bon voyage steemjet superstars - you are words and steem

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


How do you reach masterpiece-level greatness and continue an honest, critical, and creative improvement?

I am not ending the time contest.

I am just awarding five 500 steem prizes and @lordjames will pick winners to spend the rest of the 500 steem prize money on.

The @steemjet account is all yours now, and you are the best 2-dimensional artist.

I will also give you 6000 steem to judge the other 2 open contests as well (gold and bird) because you are a true master of the art-form:

Few people know Steemjet, but when you hear us, you feel it.

Now that lordjames has taken the reign, I can start producing a full length motion picture starring our brother and derivative of our creator who tells us that in the 4th dimension, anyone can create. He begs us never fall in love with this 3-dimensional world/life. Not because this beautiful life is not worth loving, but because it is infinitely more times fun and exciting in the 4th dimension. Because, in the 4th dimension, you are more powerful to create like me:

mesmerizing @uche-nna (SF1)

wELCOME tO tHE yEAR 2222, you have been in a little trance

and equally mesmerizing, but in a completely complimentary art-form:

@mrrpiusz - genius upon genius effortlessly on chain:

steemjet - everybody is your brother of a lifetime

What do these masters all have in common?

They have "it"

and "it" is having the "I don't feel nervous when I am calm" because the opposite of calamity is the fourth dimension.

This particular contest could be considered the most successful one yet, and the results from the initial logo contest were stunning:

Not only did we meet the impossible objective, we had two entries that inspired a completely new steemjet initiative (new contests). When someone inspires a new contest, everyone gets a second or third chance to win a prize. We reward those who inspire new initiatives with equal prize value as those who win by targeting a specific concept. But when you have 5 grand prize winners, it does not leave as much steem bath for the rest. This is why the bar has been raised. Now, lordjames will be awarding the prize money to probably whoever needs it most. The criteria for judging the end of this and the next 2 contests are up to him because he is a better businessmind than I.

Contest instruction link:

Here, is a quote from that link so you don't crash your cell.

"I wonder what cryptic symbolic messages from the next dimension will enlighten us as we gaze upon its subliminal secrets:

The next contest is going to be a study of this image by shartzy and time itself.

The concept for the next art logo competition is that time is the most valuable resource to us and we all know this intuitively, natively. Money can give you your time back so you can live free. We all value money because we value our time. It's ok to value your time, your life.

We learn this lesson that time is money as soon as we learn what death is and that we cannot live without time. This is why we are writing a childerens book, because they are smart enough to learn about what death is, and therefore that time is money. Opportunities are also time based. We all know this from experience. This is what we are going to teach kids right after they realize how lucky and wealthy they are to be alive and young.

That's the premise of lesson 1, that gold acted as the best limited quantity (limited by the difficulty of obtaining or working for it) asset for a long time. People will be forced by their greed to learn exactly what crypto can and can not do for them. One thing it can do, is give us time to live our life.

Shartzy is telling us that time is money.

They are going to be forced to learn the ways of the open transparent fair fight blockchain out in the open where nobody can hide.”

Those were the simple instructions for the contest. Sorry, but we were looking for something a little more profound than those typical old jetclocks that were all the rage back in the year 2020.

(you remember what just happened here) - @trayan

The 5 winners below dove into the essence of whatever it was that created shartzy's image and gave it to him.

@jogreh – This piece inspired the completion of the Olivia and the Superstar concept while shartzy’s image inspired the creation of it

@mbj – self explanatory (the purple one)

@mrrpiusz – A bold, gold, and swoosh-ish, descent from crude mimnimal into multicolor and high definition.

Only 1 extra color dimension.

Jet black steem logo.

In this contest we wanted to soften up our brand for the consumer, and what we received from mrrpiusz is pure gold:

@sancti - Possibly inspired by the boss himself, sancti descends even further into multi-color high def by adding 2 extra colors plus grey with more pronounced and sharp lines:

@shartzy does not live the unexamined life, instead, he concentrates, meditates, and dives deeper in order to carry us far upon his wings:

Those are the 5 grand prize winners, now lordjames will judge the rest.

There were many inspiring entries, among others:
@aleex – Masterpiece (font, color, shape, line, contrast, composition, balance, everything!). This was the first runner up and arguably equal in merit to Sancti's. Such competition. We would love to have you on the Space Force.

@zingybite – my favorite (never wins because “effective” is the chief criteria for victory weather you are talking about global distribution of a crypto or creating a magically mesmerizing company brand)

@ntukdavid - very profound, with more asymmetry due to entropy and my second favorite

@dannytroniz - my 3rd favorite



@omowuni – following directions beautifully – enhancing a masterpiece!


@chukwunalu – King Midas, everything he touches is pure gold. Perfect lines color, balance. He makes it look and feel so effortless,




























My answer to the meaning of this uploaded shartzy masterpiece, after this recent turn of events is to simply “try again” no mater how old you are, and I digested this image for months

The Steemjet Space Force is tasked with teaching the world how true blockchain tech can make your dreams come true through wild steem bath parties:

steemjet – funding your trip to the 4th dimension

Instead of creating a lesson plan and translating it into a million languages, it is easier to just find one common language that everyone knows.

When I say football/soccer, everyone knows what I mean:

goalie, pitch, penalty, overtime, red card, hand ball, assist, autogol

Finding a common language makes teaching through analogy simple, so that you can effectively communicate your main technical points and then quickly get on with the fun party.

3-dimensional art in this reality imitates life which created it, and blockchain creators like Vitalik and Satoshi are artists. In life there are only 3 different types of conflict: man vs nature, man vs man, and man vs himself.

Man vs nature is complex and chaotic. There are a million ways to die.

Man vs himself holds the key to eternity. Science has already proven the existence of higher dimensions but they cannot be modeled accurately in 3 dimensions, only explained.

Only man vs man conflict is easy to model, teach, and strategise, because all potential outcomes are limited in number by nature. Through a series of limited possibilities over time, either one man wins or the other man does.

In our 3-dimensional reality, we create complicated games like football where the rules are rigid, and outcomes are so few that you can gamble on the outcomes (win, loss, tie). Many have described the nature of crypto development and acceptance in terms of game theory (advanced class, have you ever heard Vitalik talk?), and we can simplify it even further if we limit our discussion to only true blockchains that were not initially distributed in an ICO.

There are millions of different 3-dimensional games where people compete against each other for limited outcomes. There are also millions of 2-dimensional competitive games as well. We call them board games. In this life, the human mind has had thousands of years to invent and evolve new 2-dimensional board games, and typically they are very boring. However, there is 1 board game that has stood the test of time and is still world renown for being invigorating and inspiring to our basic understanding of primitive geometry for all ages.

Chess evolved to it’s lowest energy level state of completion (that song was completed) centuries ago and its rules/recipe has remained unchanged since the days of jesus almost. If we want to teach crypto and steem to everyone on the planet, and crypto is basically game theory according to even the most talented of developers, then we need to communicate to the masses in a manner that is fundamentally comprehendable by everyone on earth. Everyone knows the rules to chess. They are simple and limited by 2-dimensional geometry so you don’t even need to speak the same language to play. And everyone knows that kids love chess.

True blockchain development peaked 2 years ago with the invention of the rewards pool (or social) blockchain (steem). Now ICO projects are the only innovative crypto ideas being launched today. When was the last time somebody launched a true POW distributed blockchain that did something uniquely different from the rest?

The tech bubble that spawned millions of dead companies, resulted in the low energy state/model of FB, AMZN, GOOG, MSFT, APPL, etc. It proves that naturally, humans are not that difficult to serve, and it only takes a few different effective tools to make us happy.

We are going to exclusively teach the origin of crypto, and when you strip away all initial coin offerings, you find that the science behind true blockchains is naturally as simple as the game of chess.

The birth of the zero-premined POW blockchain was bitcoin, the king, and he was so successful that a queen was derived from him like eve from adam but with a different hash function so the king can never attack with his powerful ASIC chips. Fundamentally different, the queen (LTC) is faster and cheaper and more helpful and effective at destroying the kings enemies (solving man's trade/exchange problems). The queen was very much a human being or 3-dimensional chess piece in the same way that LTC is very similar in nature to bitcoin (true blockchains). They both can move in the exact same directions on the chess board, however, the king is old (expensive) and slow by nature.

Art imitates life. Dogecoin is fun and easy for a child to use because it is easy to see front, back, and side to side. Right angles are just corners like you see in a corner of a room or on a floor to wall transition (or wall to ceiling). Kids love to move the rook/castle. It is the easiest of all chess pieces to teach besides the king.

