Steem will go higher ?

Steem is in high demand because of it's usage so sheer volume of buys will drive the price higher, right now it is assumed that people who don't use Steem are dumping it to buy bitcoin after the bull run since Steem is still being sought for the price will go up

Maybe you have right

I have Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethet and Steem. Three of them went up in the last quarter. Only Steem stayed put. It doesn't look good.

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