[ Mission: Agua-Possible ] More than 500 days without running water? Let's help a thirsty Venezuelan family!

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

This is DRutter, bringing you the 71st weekly post for Mission: Agua-Possible! It updates our progress toward the goal of 1300 USD (in STEEM) for a well pump to bring water to the family farm of @EdgarGonzalez.


Severe economic and political crisis over the past few years in the South American country of Venezuela have intensified in 2019, as president Maduro doubled down on his currency manipulation, price-fixing, propaganda, and suppressing resistance. You've heard about the country's recent turmoil, but the world's media isn't showing us even half the reality!

I began to see more and more Steem users from Venezuela, I started to hear their interesting stories - and ask questions. I discovered some dark truths about the economic and political situation there. Most shops are empty, the currency is collapsing, people are hungry - the economy is at a standstill. Theft, corruption, and violence escalate as society breaks down. Those who can are fleeing on foot - 8 million already. The harsh socialist government attempts to control/fix the economy, and blames problems on the people. Most government services (like running water) work only in certain areas - or not at all.

The people are desperate for any change and protests sometimes fill the streets for miles. Maduro announced that Venezuela will no longer accept US Dollars for oil exports, then tried to get his country's gold back from Bank of England, who refused. The Russian military has become involved, supporting Maduro. The Americans back a man called Guaidó, who also has little public support. Electrical and internet blackouts happen regularly. Stability for the people appears out of reach.


In mid-2018 I found @edgargonzalez, the blog of Edgar, a Venezuelan man about my age. He's a father of young children, and a professional whose job disappeared because of the crisis. He feeds his family by fishing, harvesting fruits, and growing cassava on his late-father's plantation. He uses the Steem blockchain to share his stories and earn cryptocurrency to buy food. Shortly after I met Edgar, a power outage caused a failure of the pump used to bring water up to the farm. A repairman confirmed the pump is beyond fixing. Edgar had been using his well to water his crops, and to provide drinking water to his children and nearby families. Without a pump to bring water up from the aquifer, his harvests are reduced - and the neighborhood must forage for water elsewhere.

( Edgar photographed some people on the street this week, who were searching through garbage for scraps of food. )

Without government water services, and now without water from his well, Edgar and a few other families are in a tough situation. I wondered what a poor Canadian man could do to help. After using the Steem blockchain to learn about the problems, I realized that it could also be the SOLUTION!

That's when I first began Mission Agua-possible! (The first post was here. I published a special video edition in week 43 here.) Once we gather 1300 USD worth of Steem, I'll transfer it to Edgar, to be converted to cash to buy the pump.

Water is life! Getting this pump for the farm as soon as possible is vital.

Price returns to reality

The price of STEEM retreated from the high near 20 cents last week, to about 15 cents now, meaning we lost 1/4 of our progress, which is measured in USD.

It turned out to be a quiet week for donations, but we racked up a few STEEM through generous upvotes from @xpilar, @reflektor, @hingsten, @bippe, @newhope, @aicu, @streetstyle, @merlin7, and others.

The result was a retracement from our recent surge in progress, but that's expected to return to moving in the right direction soon. We're still much further ahead than we were a month or two ago.

Will you make the water flow, with us?

Much appreciation to those who upvoted last week:

Week 71

week 70 funds: 3016.674 Steem

new funds:

  • week 70 post payout = 10.811 STEEM and 10.811 STEEM POWER = 21.622 Steem
  • 1.0 STEEM direct donation from me
  • you can send me Steem directly and your donation will be noted here

Total funds: 3039.296 Steem

x 0.156 USD/Steem = $474.13 USD (of $1300)

Current progress: 36.4%

We're down from 42% last week to the mid 30s this week, but that's still a lot higher than we were in December, which was the 20s! If the STEEM price doesn't fall much more, or we get a surge of donations, we'll keep moving up. Besides, we're still more than 1/3 of the way. We've shown our goal is possible, and now we're going to pursue it.

Much appreciation to everyone involved. You're directly making a difference for a family that could really use the help! They've been without running water more than 500 days now, and the crisis in their country shows no sign of ending. Let's get this done for them!

Upvoting this post is MUCH appreciated! 100% goes to the project.

Mission Agua-Possible will help many people, and inspire other great projects. It's a group success story, playing out on the Steem blockchain. Together, we're going to dramatically improve the lives of a whole neighborhood that really needs it!