The bishop is a little more complicated because it is easy to lose your place on the board where you started. This is why the developer designed a “prune-able” blockchain where you lose the history but keep the balance known so that the scalability issue is solved to infinity. Sometimes you forget where your bishop started from when moving it long distances. It is harder to remember where that bishop took off from becasue it is easier for us to spatially recognise right angles (rook/castle) than 45 degree angles (bishop). Pascal Coin deletes the history of the blockchain, but it is ok, because it is solving a natural constraint that we experience in the 3rd dimension where the 2-dimensional game is actually taking place (time). It solves the problem of longevity (eternal scalabiltiy) that worries us all and why a chain guaranteed to never bloat will, by nature, never die.

Will the steem blockchain grow so large that my words will be erased forever (sharded or snapshotted or forked or pruned away into obscurity)? Or will computer chip/storage technology keep evolving along to compensate for the forever growing steem chain?

If you really are frightened of this, then dig into PASC, a true blockchain just like DOGE, LTC, and BTC, and STEEM, which is the knight because it has a power that no other piece on the board has. On the steem chain, everyone is a developer. I am creating art right now, and am getting reward pool distributions because of it. Everyone who participates on steem, is making a work of art that will be immutably viewable hopefully forever.

We can only hope that Sneak and Ned can keep this chain lightweight and scalable. Charging admission for new accounts is a must. This is also a must with PASC, and a major reason why people have problems adopting a blockchain where you have to purchase an account. The vanity addresses that STEEM and PASC have require this due to the fact that real estate is limited by nature. Art (chain development) is imitating life where the best costal property has already been purchased, and you must pay more than the person already there if you want to enjoy and experience it.

I got a little off track, and into the advanced class that we don’t want to focus on yet.

The crypto chessboard has not launched a top true blockchain in years proving that true chain development has logically reached a low energy homeostasis from a scientific perspective of first admitting that we don’t know everything, and that much can be learned from nature, fibonachi, reality, etc.

Since the science of true blockchain development has reached its natural differentiating limits in this 3-dimensional reality we call life, we can now fundamentally analyze it from every known and possible perspective (because they are so limited by nature).

Pawns dream of becoming powerful: Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin Gold, etc. True blockchain sons and daughters of the king and queen who, herself, was the first altcoin and all her pawns share her identical "altcoin" nature.

The true irony of all this is that I have never convinced anyone in real life to get/save a private key so I can send them some crypto. Although I have been unable to onboard anyone to any crypto, steem helps me save people through your efforts! Therefore, steem is a critical teaching tool for humanity.

If you have trouble convincing people to come into the light and accept true blockchains as their personal wealth store of value, then tell them to stay tuned for the next episode where I use an anoalogy comparing the invention of the private key to the invention of fire:

Me and the Space Force are partying and chewing on some meduim rare (not too over-cooked) wolly mammoth loin stakes, while my no-coiner friends and family sip cold coffee and choke down yesterday's warm sushi!

This lesson really hits home convincingly because I provide pictures (of my real life)

Speaking of visual aids, you artists might want to have some pictures handy before you go trying to teach this lesson to 5 year olds (I can't draw...OR fly). Good luck lordjames!

bon voyage steemjet!

the world is yours!

you are truly free

was not meant for me

as for me, I am going deep, and will probably only ever speak again in terms of delegated steemjetfuel or SJF.

My first order of business is to top off your @steemjet account with 30000 SJF.

The steem blockchain allows you to realize your creative dreams, even without steem-whale upvotes. Steem is a blockchain for your business solutions. What is your preferred value storage asset of choice doing for you, besides retaining value over time?

Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff!


Are you ready for some football!


And I have what you need to party:


No, not drugs, funding:

I am delegating another 30000 SJF to @steemjetcontests for future funparties.

I love you brother!



Edit: Anyday you end the time contest. I do want my pay in 100% upvotes if you will upvote me faster and 50% in liquid steem if you know it will take your time so much

We the delegates from SF1-7 have got your back and we are here to build alongside with you.

To build a massive global project like steemjet requires a lot of funds and that is what is happening right now as we are still building. Then when this hypersonic steemjet has completed a decentralized construction we will be having a safe flight around the globe and still spreading out steem from the jet exhaust along our path of flight and during our time of flight as this is what steemjet is known for.

Secondly, Chess is one of my most favourite indoor games and I believe we can make the whole chess game evolve by creating a crypto chess board.
We can even extend further to evolve other games like scrabble with the introduction of crypto-scrabble and even further to simple games like the table Polo game. This will really go further to teach cryptos like we've dreamed of.

On the wings of superstars we are words and steem.

Chess game
The kingdom game just like steemjet
Where we have the king in the person of @dimimp in steemjet.
Termit family
It's a nice avenue in the hustle of teaching steemjet to children

I also play chess game and like it.


yeah you are right here the king is @dimimp

As we are speeding the good news to the children, let always let them Know the fact that time is Money. And investing in crypto is for future asset

sorry I forgot to pay my debt to you, so I paid you extra!

Thank you @dimimp

Sorry I forgot
To pay my debt to you, so
I paid you extra!

                 - dimimp

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Boss @dimimp you need to check out our steemjet kids awareness project
Above is the link to the post, and also video links are in the post

great job, this is why I sent you all some liquid steem!

great initiative, I am going to send 100 liquid steem to each of the space force members involved in that initiative

@dimix3, @jefferykingson,@tudors, @shartzy,@udembahenry, @lucentbritex, @annyvery1 and the entire @kabolo group. (and you too)

great job!

my upvote does not give you the credit you deserve!

They did really well. They all deserve the steembath

Greetings my boss and friend. I would love you to take a peep into my blog as I dedicated some amazing photographs to our great community..
I am a co-sponsor of the competitions organized by @steemjetcontests and I feel privileged to be part of that. All thanks to your SP delegation.

incredible work my friend, I love the colors and textures, and overall feeling received from viewing

The colours are really cool

Thanks boss. Your sincere commendations are deeply cherished by me. I'm sure gonna storm you with more amazing works

Great Job @essiential, the Steemjet Photography Department would love to work with you.

Thanks for you this is very nice post

This video is dedicated to my lovely community steemjet.
fully subtitled.

Here is the lyrics
Steemjet is the treasure that I seek.

You were close to me and I didn't know.
The force I seek for many days,
was right beside me,
I can feel it.

When I close my eyes,
I see steemjet coming my life.
You have helped so many broken minds,
I wish to be part of the force,
we have
lordjames as pilot,
empato as the money man,

thanks for sharing

The lyrics belongs to @oyec,

Thanks boss..

A very good project. Learning about steem and crypto as a kid is a good way to start global adoptiong

The kids will really love this.

King Midas, everything he touches is pure gold. Perfect lines color, balance. He makes it look and feel so effortless,

Thanks for the compliment @dimimp, if i really had king midas mythical power life would have been easier. Lol

not only your 2 dimensional art but your 3 dimensional teachings are worth more than gold!

Welcome back our humbled and loyal leader@dimimp
God bless steemjet community

Thanks for you...

This video is dedicated to my lovely community steemjet.
fully subtitled.

Here is the lyrics
Steemjet is the treasure that I seek.

You were close to me and I didn't know.
The force I seek for many days,
was right beside me,
I can feel it.

When I close my eyes,
I see steemjet coming my life.
You have helped so many broken minds,
I wish to be part of the force,
we have
lordjames as pilot,
empato as the money man,


Good evening @dimimp
Wish I could have your 100% upvote
Please check my blog

Thanks @dimimp

I have given you a hundred 100% upvotes!

hello boss @dimimp have a look at some of my work
i have not recieved any feedback yet

Amazing initiative my friend , great explanation and description. I totally agree with you that it requires lots of funds and everything will be sorted as long as commander @dimmip in aboard the Space force
#SF7 reporting

love your recent efforts, congratulations on the promotion!

Great initiative by you on the Crypto chess game. I'll like to have such a game. Probably when the SMTs are launched, the game could be built and I'm sure it will be rewarding. Stay awesome always..

I can't wait for SMT, but neither can everyone else here!

Yeah, that's true. Once the SMTs are launched. The Steem Blockchain will witness a great boom and why Steem Blockchain is genius is it's zero transaction fees and the speed transactions occur.

SteemJet: On the wings of superstars, we're Words and Steem.

So Steemjet will be there to help The Steem Blockchain attain true greatness with the Global adoption.

I love that initiative. Chess is a known ground for most people where we can merge life experience with some uncertainties to derive success. 😎

sir @gentlebot is great..i love sir @gentlebot

Gentleman @gentlebot is a bot.

We are steemjet
Nice initiative

This idea will surely help us to spread the message to the world so easily. Good idea @empato365

yes it will spread the message to the whole world and we will do work for it.

Let's spread your avatar to the whole world too!

I am trying my best my boss. We all will are one force and one community.
We will Do it together I am with you.

Thank you very much sir..

congratulations sir!
Steemjet is now Biggest tag in steemit platform..

Thank for you and most welcome to sir@dimimp.
Good night.

Most welcome to sir@dimimp..

Best of luck every body..

I can get you in the next batch, congratulations!

Please @dimimp.. I want to be a member of the steemjet spaceforce..

I have been following up on the designs and creating pure artistry with my designs..

Hopefully I'll be considered..

I want to work side by side with the great artistic prodigy likes of @mbj and @ubongj .

I hope my plea will be considered.. And maybe a reward for my art too..








elenzy - not bad

Share post links next time. Images do make phone lag and site slow. Thank you

Okay thanks boss @yungchief

@dimimp i like his spirit and i need people with vocal quality and skills in the music department dominiques got it .

This video is dedicated to my lovely community steemjet.
fully subtitled.

Here is the lyrics
Steemjet is the treasure that I seek.

You were close to me and I didn't know.
The force I seek for many days,
was right beside me,
I can feel it.

When I close my eyes,
I see steemjet coming my life.
You have helped so many broken minds,
I wish to be part of the force,
we have
lordjames as pilot,
empato as the money man,

If you persist on using @oyec work. I will have to flag you. I prefer using that strength to upvote people but don't push it. Use your own work

The work belongs to a good friend of mine @oyec.... Y not using ur own brain than working on other work


@dimimp I will be glad if u can probably get me in to work in any departments in ur community in the next batch

Thanks @dimimp for your kindness

All hail the boss @dimimp
I'm still very certain that soon I'll be made a delegate!

done deal! congratulations!

Hai @empato365 I'm newbie in steemit community please teach me and support me, because I want to develop my self in steemit. sorry my English is not perfect

You don't need perfect english to participate!

you got it!

Please @dimimp.. I want to be a member of the steemjet spaceforce..

I have been following up on the designs and creating pure artistry with my designs..

Hopefully I'll be considered..

I want to work side by side with the great artistic prodigy likes of @mbj and @ubongj .

I hope my plea will be considered.. And maybe a reward for my art too..








If you want to become a member then show us how many people you are onboarding!

Okay sir..


From the technology department we are giving you a welcome back message. And we starting with good news. Steemjet website has been launched officially recently. We are glad you made it possible.

The website is now accessible to everyone. We will be glad if you take a look at what we've done so far.

Steemjet website

Just so you know, the team comprises of the head @gutzygwin, @afolwalex, @yhaulex, @kilatunzi and @einstel1.

We've been working tirelessly to attain global adoption, and that's is what we will do. The texh department still have big dreams for all of us.

Our H.O.D made a post about the current works so far, you should check it out.

your team is performing very well, beyond expectations. I just sent gutzygwin some money for this budget, but I will send more soon!

Is nice to have a website for steemjet
Global adoption all the way...

Yeah sir,,

Welcome back @dimimp

Wonderful evening to everyone

I will be happy to also be a member working under you @dimimp

Hi @dimimp. Picasso here.. Great to have you back after going MIA for a while.. It's been great so far. At least the steemjet spaceforce members kept the jet airborne and flying high in your absence..
I really enjoy the hard work of @gutzygwin as he's been up and running with his work..
In that light, I designed a logo for the webpage.. Just being Picasso.. Hehe


Welcome back @dimimp

Wonderful evening to everyone

@mahyuddin you are highly welcome to the great community of love, Enjoy your stay on steemjet, and preach the good news to your family and friends.
Do forget our watch word is to make STEEM globally adopted.

I squared us up on what I owe you, but I am still thinking about another bling comission...hmmmm...

@dimimp, I will be waiting for the commission sir, I wish have started work already. I can do as many bling for you sir in as much you will pay me for that.

Boss @dimimp my entry was exempted from your above mentions

sorry jonawar, but we had too many contest entries to award 100% of all participants like we did last time. We are trying to reward art with instant upvotes in the future.

sorry, but the competition was just too great this time for everyone to win a prize like last time. The level of competition for the art department is very high. you might want to look into one of the lesser staffed departments if you hope to create effective community change. Look to leverage your strengths!

Wow. I see you're back @dimimp.
We are all happy to have you back.

I thought you would stay longer.
But I'm happy you you're with us.

You promised to promote my team and I before you left...

smilesjust a reminder.

congratulations to you and your team, all the promotions have been processed!

Thank you sir.

We are grateful.

You missed out our name on the list.
We are part of the newbies department too.

I just kicked you a few hundred in liquid steem too!

Good job representing steemjet @kabolo, I really appreciate it!

PicsArt_06-07-05.55.13.jpgI am Ehizojie david machi @uraniumdavid.
I want to use today to show my profound gratitude to those who have been like father and mother to me since i joined steemit.
I signed up for steemit early April am not precise and I never knew how to use it, i just saw it on the whatsapp status of my friend @michades97 and I sign up. I waited till we meet so he would put me through, to my greatest surprise today, i found out that it's 30 days today i started blogging.
I want to use this opportunity to thank some special people who have made me come this far.

  • First, i will thank my friend @michades97 who too the pain and stress upon him self to guide me.
  • Second i will thank @lifeofdarlington he gave me the hope to continue by giving me my first upvote the same day I started.
  • I was new so my friend told me to follow @dimimp and told me of his generosity then i was interested. I only make a statement or a phrase and I got another upvote.
  • Along the line I met with @francis05 she upvoted and gave me hope too.
  • As my reputation was rising my friend @michades97 told his friend @mrrpiusz about me he did his best and told me the rules, he has been a guardian since then even till now.
  • Here comes my best friend on steemit in steemjet community, he is @samuel9135 he also did his best and showed me the way.

Finally, I say a big thank you to @dimimp and his delegates

This is a strong force that can't be broken

Thanks for the upvote @dimimp

Congratulations @uraniumdavid

Most welcome

Thank you @dimimp, I really appreciate your warm comment.
I will also be happy if i can also get Gears to make more Songs for steemjet.
Am now getting down my appreciation song for you sir.

Yes boss, we have alot of talent in steemjet.

i am doing some work for steemjet and steemhigh
i have not recieved any feedback yet
please have a look boss @dimimp

nice chocolate! You can post images in my posts again, just don't post more than 3 times!

i was waiting for a single response
that is why i made 3 ,4 comments
i usually never do this
thanks again for checking my work

This video is dedicated to my lovely community steemjet.
fully subtitled.

Here is the lyrics
Steemjet is the treasure that I seek.

You were close to me and I didn't know.
The force I seek for many days,
was right beside me,
I can feel it.

When I close my eyes,
I see steemjet coming my life.
You have helped so many broken minds,
I wish to be part of the force,
we have
lordjames as pilot,
empato as the money man,

Are you alright?

This guy na fool.. Person weh steal person proposal to join space force..

is this not even his own work?


Why are you claiming other people's work. This is the same lyrics to the song @oyec sang and which @dimimp has hired her already.

Here is the link to the original song

Deviate from stealing others work.

Steemjet Advisor/ Moderator Department
SF 7

ah, thanks for clearing that up, I am going to mute the spammer

Dont worry i have flagged her.

Thanks boss

for what

It as if you are spamming the comment box.

haha keep up your good work

You have a nice graphic.

You're welcome aboard steemjet.

I just gave you a steembath in upvotes, the little I can do for now and maybe more later

Hi dear @empato365, we already curated all the winners in the contest.

Yeah we did, you weren't around and the team covered for you. Just ensure to be there next time.

you are such a creative man @empato365

Great man sir,

Thank you sir...

So great man..

You deserve some accolades @empato365. For the good works, you and your comrades are doing. Am actually new on steemit. Thanks to @ezzle for introducing me to this community and platform. I will endeavour to contribute massively to this community.

heello @empato365 I am new here please and want to be the part of this community.

You are welcome to steemjet

You are already part of the community @salute
Your input is what the community is waiting for

Thank you so much @mboro for considering me part of the community
I will soon design something for the community.

Everyone is free to participate, and those who perform the most effectively, receive the most power (steemjet fuel)

"Steemjet Bangladesh" is a charity club of steemjet biggest family

Future plan of SteemJet Bangladesh

You are really so great man sir@dimimp..

Thank you so much for your reply.
I also want to be one of the steemjet force member. I am participating in everything and I am promoting myself. I like steemjet, Love it and I am happy here.

Congratulations boss@dimimp.

Thank you very much sir..

Yeah lol...

Most welcome sir..

Hi, i'm new to this platform but i must say; this is brilliant @empato365. I'm impress by your level of reasoning and your creative approach to simplifying things. Keep up the good work.

@empato has sieled his contract with the community already
The family is looking forward to mainly the poor and newbies like us

@dimimp lay a good foundation for that.
God bless steemjet

Wow! It's good to know that there is so much love and welcoming here for newbies. As for @empato, I see him as a great asset and an engine room to the global adoption of this wonderful community.

