Why become a Dtuber ?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Why become a DTuber ?

Everything you always wanted to know about DTube (but were afraid to ask)

Dear Steemians,

Why should you become a DTuber?

Since a video is worth a thousand words, here is why our community strongly believe in DTube :

Thanks to @ashtv for explaining DTube in plain language

How does this resonate with you?

  • Respect privacy : I don't want my data producing value for tech leaders any longer
  • Give choice and awareness: I don't want my choices to be influenced by hidden algorithms
  • Foster human empowerment: I believe community moderation is better than automated algorithms
  • Promote transparency: I want to see clearly how value will be distributed
  • Believe in decentralization: I feel like decentralization brings both user protection and cooperation, at the heart of the Internet (at least in its founder's minds)

If you abund to either of these 5 claims, then DTube could represent a great alternative to traditional social media for you

Creators: DTube, another revenue stream implemented in 2"

Did you know you can share a video link from almost any existing online platform (YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Instagram, LiveLeak, Vimeo, Dailymotion) and do livestreams too?

What impact does this mean for a creator?
So as a creator you can dually post your content within seconds.
You will be able to gain both DTC (currently in testnet) & STEEM (tradable in FIAT) on a new channel really easily.
NB: uploading via IPFS (decentralized file storage protocol) still works : you make the choice.

Many centralized video platforms offer monetization via advertising services. As DTube is now compatible with these platforms, it indirectly enables our users to monetize their videos with ads and add views to their accounts.
So creators could be cross-rewarded on both platforms, in FIAT, STEEM and DTC.

Plus you can can potentially benefit from @dtube power vote if you produce original content.

Play the curation game and be rewarded in STEEM and DTC

We believe in sharing value between all stakeholders, whether they create content, curate (e.g. seek & share) specific content, promote it or just watch videos.

Any user can gain DTC by posting, voting and commenting videos but now also by tagging.


A glimpse of the future

We believe we can convince users to support social projects, turning passive viewers into positive social contributors.

Winds of change are starting to blow. The trend towards decentralisation is accelerating
As the Chinese proverb says: “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.”

Will you now join the over 7,500 Steemians that have already claimed their accounts their DTube Chain account?

Join the DTube Coin airdrop party!

Create your DTube account in 2 clicks by claiming your Steem username to become eligible for the upcoming DTC airdrop.

Just follow a few easy steps:

  • Watch the explanatory video: here
  • Read the how-to article: here

Contribute to building DTube!

By following DTube on different channel, you add value to the upcoming DTC you have earned.
Medium (new)

Visit D.Tube


have not tried dtc coin or DTube ever , but saw many of my friends are joining hands together with DTUbe may be they are paying good money i hope so i can also earn some Dtc token here .
dtube has own platform where they pay DTC token total blockchain based . i think it will beat youtube if many people start joining Dtc and blockchain will start development generating revenue from ads income like adsense.
i have spent most of my time in youtube monetized special . so then i joined this service is best i think blockchain will beat big video uploading websites and markets.

I will join the train soon.
I'm try to get good sound and other tools for my video though I intend posting about my artwork, I will upload some graphics design tutorials I made from time to time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Muy interesante el tema, Dtube cuando consideran una gran alternativa con respecto a las redes tradicionales, especialmente monetizar, los vídeos, ademas, me llamo la atención, cuando indican que puedes recibir recompensas
cruzadas en ambas plataforma, puede ser en Fiat, Steem y Dtc

Gracias par su apoyo, muy amable.
Vamos a necesitar todo su apoyo para hacer crecer esta red, especialmente traduciendo la vision nuestra en castellano, dado que muchos usuarios no hablan inglés.

DTube team

Hi Nice platform for video but videos uploading I have problems this setting very hard. I have not understand to upload a videos

Posted using Partiko Android

I just love Dtube and 0.9 is awesome. Excited for 1.0

Bueno muchas personas de la comunidad hispana se sienten un poco olvidados, sobre todo por que muchos no saben cómo reclamar su cuenta dtube, voy a ver si hago el video para ellos.


Como saben (o no), todavia somos un equipo trabajando de manera voluntaria para DTube desde casi 2 anios.
Hemos enfocado en el inglés por ser el idioma que mas gente habla (o entiende). Pues claramente necesitamos a ustedes, la comunidad DTube hispanohablante, para ayudarnos hacer crecer el proyecto, ayudando a los usuarios reclamar su cuenta.

Si usted podria hacer una video al estilo de este, ayuando paso a paso a pedir su cuenta, seria de gran ayuda

DTube team

Done @hetmasteen, it is a complete screencast from beginning to end of the process.

Yes, I can do the screencast, right now it is day in Mexico and there is a lot of noise everywhere, I will wait a few hours for it to be night, so that the audio is better, but yes, in a few hours I will have it ready.

Love the updates! I've been on STEEM since 2017 and just posted my 1st vid today. Process was super easy

Posted using Partiko Android

If I uploaded a video can delete it at anytime?

Posted using Partiko Android

i have recently join Dtube platform.I DONT KNOW much more about Dtube.But i am hopeful that soon other creator love my video,upvote my video. I am trying to get a good community who can advice me,how to grow on Dtube platform.

"... indirectly enables our users to monetize their videos with ads..."

I could not more strongly recommend that you enable users to directly monetize their videos with ads. I have said before, that the adpocalypse is providing strong motivation for folks to seek such opportunities, since Youtube is demonetizing their content. Were it monetized here, while linked to from there, their audiences would be able to provide them income, while marketing Dtube to all.
