I'm just a little bit proud ;) GO STEEM!!!!!!!!
I NEVER DO THIS. so please don't let me down!!! hahhahaa
Every second the divide grows bigger and bigger - lets not stop until its really OVER!
We are up already? That is so so nice!!! I have a few hours till my next vote,how I wish we can vote every hour. Lol!😀
Oh, and I love your Halloween costume,it looks really nice on you (your bitmoji?)
yep! we did it!!! but do NOT stop voting... PAC coin is too close to us
we need to push wayyyyyyyyyyy past them! :)
so we win win win!
Yes yes yes! We are gonna win win win!! Lol...
hahhahaha isn't that a cute pirate outfit??? now i get to be a pirate Captain again LOL
and yessssssssssss winnnnnnnnnnnning :)
Oh yeah! It is cute, Capt'n😀. Definitely living up to that name 😀
So I can vote again after 24 hours from the last one?

hehehehehe yep yep yep!!!! just scroll down to where you see Steem listed (ummmm #1 boo yahhhhhhhhh) hahahahaa and it will tell you how many hours until you can vote again :)
I've even Block traded a tranche of my Dogecoin and Powered up another 230 SP too! Look out world, because my Upvote is no longer a dust vote!
The countdown doesn't seem to be correct. I saw this at the top of the page:
I think it is correct... But they are removing invalid votes as it happens :)
My countdown is only for me....it's individual countdown for each person. Just once every 24 hours
Is that what you meant?
My countdown was only for about 3 hours, not 24.
hmmm that's odd? mine was 24 originally.
had you voted earlier?? LOL
I voted again and it was 24h this time!
Watch out, VERGE is catching up...
YES!!! Don't stop voting, we have to keep the pace now!!! 103 votes ahead ... we have to build a bigger gap now!!! Just don't stop voting ...
Verge is on our heels and it's close! Keep voting!!!!