If ONE Hour per day of study can get you at the top of your field in 3years, where will it get you in the Blockchain?

in #steem8 years ago (edited)


I never did meet or know Earl Nightingale personally; I never even got to read his works while he was alive or did I get the chance to hear people talk about his work so lovingly. But with this quote, I just think there is so much to learn.
I do not see many people doing much per day in terms of studying. There is a shortage of that need to want to continually give oneself to the higher calling. Reading and studying are two different things and though many may tell you they are one and the same, they are not and they are wrong.

The truth is I probably may not have given the idea of reading so much a chance given that I was knowledge/educationally deprived. Knowledge deprived in the sense that although I wasn’t a dull child, I had difficulties coping with school work, first it was Arithmetic, then Mathematics and then it practically became the whole school work and that was no fun knowing that I used to be the Mack way back then.
Why did I get to that place in my life where school became a bore? The answer = that moment when going to school became impossible because there was no money and nobody to get me that uniformed education. I never stopped studying. I studied every other stuff except for school itself.

I really cannot tell or talk much on the reason why I drifted from being the smartest to the lowest but I can tell you that somewhere up the road I drifted the other way, I stopped reading and the fascination to living like the rest of “them” was too much of a challenge for me to win.
During this period, I had to work for everything that ordinarily should have come easy. It took me 15 years to get my first degree after secondary education and sometimes during those periods, I wished I never drifted, I wished my parents had money to send me to school to get a uniformed education.

One hour per day of study…..

Paying through school when I had to cater for my family was work and oh, how I wished I had some help. After those years I had to go back into those years of dogged dream, determination and drive. If only I had the direction then I probably would have got it right.
These days emphasis is not placed on the quest of understandable knowledge and need for a more comprehensive placement in life as it will affect the future of the greats. Some people who are meant to make the mark on the scheme of things are not really doing enough to get there and those that are there are not really being showed the way and those that are showed the way are just too lazy to walk it.

One hour per day of study……

Calculating the number of wasted years pursuing the things that I should have gotten for free sometimes makes me long for someone to blame.
Who is to say that there is no need to blame anyone?
Who is to say that there is no need to regret the events of the past?
Who is more qualified to cast blames and make someone pay for the pains they have had to go through all their life?
Isn’t it human nature to make people feel they have not done enough for you?

Or will the essence of human nature be neglected because one has to always take responsibility for their actions? When a man fails he owes it to himself because it will be assumed that he did not do well or did not plan well, but when he does succeed the world expects him to acknowledge the contributions of some persons.
But then who do you really have to blame for your inability to be who you should be? Must you be the one that blames the world because they failed in their bid to make a living or be someone of importance?

One hour per day of study……

What will you study for your one hour that is made available for study?
Will you read your books?
Will you study your environment?
Will you study the people who have gone ahead of you?
Will you learn to study for the purpose of just studying?

A guy who I was fortunate to meet while on the field of work told me of how he had to spend years studying to be a doctor only for him to come out with his certificate to discover that he hated the sight of blood. When I asked him what it was he really wanted to do or knew how to do, he said he loved helping people and that had he known he would never be a doctor he wouldn’t have allowed his parents see him through those years in school and spending that insane amount of monies on him.

After that encounter, I was so grateful to God for the way my life has been. I mean, I probably would have studied to be a Mechanical Engineer as I had always dreamt of being as a little boy.
My parents would have paid so much money and spent so much time on me to actualize that dream had they the funds and believe me, I would have like that guy, blamed them for making me read for them and become unfulfilled.

One hour per day of study should be a study you really are excited about and not that of the people you think you should make proud, not for your parents and not for the economic situation.
It should be for the purpose of giving you an edge in life because if you study that much every day for seven years, you will be the best in your field and that means you will be able to contribute to the growth and development of your world.

If you are pressured to study because they feel you have to be a particular person instead of a “particular you” then it will make no sense and you will find yourself looking to blame someone for your lose and as the world will demand from you, take responsibilities for your actions and credit someone for your success.

Ask yourself this one important question, If i give 1 hour per day of my life to Steemit, how long before I am on top of the Blockchain?

Make the world a better place for someone today!


Very nice post and interesting, I am very interested in this post and happy to see it, hopefully you succeed, thanks for sharing in information....

Thank you for stopping by and I am glad you enjoyed it.

From the heart. I like it. It takes some effort to give of yourself. Thank you.

Thank you for reading too.

Very inspiring. Thank you. As quickly as things change right now, I believe someone can become an expert in a short period of time. Study hard and learn well...there's room at the top.

Thank you. Studying hard and learning well has proved to be a keeper especially for those who didn't get a chance at an "ivy" league education. Thank goodness, the Blockchain is here to accelerate growth and relevance.

Good meaningful post, thank u for sharing ur personal experience with us , at a young age I think many dreams we have that when we grow bigger we just realize it's not the option for us . Taking time and effort on something that will make u happy and be the best on it is truly amazing , I love the lessons one can benefit from another , and I'm most grateful for this platform because of this reason , that users are posting their life experiences and not others . Which is what created the passion in another. :-)

Thank you for reading, I am glad you liked the story.