A small step back much many steps forward since December is Great!! So glad to see that this has been a reactivating catalyst to your noble efforts @drutter


Thank you @Streetstyle! You, @Xpilar, @Reflektor, and a few others have become a turning point in the [MAP] story. With your help, we can even overcome a falling STEEM price... but maybe we won't have to! If cryptos do well in the next few weeks, progress will move above 50% and then focus will shift toward finding the correct pump, arranging the installer, preparing to convert currencies, and all that fun stuff! I look forward to seeing this through, and thank you & Streetlove again for all your help!!

Hi @drutter

i like what @streetstyle writes here


Yes, @streetstyle let's find something here.
do you have an idea behind it this

@xpilar I don't really have any special idea/s right now....maybe after #spudx we can re-assess where the M.A.P. initiative is at and what it might need to help progress along until completion? I do believe that if we can continue supporting this project as we have been recently, then it should not be too long before we accomplish this great goal. @xpilar your support for #spud has been a huge boost to reaching this initiative's goal of bringing water to this family. Thank you for that.

I agree, thank you so much @Xpilar, and also you @Streetstyle!
Also, my appreciation to @kunschj, who has sent in a 10.0 STEEM direct donation this week. He has been a supporter since the very start! This project can only succeed with support, it would take decades for me to do it alone, so my gratitude goes out to everybody who has become involved!!

I'm happy to help in my own little way. This project has taken longer than I'm sure you intended but, along the way, more Steemians have become involved. When Edgar gets this pump, it will be a gift from a true community. However, I agree wholeheartedly with @streetstyle..."Let's finish this!"

So true about @kunschj doing his part.... and quietly too but we notice.... as well as Team @xpilar.... another true pillar of the Steem Community....

Thanks @steetstyle. I’m glad that I’m able help. I really want to see this project succeed.

no thank you @kunschj I am just making sure that others are made aware....maybe someone else will be inspired by your selfless acts and well you deserve praise for going above and beyond in helping those Steemians that are in need of community support. So a Big THANK YOU to you @kunschj take care.

thank you 🙂

yes, we find solutions to reach the goal 👍🙂

Yes, after SPUD we can look at some M.A.P. initiative

I know that if we all continue with the support of MAP, continue posting to make others aware, and the Steem Price helps out even just a little by going up, then we can get this done soon. I know time is important here so after #spud we can push MAP harder. I know the Steem community can do this.

Yes, I'm sure too @streetstyle

My pleasure @drutter and yes, hopefully the crypto-market winter completely thaws out and turns into the crypto-spring, catapulting the STEEM price higher. I would love to see this project completed and actually pumping water... that would be amazing.

Thanks to each and every one of the steemians who join this noble cause that my friend @drutter realizes, to achieve that pump that is needed more than ever since we enter next to the drought, and that is when tighter gets everything to get this vital liquid. I thank each of you for your support @streetstyle @kunschj @xpilar @girlsofgreen @pensiff with the favor of God I know this project will be accomplished and my little town will have water again.

Hi @edgargonzalez

We all want to help you get your water pump, the goal is now approaching

I hope there are ideas that will accelerate the issue: Agua-Possible
You are making a huge effort for the @drutter project
I have some thoughts, but it has to be considered
I will let you know about the plan when I see the math go up. :)

42% was a bit of an overshoot anyway, what matters is we settled at a place way higher than we've gotten to before. 36% is deeecent!


@Kunschj donated 250 Steem to the project, and I made a separate post about! https://steemit.com/crypto/@drutter/we-re-using-blockchain-to-make-positive-changes-in-our-world

Also, @Pennsif and @adollaraday sent in direct donations of SBD and Steem, which was converted to a total 132.178 Steem!

Thank you both SO much. These donations will be tallied into the data on Saturday's post! Thanks to everybody upvoting, donating, commenting, sharing, and supporting the project however you can.

Happy to help.

I was honoured to be upvote # 47! :-D

I was 52.... and resteemed it but not sure what number I was :P

I'm like 54, and will resteem tomorrow.
Hang in there, Edgar!

Hermoso proyecto; gracias por el apoyo para con mi país, que tiene millones de problemas y mucha gente necesitada.

Please transfer to me
pls I am new