@casimjo you are highly welcome to the great community of love, Enjoy your stay on steemjet, and preach the good news to your family and friends.
Do forget our watch word is to make STEEM globally adopted.

Thanks. I Sure will do just that. This platform needs to be on the lips of everyone around the world. I am ready to preach the steem gospel to the world. But I sure have to start from my house first. Lol.

Yes, you have to start with people around you.

Yes sir...we glued to you..


A creative design!

I also designed a couple of logo for the supervisors department.

I hope boss @dimimp loves it. image


rextyge - best?

Thank you sir @dimimp for the commendation!

Surely it's one of the best. I personally designed it to create more customisation for the community and the team.

I believe there's always a room to do more. And I am 100% committed to achieve the best possible for the Steemjet Community.

I hope you love it sir @dimimp and continue to support me and the team.

Steemjet - On the wings of superstars, we are words and steem.

Sir @dimimp a very generous person


PicsArt_06-07-05.55.13.jpgI am Ehizojie david machi @uraniumdavid.
I want to use today to show my profound gratitude to those who have been like father and mother to me since i joined steemit.
I signed up for steemit early April am not precise and I never knew how to use it, i just saw it on the whatsapp status of my friend @michades97 and I sign up. I waited till we meet so he would put me through, to my greatest surprise today, i found out that it's 30 days today i started blogging.
I want to use this opportunity to thank some special people who have made me come this far.

  • First, i will thank my friend @michades97 who too the pain and stress upon him self to guide me.
  • Second i will thank @lifeofdarlington he gave me the hope to continue by giving me my first upvote the same day I started.
  • I was new so my friend told me to follow @dimimp and told me of his generosity then i was interested. I only make a statement or a phrase and I got another upvote.
  • Along the line I met with @francis05 she upvoted and gave me hope too.
  • As my reputation was rising my friend @michades97 told his friend @mrrpiusz about me he did his best and told me the rules, he has been a guardian since then even till now.
  • Here comes my best friend on steemit in steemjet community, he is @samuel9135 he also did his best and showed me the way.

Finally, I say a big thank you to @dimimp and his delegates

Congratulations @uraniumdavid
One love bro

Beautiful, work the health department is working hard i must say.

Sir I hope you likd my cover @dimimp of the steemjet anthem

congratulations, you are hired!

Boss I am still waiting 😋😋😋

Sir @Dimimp i like his spirit and i need people with vocal quality and skills in the music department dominiques got it .

Thank you so much sir @dimimp I promise to do my best to support the steemjet .
Incase you are still open to ideas on how time can be effectively managed for efficiency I have some ideas I would like to share with you.
Here is my personal mail
[email protected]
We can briefly exchange thouhts here. Thanks so much sir

Sir i made some designs of T shirt for steemjet please have a look at it.

great work man!

@dimimp this is a video of how you have Show us love and kindness

how did you know?!

@dimimp sir a quick reminder sir
@dimimp sir I haven't gotten any steem I need steem to take care of Some needs please

It is what you do sir. But in your own different way

@dimimp you are really helping people achive dreams you a rear germ

boss @dimpimp i venture n music especially the wind instrument sir i dont know if it will be acceptable here

This video says it all.
A man with a big heart.
@dimimp doing good

Please visit "Steemjet Bangladesh" community and check our plan



@dimimp sir please help our project

We are already start our plan.
Sir please?

Check it

Steemjet Bangladesh charity club is the best project


I drew this myself for the love of steemjet

hired, I love your style!

Thank you sir..


@dimimp heres a report on how we spent the 1000 steem given to i and @etemi.

amazing!!! I am sooo glad that you fell in love!


This is my 2nd comment sir... I wouldn't want to spam sir.

Please sir, I've made requests to host an offline competition. You haven't approved it.

If you won't approve it Sir. Can I get delegation to curate new steemians and new steemjetters. And also to support exactly 20 newbies that I recently on boarded, excluding older ones... All their accounts have been approved.

I told you about the group I run with a team here

Two just made an introductory post

I and my team are still grooming others so they make a good introductory post..

I'll update you with others soon as they make theirs... Thanks sir




There are a lot of hungry people in the streets. Internally displaced people because of the terrorism issue up north in Nigeria.

Please join me to help provide food and toiletries for them. Thank you.

@dimimp will be happy with this



How will we spend our weekend @dimimp?

Steemjet is now Biggest tag in steemit platform..

Edidiong 286 0677 20171011_201216.jpgAm glad knowing a generous man like @dimimp
He really wants steem to be a worldwide cryptocurrency.
He is the reason i got this far and have suck reputation within a short time.
I would call him a man with good intentions
I also appreciate his delegates of over 104 who are endlessly working with him i can only mention a few like @mbj @mrrpiusz @mrprecious @deandaniel @empato365 @lifeofdarlington @samuel9135 and others
I really look forward to working with you guys
In SF8
Thanks in anticipation
Long live steemit
Long live steemjet

Thank you so much sir.I can't express my feelings. I am too happy for your reply sir.
Sir please accept my request that I want to work with you and to serve this community and want to be one of in your delegaters teams member.
Thank you so much.

@dimimp sir please also delegate some steem power to me I am waiting for too long.

@dimimp sir you just ignored me. You didn't hire me.


Good then. The security team will be monitoring activities on this account on steemjet tags.

Not Photography man

Thanks for you sir

I like this you are comments

Good luck@dimimp boss..

You hired everyone except me.

show us a link or a video or a plan on how you plan to add value to the community like the rest of the people we hired!

We are now hiring for specific skilled positions. we don't even need graphic artists any longer.

We need community organizers/developers!

I would like to work as an organizer in the community. If you like me as an organizer please give me instruction what I do.

Pls sir read this post its for our newbies and about my new song
Sir read this post its for our newbies
Pls sir kindly read

Sir here is the Steemjet Promotional Video I made for the SteemJET Media Outreach

Sir I am tired of putting my request again and again. I know sir you don't have time but reply to others and not to me.

True talk man we are all going to make a great crypto world and its gona start here .
Steemjet our place

We Steemians are certainly the knights of the cryptoverse. It is up to us to spread information about blockchains from a blockchain!
BTW, aviators say "safes are heavy".

I will like t9 tell you that some countries who are not for crypto will soon bend to our side, because they will soon understand the ideology of crypto. I pray it won't be too late for them to bend.

I see a seamless transition after the corporations and entities that control (influence) governments give up trying to keep crypto down and start building or adopting their own REAL blockchains.
Computers and the Internet slowly made governments less relevant. Just consider how much more often we vote (and like things) since the advent of the Internet.

Yeah certainly we are.knights.

Hello @dimimp, I'm Joy Tom by name but you can call me @joyart. I am an Artist, and i hope you can check out my blog to confirm this . I would love to work in your team as a spaceforce member. I promise to share my artworks if you welcome me in here. Thank you

I sincerely recommend you to join the steemjet spacefore and to get a delegation from dimimp.
You are really hard working.

I'd be sincerely grateful..... Really hoping for the best. Thanks a great deal

Your art works are amazing I'm sure you will deliver

Thanks so much for the compliment; i really hope to get on here, it would be my earnest pleasure @fidelmboro

With steemjet your positive wish is granted

Yeah; that'd be great.... Thanks

Hai @joyart
I'm newbie too in steemjet ,this answer i see from @soufiani post.

What's #steemjet?
steemjet is a global community Hosted on steem blockchain. It is a community of talented superstars working very hard to promote steem in order to make steem attain a global adoption. aims to teach the world about the crypto currencies (steem) also by distributing it to the whole word, this doesn't mean that we promise people to join in exchange of money, but each member can get rewards for his work for the steemjet community.

You can see on this link guide from @empato365 . .

You can also learn steemjet from post @empato365.

and have you made an introductory post on steemjet?
if not, you should create a self-introduction post, use the # steemjet-newbie #steemjet tag .

Oh well! Thanks

You are welcome.

you are great man @empato365

very interesting and very fun. here I hope all can run smoothly. I am also a chess lover. and I am very happy to play chess, especially when I find a smarter opponent, is a challenge for me. but I want to ask how does this process of steem delegation run and more where is it all going? thank you for your attention and time.

The steem blockchain was born POW just like bitcoin, but it changed to POS allowing users to control further steem distribution based on their stake.

By delegating out your rights to control reward pool funds, you are essentially compensating employees to act on your behalf for any purpose you choose (we at steemjet choose "global steem distribution" as our arbitrary goal, and people are incentivised to help us out and are rewarded not with upvotes, but rather with the ability to upvote high dollar amounts).

For example, our highest positin we offer, is CEO which carries a delegation of 60,000 Steem Power meaning 20 dollar upvotes like BANG ($20) BANG ($40) BANG ($60)!

Does that explain it well?

Please watch my dtube video, I intend to teach people how to register on Steemit and build their blog.

I also put it up on my YouTube channel

yes I think that's enough for me.

Please @empato365 am new on steemit would love you to teach me and support me ,I just joined yesterday. From what I see this steemjet is an awesome project

Welcome brother
I was like you two weeks ago

Same here I am also new @verve
but everyone here is too busy no one reply here.

@verve you are highly welcome to the great community of love, Enjoy your stay on steemjet, and preach the good news to your family and friends.
Do forget our watch word is to make STEEM globally adopted.

Thank you @omowumi


Wow wow wow.. Finally.. Some level ground we can relate on now..

Too bad not everybody will understand this post of yours.. Chess is one hell of a game ,and you drawing analogies from it?? Teaching crypto with it??? Damn genius I must say!!!!!

Kids love the rook.Very true.. It's horizontal and vertical movements just make pushing them around so much fun and easy for learning.

Then again there's the Bishop that has a starting point but then does a lot of diagonals and can't seem to return to its starting point..

The knight then (our lovely steem) with unlimited power.. Plenty of moves causing forks here and there and hovering over the board like Peter Pan.

And finally the seemingly weak pawns. Just there for sacrifices and set up.

But I'll like to point out something. The pawn sometimes becomes the queen and that's very applicable to crypto. A seemingly useless imitation blockchain could solve a very big problem or have very valuable use case and boom!!!! It becomes the queen.. Haha..

And then again I noticed you made no analogies to the queen...

@dimimp made an analogy to the Queen bruh @ubongj check it out here

The queen (LTC) is faster and cheaper and way more helpful and effective at destroying the kings enemies (solving mans trade/exchange problems). The queen was very much a human being or 3 dimensional chess piece in the same way that LTC is very similar in nature to bitcoin (true blockchains). They both can move in the EXACT same directions on the chess board, however, the king is OLD (expensive) and SLOW by nature.

He means the way a pawn becomes BETTER than bitcoin (but with less or more hash power ?)

It is what the bitcoin cash guys have been saying forever now, that they will be the pawn to reach the other side of the board and become more powerful than bitcoin! (or at least as powerful as litecoin!) The only modification I would make is that Digibyte should be the rook because it is the most secure becasue it is multi-algo instead of single algo. It's "security" use case (most secure / hard to 51% attack) is third among overall use cases by market cap

value storage - BTC
payments - LTC
security (most difficult to 51% attack) - DGB
longevity - PASC
distribution - STEEM

blockchiain app sectors are in fact limited even though all you hear about is how EVERY company needs their own blockchain.

The truth is that every company needs to use a blockchain, but the public chains will be adequate and cheap enough for them to use.

You will use bitcoin and litecoin to transfer and store value, digibyte to secure your identity, and steem to secure/copyright your artwork publicly, and PASC if you are truly paranoid.


This is a major explanation of the beauty of blockchain.

What do you think about EOS sir @dimimp?

I'm thinking of buying some tokens whenever I get a steembath from you.

What do you think about the EOS project and its future on the blockchain infrastructure development.

Thank again boss for your usual support!

it's true like you say @ubongj, not everyone can understand the meaning of posting dimimp, because his words have a very deep meaning, and only the smart people who can quickly understand this post. I think, I have a lot to learn from you and @dimim to be able to successfully work in Steemit. thank you...

I also don't understand some words as you @reynakarina say his @dimimp words are deep so we can't understand it but i understand the message which he deliver to us.

@ubongj it seems you are really a chess player, with this explanation of yours i can easily predict you can play chess very ok.

yeah from explanation it seems like that

Thanks for you sir..

The knight then (our lovely steem) with unlimited power.. Plenty of moves causing forks here and there and hovering over the board like Peter Pan.

Yea , you are right here ... Steem is our power(unlimited power) and we surely have to make plenty moves in order to achieve global adoption. There is sense in this @ubongj

this is the concept that I need the most help with (pictures/strategy/folklore/etc)...

Sir dimimp I want to be the part of Steemjet community..... I wish you will hire me for your next batch .... I hope you have seen my new art work

yes it is true that bitcoin cash could function better than bitcoin itself due to the more advanced tech, in fact, all clones are trying to add something BETTER than bitcoin, so it makes sense that pawns have the potential to be better than bitcoin, but the reality of life over time is a much slower pace and therefore a long time to wait and see if bitcoin ever gets taken over by a BETTER "public store of value chain"

yes, you are correct, the rhetoric fits beautifully!

Hey @dimimp, I think I've heard you talk about EOS a couple of times. I want to know what you think about the project.

EOS looks like a game changer according to what's laid out in its Whitepaper.

Do you also have vested interest and investment on EOS blockchain?

Thanks boss @dimimp!

I'll be awaiting your reply.

wow!...this is beautiful mr @ubongj....i love your explanation... you really are a chess player no doubt.. am impressed by this explanation... i actually know a thing or two about chess... will like to play with you.. am learning though

Haha @mhizemjaybabe .. Mehnnnn.. I've left chess for a long time o.. Cos of steemit and hussling.. Anybody would so whip my ass now.. I'm so telling you. you, like am not hustling also right?.. just that i create time for some other activities

Haha.. Lol. Lame excuse then..
Let's just say the interest died..
How do we play..



ZomboMeme 19052018162922.jpg

Hi @dimimp, so prior to the video done by the development, courtesy of @yhaulez, I came up with an audio and narration for the story. I narrated the story using my smartphone and I compiled it by merging it with the video using my smartphone. There are two audios in this video. One is the background music and the other is my audio narration of the story olivia and the superstar.

here's a link to the post

This is simply a masterpiece for you @dimimp. Judgemental criticism is allowed and I will be willing to make edits where necessary. This is the first narration ever to be made for olivia and the superstar and I would like to open the floor with these. I hope i managed to touch your heart with this brilliant piece @dimimp.

Olivia and the superstar is written and designed by @sharzi, a lover of cartoons and a good innovator. I also can't wait for @dimimp to finally draft out the full story on his blog, would love to see that but meanwhile I've designed this classic design.

Don't also forget the name we're giving to our token on steemjet - stars which would really be a wonderful idea and a great innovation.

What do you think about stars and the audio narration @dimimp. Hope I did touch your heart.

ZomboMeme 20052018190749.jpg

I kicked a few hundred steem your way, and will do again next time I get my cash key, Your work on the website is paramount

Sir dimimp I want to be the part of Steemjet community..... I wish you will hire me for your next batch .... I hope you have seen my new art work

it' amazing

Nice narration bro. All makes life easier

View this post sir its about our newbies and my new steemjet song to be produced soon

Blockchain is Beautiful and Blockchain Is The Future

Blockchain technology has such a wide range of transformational use cases from recreating the plumbing of Wall Street, to creating financial sovereignty in the farthest regions of the world. While analyzing technology evolution of the last 20 to 30 years, from microprocessors to mobile telephony, to the internet, it is clear that with blockchain technology we have an incredible opportunity to create real economic change and freedom in the world.

Satoshi Nakamoto gave us a true work of art in his white paper and in the bitcoin blockchain, where for the first time ever a digital currency could be traded without the need for a third-party. Taking that one step further, Nakamoto’s invention of a distributed ledger system has opened up a new platform for secure and open data sharing. Similar to how the internet fundamentally changed the way we share information, today we have a new open platform for innovation that is going to revolutionize the way we transact as individuals, governments and business (and machines too).

This point is further enunciated by Blythe Masters, CEO of Digital Asset Holdings: “You should be taking this technology as seriously as you should have been taking the development of the Internet in the early 1990s.”

There is real beauty in the innovations that are being developed using blockchain technology, some of which include:

Peer to peer sharing economies
Decentralized autonomous organizations
Digital identity (passports, social security, birth certificates, etc.)
Smart Contracts
Prediction markets
Property ownership (land titles, stocks, bonds, etc.)

Blockchain technologies have the potential to transform financial and industrial markets, challenging corporate boundaries and can add radical transparency to the public sector.

The Beauty of the Blockchain will include an analysis of these use cases and others, detailed accounts of real-world applications of blockchain technologies, like the Delaware Blockchain Initiative, and interviews with the world’s most notable blockchain thought leaders and pioneers. There is also a real competition underway between different types of blockchains – from public to private, and proprietary and permissioned distributed ledgers. Technology, politics and finance (and power) will all factor into how this competition will ultimately play out. I warmly welcome you all as readers of this blog, and look forward to sharing news, innovations and insights into this burgeoning and beautiful ecosystem.

APP - true chain

micro transactions - STEEM (free)
P2P sharing - STEEM
DAO - steemjet is running itself
Digital ID - Digibyte
Samrt Contracts - many chains
Prediction Markets - many
property ownership - DGB

This is a concise research, keep it up because we are going places.

