district0x - Decentralized districts on the block chain

in #steem8 years ago

So guys today we have another interesting project for you. district0x (DNT) THey have an amazing thrust system that rewards participants.

The coin came into the market in the beginning of August.

If you check coinmarketcap you can see they are growing every day. The chart looks nice but beware for some pullback in the coming weeks.
If you like this coin longterm it doesn't matter if the prices drop. I believe this one could have a strong future.

So what is it? and why is this so interesting?

As you can see in the picture you will have the ability to create internet communicty's or as you will little economy's on the internet. You won't need another party to buy or sell. This is created that people inside a community can easily exchanges their goods or others for a cheaper price than first selling it to an intermediate party.
Create internet community’s, Building little economy’s

If you are wondering what market it will want to take over:
Well they are in a competition with eBay. At the moment the fee's are getting to high on eBay and store owners loose valuable money on these fee's. Imagine you could sell this without the fee. The price could be lower or their could be a better profit for the store owner.

This project has been realised with multiple layers of Ethereum.

  1. Reputation system ARGON --> check out this coin it has been raging the last days and has a huge potential for other crypto currencies because of it's reward system. Another ETH based coin.

  2. IPFS file storage Another ETH Based coin you guys should look up.

District0x is an ERC20 token with an Ethereum based core technology.

It's easy to start your own district. On their site they explain it with some great moving pictures. They also have some great tools if you scroll down lower.

Some other advantages:

  • Ethlance Ethereum hiring market getting adopted already
  • Create your own district – powerful tools
  • Ethlance market don’t take a cut out of anything
  • Participation will bring up the value like steam
  • Nice team and also a good team of advisers
  • Great website – good marketing – very open to it’s community

Read up on the bitcointalk forum about their announcement in the beginning of august.

The team reached the softcap pretty fast. At the moment you can only find the tokens on the following exchanges.


Start Time: July 18, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. UTC
Duration: Two weeks, or 48 hours after the soft cap is exceeded, or immediately when the security cap is reached.
Soft Cap: $10M USD equivalent in ETH
Security Cap: $50M USD equivalent in ETH


We have taken numerous steps to ensure a level playing field for all and to try to achieve a wide distribution of district0x Network Token holders.

No whitelisted addresses
No 3rd-party allocations
No bonus structure
50 Gwei max gas price
Community Advisor Program
District Proposal Rewards

Visit their website and read the whitepaper. https://district0x.io/

Also be sure to check their Roadmap: