in #steem8 years ago


What a Bloodbath last Night, but compared to others
Steem only lost 17%, my NEO's are down by 40% :(

Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-04 um 08.06.58.png
Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-04 um 08.07.20.png
Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-04 um 08.07.42.png


Thanks for this daily dose.
The currency is moving around and tether is one way they hid it.
Steemit is holding on to $1.12, okay.
Keep on steemit.

The creation of Tether is scary. Until that's audited and they can validate there is actually USD backing I have little trust in it.

I heard that China has banned fundraising through ICO now and that explains why NEO has been getting absolutely butchered recently. I guess that was the biggest problem as the Chinese government could shut their whole operation down and making ICOs illegal is the biggest hit to the organisation.

It would also explain why so much money has been taken out of the market, probably by all these huge Asian investors that fueled the rise of Bitcoin and Neo as of recently.

I guess we are going to have a bear market for a couple of days @elyaque. Crazy to see that the rewards pool is at +0

Very interesting to refresh the coinmarketcap site every few minutes! I wish I had more cash to buy all those coins on sale right now! Thanks for the recap arckrai.

Why do you believe we will have a bear market for a couple of days? What do you base your time assumption on?


I need to by more too @ronni, and I am really loving all these sales!

" wish I had more cash to buy all those coins on sale right now!" Exactly my thoughts xD

Rewards Pool is at 0 because steemd.com is offline and I can't check the data :)

Total Reward Fund: 695,158 STEEM (Worth: $948,891 internally; $783,520 on Bittrex)

2017 was a bad year in crypto. But I guess we will see a bull market to take us to cristmas.. just hold

buying opportunity^^

Another great opportunity to buy steem

well price isn t doing that good , but thats secondary , I m really happy to see that many new Accounts !

Yeah, WTH??? That was kind of ouchie, but just sitting tight with a cup of joe and enjoying life.....it's all extra money to me anyways, but OMG!!!!!!

The volatility of these coins is insane! That's what makes it so much fun :)

Yep, time to buy and hodl!

Oho! What's the matter?