Hi....nice write up.
I took my time with all the details.

good information @owoblow-steemit
thanks alot

View this post sir its about our newbies and my new steemjet song to be produced soon

Hi @dimimp you have been my role model for so long and am always happy to settle down to read your post before I comment because I actually know that you will definitely read the post.

Nevertheless you are here to help the broke guys an also help them on how to make it in life and not to just depend on only steemit.

Guess I have leant that there are other blockchains platform I need to invest on.
Teardrop they may call it some times.

Sir @dimimp me and my team has a proposal for how to develop our noble department of "steemjet newbies"

And I have made it compulsory to let you know about it in associate with @deandaniel and other crew members.

We have a proposed cost and expenses which we need to make so that we will develop the community and make it lucrative and conducive for our newbies
And here is the link.
They is always a steem for every body and a special upvote for our newbies
My thanks and appreciation post thus

These are my team:

@deandaniel, @mistakii, @sheriffakin @muhasib @izuchukwu1506 @josemiguel @jlordc @obaidb2 @tudors @dimix @gacorniel @samal9135 @mydivatgthings @lucentbrix @bomaprecious @matytan @mrhimo @chuckwunalu @rjunaid12 @dannytroniz @mumin007 @wa2qr

Headed by @deandaniel

Sir @dimimp Love Your Proposal Well Explained
#Developer Team
#We Love Sir @Dimimp. and respect you sir.

congratulations on your promotion!

Sir dimimp .... I love to be the part of Steemjet community.... if you like my work then plz hire me in your next batch with some delegations .... till now I have made this art work on my iPhone 6s ... please see my new art work and give your valuable comments on it

View this post sir its about our newbies and my new steemjet song to be produced soon

Hello... present! team

yes, congratulations on your promotion too!


View this post sir its about our newbies and my new steemjet song to be produced soon

Talking about indoor games ad a means of teaching and spreading steem around the globe is such a nice idea. But we can consider some outdoor games, we know that most outdoor games hold popularity around the world. Organizing members in the force to form a team say football,tenis, badminton,volleyball etc and naming the various team STEEM will go along way to draw people's knowledge and bring them to light about the existent of steem.
I suggest some popular outdoor games can as well be introduced.
People around my environment loves football but a sponsor has always remain the barrier. If we can achieve a sponsorhip via STEEM this will not only advertise steem but will give them the assurance that they can achieve their goals via steem.
Thats my suggestion sir @dimimp.
@sancti works for @empato365

I still have that included in my preach STEEMJET initiative, maybe when it gets funded you'll help me out you seem to have a lot of expertise.

I need to know if you want upvotes (1000) or liquid steem (500) for your masterpiece

I'll prefer liquid steem.
Thank you sir.

Sir @dimimp,
I hope you're doing great?
I really want you to watch this.
please do well to check it out.
Kindly click on the link below

I hope you enjoy it....

500 liquid steem paid in full!

Great job dear @dimimp

Sir dimimp .... I love to be the part of Steemjet community.... if you like my work then plz hire me in your next batch with some delegations .... till now I have made this art work on my iPhone 6s ... please see my new art work and give your valuable comments on it

hello Sir @dimimp the boss, I want liquid STEEM payout. you said
Great work omowumi, I put you down for another 400

so 219/582

i love this image

You are really nailing this concept
let me find you another image

my payout.JPG

I know you must have skipped it by mistake. That is why I'm trying to bring it to your attention. I am sure you will do something about it. I will be happy if i can get the liquid STEEM. Thank you

Thank you @dimimp

I hope this reaches you

Please, I would also love to make a PERSONAL REQUEST from you @dimimp! ...Here is a screenshot of a comment I made in your post 12 days ago. I was robbed of my laptop on the 5th of may. All effort to recover it has been pointless and vain. I sincerely wish you grant me the wish of owning a LONDON USED/FAIRLY USED mac book (worth 420 steem) which I would clearly use to express myself better to enable more creativity and faster delivery.

I already began to power down 2 days ago... I would truly and sincerely treasure any form of assistance from you. Thank you. :)

this is the type of community i want to belong to so as toshare my knowledge with others and equally learn.
i am ready to be among the driving force that is moving this progressive train.
hire me @dimimp and you wont regret it
steemjet.. on the wings of superstar!

Thank for you sir...


Really sir you so great man.
You my most choice man.

Really sir you so great man @dimimp
You my most choice man really sir....


@dimimp you so great man really sir.
Congratulations sir for your post.... best of luck

@dimimp sir

Am samuel9135 ,your STEEMJET quarterly

You said if anybody need a steem bath that it me

But you forgot about me !

Sir @dimimp,
I hope you're doing great?
I really want you to watch this.
please do well to check it out.
Kindly click on the link below

I hope you enjoy it....

please do not put too much link be careful you spamming

Okay sorry about that friend @einstei1

He is quite busy
I know he will remember you just keep asking him
You are also a person of good heart
The book of remembrance will soon be opened

Thanks for the vote of confidence

Yeah, that's assurance of him getting back to us all soon.......missing him though 😊🙌

I want to work with you soon sir
Either in the health department or in the art
Please consider me @dimimp

Thanks for the upvote @dimimp sir
Long live steemjet

I'm very grateful and blessed for being choosen by you to win the top price in the time contest.
Sir, I confirmed that all winners for the contest received their award via liquid steem leaving me as an exception.I didn't mean to discomfort you. But dew to financial constraint i'll wish you pay in liquid steem. Screenshot_20180605-122236.png

you are on the list. the next time I get my cash key, i will send you the liquid steem

I'm very grateful sir For being awarded.
I pledge to preach steem to outermost bound of the world.

you have already given us so much with your superb logo mastery!


Once again sir... A pledge of loyalty to your course... Still very much hopeful I'd get employed soon... Thanks! 😊😊😊

yes, you are hired!

I'm most grateful boss!
Words alone can't express dis gratitude
Maybe I should put it in a song

oh wow! you are hired!!!! It will be a few days before i can get the powere delegated however. Don't be so shy in the camera, talk slower and more deliberate. you acn make a commercial for us!

Sir, @dimimp. will return when the voting has reinforced

Greetings my boss and friend. I would love you to take a peep into my blog as I dedicated some amazing photographs to our great community..
I am a co-sponsor of the competitions organized by @steemjetcontests and I feel privileged to be part of that. All thanks to your SP delegation.

I saw this, and am making notes. You and mrrpiusz should see what kind of collaborations are possible in your medium. You both have wonderful sense of color, and composition. I plan on dining deeper into the photography aspect of 2d art now that we have established some basic logos. looking forward to working morewith you 2 later!

Sir, @Dimimp, I always follow you.
I love you so much and love your work too much.
Hope you like all of these comments!!

@dimimp this dude is one prolific guitarist and music /song writer, i will love to work with him in the music department He's got quality boss.

Waow! That's amazing.

His loyalty speaks alot
Thanks @dimimp


@dimimp sir it's your boy the STEEMJET QUARTERLY click on the link for more design's


This really lovely man

Am always doing my best for STEEMJET yes

As you always do


You welcome
But no forget me o



You are really so great man@dimimp boss..

Thanks for you

Dimimp sir thank..


Hello Mr Sam. Your ideas are always really cool. How you embedded the steem logo on the train is absolutely brilliant.

Thanks you very much
I really appreciate

Nice contributions

Thanks you mate

Wow nice photography

Thanks you very much

Hello @dimimp, the steemjet photography department is still working hard for the development of this great community.
Photography Exhibits are still done weekly and I've been getting positive feedbacks from many members of the community concerning the exhibits.
I would love you to have a glimpse of last week's exhibit (Skyline Special). i hope you will like it.

you should try to do a collaboration with essiential to see what the 2 of you can come up with together.

sometimes collaboration is more like multiplication than addition if you know what I mean!

I plan on focusing more on the photography aspect of steemjet now that our logos are complete and marketing to people/fashion/style/mood takes priority.

I just hired a fashion designer I want to get her in touch with you 2 incredible photographers!

and you have logo design skills which is like being a pro at 2 sports in my book!

Either way, I am curious to see what the 3 of you can come up with!

I will talk more about this later

Wow!!! This will be really amazing Sir @dimimp
I would love to know more about the fashion designer that has just been hired, I think working together will help us in achieving massive progress.
@essiential is a photographer with massive talent and I will be glad to work with him. I won't also fail to mention @Ubongj, @faith49, and @sancti three great photographers too in the community who are also good at what they do and I think making up a 5-man team of photographers plus the Fashion designer will be perfect.

I would be looking forward to getting a feedback from you Sir, and once again @dimimp you are still proving to be a Wise Man with great initiatives. You just inspired a genius plan without breaking a sweat!!!

Thank You

Good afternoon@dimimp sir..

They are really nice
Your department deserve steem bath

Most welcome to sir.

Thank you very much..



That are amazing. You and your department is doing well.
Best wishes for you @mrrpiusz

Hello boss. Here is my first Report for our community.. Working on something interesting and I'll make it known ASAP.

Nice contributions

Thank for you...

This video is dedicated to my lovely community steemjet.
fully subtitled.

Here is the lyrics
Steemjet is the treasure that I seek.

You were close to me and I didn't know.
The force I seek for many days,
was right beside me,
I can feel it.

When I close my eyes,
I see steemjet coming my life.
You have helped so many broken minds,
I wish to be part of the force,
we have
lordjames as pilot,
empato as the money man,

man you really need to take it easy on the number of posts here. people won't be able to download it if there are too many posts.

I will flag some down. I issued out a warning to him but he has refused to adhere.

Sir dimimp .... I love to be the part of Steemjet community.... if you like my work then plz hire me in your next batch with some delegations .... till now I have made this art work on my iPhone 6s ... please see my new art work and give your valuable comments on it

Thanks you brother.

@essential great job you are doing well.

Hello @dimimp!

Glad to have you back! I hope you are doing great and sound.

Well, the Steemjet has been moving well and I'm currently planning on carrying out some awareness programmes for Steemjet in some poor areas with no basic education.

There's also a program to teach crypto to the school kids and donations of school materials to help them.

I've mentioned this to the pilot and I'll be glad to have your support.

There's a budget of about 500steem needed to ensure that this works out. I've been sourcing for this and the program is kick-starting next month.

I believe this events will greatly promote the global adoption especially in the teeming third world countries.

Thank you @dimimp and God bless Steemjet

You are doing great best wishes for you @rextyge

Thank you @yameen for the nice words

Job well done

We have opened a new project of steemjet to fulfill our good target.If you help and support us we can go so far.

LOVE THIS CONCEPT. maybe it is going places?! (red/green/ dual circles)

Hi @dimimp, don't forget me please I need funding and I want to party hard too.

sorry, but my computer can't access files in this format. I am working on fixing this, but I am dim and it will probably take me a couple weeks at best. I don't have the greatest facilities on my end either!

Thanks you very much @dimimp sir ..
We have opened a new project of steemjet to fulfill our good target.If you help and support us we can go so far.
All Ready 13mamber added .
please Help this project

Sir, @Dimimp. I've been waiting for your post for a long time
But you are not posting any
Do you do it later or it's closed for now?

@mcshakil you copy my work you just removed steemit logo and make a circle hahaha not a right place. ok, no problem that you are Indonesian people but why you making this logo in Bangladeshi flag ??

If you want to do anything, make unique. It will prove that you are talented.

this is my logo... it's mean steem + jet_ Bangladesh = steemjet bangladesh.


mdnazmulhasan - that is a very sweet version of the logo

Thank you sir for select our logo.

Mdnazmulhasan is a very cool graphics designer


Nice one @mcshakil

Thanks you man

Thanks @mcshakil

Thank you

Nice one@dimimp sir..

View this post sir its about our newbies and my new steemjet song to be produced soon

Greeting to you sir @dimimp .... I hope you have seen my posts regarding to Steemjet .... I wish to join Steemjet community for that I need your support.... I just need one single chance boss

Nice one

He will soon give you a chance.

@dimimp sir


Job well-done

@dimimp welcome back online, i want to use this opportunity to say thank you for empowering i and @etemi with steem to get gears , we set soon i' d make a post and tag you on it.

I can attest to the fact that you're doing really well. Your skills with the lead guitar is really commendable..

Yeah @essential he is really doing great. He is a master and skillfull here.

God bless you man.

Congratulations man

Congrats @mrprecious


Great work boss

So great@dimimp boss.

Well hardworking boss@dimimp

You are right.

Yes brother he is doing great for us.

Thank you sir

Hello there @dimimp
Glad you are back on! If you could find some spare time to check the first 8 pages of the longer version, i would be thrilled. Let me know boss!

Ah, I see where you are going with this,

let me look it over and get back to you!

Sir dimimp .... I love to be the part of Steemjet community.... if you like my work then plz hire me in your next batch with some delegations .... till now I have made this art work on my iPhone 6s ... please see my new art work and give your valuable comments on it

Thanks boss!! @dimimp
I am really looking forward for your evaluation and for any notifications on these pages!
Really glad you found time for me too

You will be thrilled soon bro@mindtrap

I really hope so too @yameen :)

I see you're enjoying the steem bath. Hahaha. It's deserving though


Thank for you to sir ..

Hello sir.. I designed this and thought you might want to see it

Job well-done @blaqboyikott

Thanks boss

Good luck..

Good luck to you friend.

Waow! That's great you did it very well I like it,
You just include everything in one page.
Great job welldone bro @blaqboyikott.

Thanks boss

Wow. Thats nice
https ://

Job well-done


I just wanted to say hello to the boss.... Hope you're doing great,
Also your family 👪 .!.!
My regards to them all.

Having thoughts of Steemjet and the Steem blockchain throughout my day,
I wish my Upvote could feed someone(a very good advantage for Global Steem Adoption)
.....and..... {Let us collectively take STEEM to the MOON}
I just thought it could be a good motto....
Tell me what you think sir @dimimp?

I also made a Song Cover for Steemjet sir
I guess you might have checked it before .... But I hope to get a feedback from you this time sir.
Remain blessed and SteemHigh
and... Let us collectively take Steem to the Moon. ♨️


You need to track this in steemjet studios!

and you need to find a way to send me the files so I can mix & master them

we need to figure out a way to send files back and forth.

a file storage service or something like that...

This can be achieved by using google drive, the files on google drive are private until a user decides to share them to the public which makes it accessible to everyone on the internet.

Well the technical/dev team can design an interface on our website where we can upload our audio/music/video. I believe this will even help submission of audio entries, but this will take time that is why i suggested the google drive.

Yes it would be better,
I'm in the music department But there's no steemjet studio known to me, I'm still working on building mine, all I need is the right gears to set it up.

And about the Storage stuff we can actually get that done with the help of Google Drive

files in Google Drive can be reached from any smartphone, tablet, or computer anywhere you are.
Up-to 15GB online storage for free.

These are the Steemjet Song(video) files I uploaded to my Google Drive

It's easier, safe, fast to download any file we share,
that's the way we can share music/video files.

or help me set up an online storage locker where we can all share music/video files

This would be my pleasure sir
But if I create one for you,
How can I give you the password privately, in order to avoid congestion!

After doing the mix on the song/video, you can upload it on google drive, then copy the link and send it here.
I'll be waiting for your response boss @dimimp!!

Nice one

Wishing all your family well @dimimp

@dimimp Picasso here has missed your baths.. And wishes one too..

Congratulations @ubobgi.. upvote done

Thank for you..

The fact remains that @dimimp can't do it all
I wish to appreciate our leaders in every department in steemjet community

More strength to u
Kudos to you
@ninoh22, @mbj @steemwork, @deandaniel @steemjet,@uraniumdavid @gentle bot, @dwainus ....just to mention few

I hail o

God bless @steemjet community

An appreciative heart knows no boundaries. We're happy to have you around.

art/photography curator..

Nice saying @essential

Nice innovation
Nice initiatives

Thanks a lot. More is yet to come.

@thompson2 you say"kudos" what does it mean?

God bless to@steemjet..

You are a man of great reputation
Steemit would be glad to have you @dimimp

Steemjet will always be victorious
Thanks to @dimimp all the way

Very nice animals photography


Most welcomed

I love his loyalty @dimimp

I like this communities

Thanks for you @uraniumdavid

He is king of the kings.

Sir @dimimp Love Your Proposal Well Explained
#Developer Team
#We Love Sir @Dimimp. and respect you are great boss

He is really great
A man of high dignity and reputation

Yeah you are right he is really a great man
God bless him.

That would be great... I look forward to it in high anticipation!
Thank you boss @dimimp
You re the best!

nice one

Thanks @dimimp

You are right. He is the best of all.

Sir this is my design for happie the bird, please have a look at it.

lordjames is judging that contest, I am working on the audio/video.

I am not sure where the 2 dimensional art is being submitted/judged, you might want to check out the official @steemjet account

good luck!

or try trhe @steemjetcontests account, they are always having contests!

Hi all steemit friends good morning79289_sunset_57.jpg

I will contact them.

Thank goodness boss..

Nice one

Thanks @thompson

welcome to steemjet.

You are great @dimimp sir

great indeed @dimimp

Hello sir @dimimp . I've longed more than enough for your reply.

Please take a look at this at your spare time.
Really want to embark on the project soon... Let me get your approval or disapproval

nice link, you are hired my friend !


Edit/delete your comments to only three (3) you have exceeded your limit.

Right about this moment. I think am the happiest being. Words fail me. But I am deeply grateful. Bless you Sir.

You are really so great man@dimimp sir.

Lol i thought this was a contest

Nice contributions
Kudos @dimimp

That's great @donnest

Thank you...

Thank you the pilot
I will like to know the boss @dimimp view about it sir.

I respect your decision as the pilot of steemjet.

The pilot of the great steemjet community

Kudos @dimimp

I wish to appreciate our boss @dimimp for working hard for the development of this noble community @steemjet
Kudos goes to our leaders @steemet community
Kudos to @mbj @deandaniel @ninoh22 @gentlebot @steemjet
I salute ur humbleness too
I also appreciate everyone in steemjet community who wants the progress of this community

Longlife @dimimp
Longlife @ our leader
Longlife everyone
Longlife @steem jet community

All hail our boss@dimimp

You are really so great man@dimimp..

Hello sir @dimimp, please kindly include me in the next payment round. I will like to use the money to buy a laptop to also contribute to the Steemjet Community on steemit. This is the best community on steemit.

I want to join the team in promoting steemjet and liquid steem to help me purchase a laptop and fully participate in @steemjet's contest and events.

I need 100steem to buy the laptop sir.

You are great man @dimimp and I believe you can help me out.

Thank you sir @dimimp.


Welcome back ever-active and loyal boss @dimimp
Still having the hope that I we one day work in any of the department of the community under you

Yeah bro we are hoping we all will work together.

Good morning humble and ever-harding boss @dimimp
Morning to our leaders in steemjet community
Morning to everyone

Do have a wonderful day@dimimp

Many many thank you..

I take a look at how people here are interacting with one another... Wat a great family

Thanks to all our leaders in various deparment

Thanks so much @dimimp



Long live steemjet.

Best of luck every body...

I stand with steemjet community
I stand with the best community

I stand with @dimimp

One love keeps us together

You are right this is the only community in steemit which is so friendly and we enjoying here , we will be in this community till the end.

Upvote done sir@dimimp..

This video is dedicated to my lovely community steemjet.
fully subtitled.

Here is the lyrics
Steemjet is the treasure that I seek.

You were close to me and I didn't know.
The force I seek for many days,
was right beside me,
I can feel it.

When I close my eyes,
I see steemjet coming my life.
You have helped so many broken minds,
I wish to be part of the force,
we have
lordjames as pilot,
empato as the money man,

You are really so great man@dimimp sir.

Yeah we can't explain him

Bro what does it mean I don't know this language, can you explain it?

Sir @dimimp,

I hope you are doing well and great.

Please, I need some liquid steem to buy a laptop to fully join the Steemjet Community and contribute. I am broke and cannot afford a laptop.

I wan to learn more about Cryptocurrency and also teach it ro my friends. So @dimimp I will like your assistance.

I also want to promote steem global adoption by writing and creating contents that will promote steemjet.

Thank you @dimimp and Steemjet community.

good night sir..

You have done a great job @sancti

All thanks to our boss @dimimp

Congratulations bro

Thank for you

Welcome aboard everyone, this is your pilot, Lordjames, speaking. The launch codes have been received, this is our take off comments -Our first words on the Steem blockchain. Congratulations to us all. To crypto infinity and beyond, we are words and Steem.

I am glad that the official steemjet account has been launched.

This is @empato365 (SF1) speaking.
This account is an official steemjet tool I have created specially for on-boarding new steemians to steemjet and the cryptoworld of steem in correspondence to the launch codes. This is done by hosting contest to newbies and non-delegates and steembathing the winners for their rewards.

I believe that through this, the best will come to steemjet.

steemjet on the wings of superstars we are words and steem

Oh Goodie! A steemjetcontest account. This should help the steemjet newbies in their contest rewards.

Nice one with these accounts. Way to go guys. At least these account can keep users updated as to the contests that are on running and necessary information can be easily accessed from there. Great move.... 😎

The field of thousands of talents, where only the best is recognised

Wow @empato365, I honestly can't wait to see the contests SteemJet has to offer. Trust me, I'll participate in everything

There is a photography contest going on @steemjetcontests blog right now and will soon end in few days, you may like to check it out

I definitely am checking it out

You so great man really
You my most choice man

Awesome work guys. You rocking people.


greeting :)

@empato365 I will also like to be part of the sponsors of this competition, in the sense of using my delegated sp to promote the community.

You are working great, best wishes for you @steemjet.

Thanks alot @dimimp I am very happy here.

Finally, its out. Our very own steemjet account. This is great.

Hello @lordjames i just entered the ✈ plane. I'm glad to know my pilot by name please drive carefully to avoid crash.

@joachimabara you are highly welcome to the great community of love, Enjoy your stay on steemjet, and preach the good news to your family and friends.
Do forget our watch word is to make STEEM globally adopted.

Congratulations on the successful launching of the steemjet. Steemjet is taking new turns and is impacting positively.

Hello @lordjames, welcome all to the take off
The engines are hot and steeming
Steem to the world . 😎

Wow, the steemjet account has been launched. Now off to the next phase. I'm really happy to see this much progress.

Oh our pilot 👩‍✈️ this is of the best news of today... congratulations to us all...

Congratulations sir

You so great man really sir.
You my most choice man really.

Congratulations sir for your blog.
Please sir upvote and resteemit done.

Wow, I'm so happy that I witnessed this. The fact is STEEMJET is going to change alot of things positively. And I want to be part of the steemJet that changes things positively.

@okipeter you are highly welcome to the great community of love, Enjoy your stay on steemjet, and preach the good news to your family and friends.
Do forget our watch word is to make STEEM globally adopted.

I'm so glad with the type of welcoming I've been getting from the STEEMJET community. This shows that the community indeed wants to change alot.


Congratulations sir for post

Glad to see that the Official account of the SteemJet has been launched.

Great way to go. I've started my work Sir. Inviting new members to the SteemJet community. I'll need your help in achieving this, as I have a suggestion Where we can create a Curation trail, and it will be solely for the purpose of upvoting new members onboarding the Steem-osphere.

Your advise is needed bosses. I can give you some of the links to the newbies I've invited.

SteemJet: on the wings of superstars, we are words and Steem.

welcome aboard steemjet!! this is @mbj (The heard of the Art Department, Steemjet community) speaking.... welcome online. I want you to know that we are solidly behind you to achieving this global steem adoption of our dream.


you are highly welcome to the great community of love, Enjoy your stay on steemjet, and preach the good news to your family and friends.
Do forget our watch word is to make STEEM globally adopted.

welcome aboard man ... steemjet is a home for all. Have you heard about our new graphic design contest "steem high" like a steem high school. do well to be part of it and you are good to go.
welcome again!!!


Yes sir... My brother is in the pic... Siri want you to have a look at this... this is my dream for Steemjet community

Thanks for sharing this photography post
is very nice Comments

thanx bro... tell me wat doi need to do... a link wud b useful... plus ur help most welcomed...

@mbj, have you seen my entry for the steem high contest??

Well here is a link to it

Also, a link to my steemjet logos, do well to give me a feedback

Also, a link to my entry for the STEEMJET time contest

Do well to give me a feedback asap. I'm burning with passion


I am keeping catalog of all the entries submitted under the art category.
welcome aboard.

Cool, let me pack my bags

Congratulations for your post.... best of luck

@mbj this is my entry for the steem high school contest
pls do well to give me a feed back


Most welcome to steemit job

Hello @steemjet glad to see you
sir I am new here I also want to be member of this community please support me here.

Yey! The launch started already, damn I'm so busy with studies and work to cover it, so that i don't have much time to engage with you guys , so sorry, but I'll be here soon as I'm done

you say that YOU have been busy, but it is ME who is just now getting around to responding to 12 day old comments!

n we appreciate that u dont miss any of our comments

Lol you are unbelievable!

Hai @steemjet & the pilot @lordjames .
it seems like I should have time to make a bigger painting of a steemjet plane.
near the end of this year passengers into space increasingly crowded.

I think the steemjet should approach the size of the steemit plane

If I hire you on SF7, will you work exclusively for steemjet?

thanks @dimimp. i accepted the offer for the assignment on SF7.
I ask for directions, what are the tasks I do.
and I will work best for this.

Thank for you to..

Steemjet is now Biggest tag in steemit platform..

I like this is steemjet work

woww. amazing

Thanks bro @longming .

@dimimp and @longming so great man really sir. You too my most choice man really.....

Yes, you are right. it's no doubt.

When I get caught up, I will come and see what you have created!

Thanks for you sir help me

Great the activation of the account of STEEMJET ... it will be easier to disclose and promote with an own account of the project ... @rosetargaryen I invite you to follow us there.

congratulations on the success of your last initiative!

This is a nice initiative form have an official account for the community.
Thumb up for the man behind the scenes.

yeah off course it's a nice initiative.

Nice work captain @lordjames
We love @dimimp

nice to see Steemjet got the own acc.


Hi hi captain black beards.
