What Does Word STEEM Really Mean: My Etymology Survey

in #steem8 years ago

Have you ever asked yourself what the word STEEM really means?

Starting Point

If you open the FAQ in STEEM.IO and click "Why STEEM" you will see:

Steem is a form of esteem, which means to prize or value. Steem is also a homophone for steam, which is frequently associated with power, and a step further, steam powered trains gave influence to English idioms, such as ‘this conversation is picking up steam.’ The associations with prizing, language and empowerment only felt right.

Well, lets take a look what the word ESTEEM meant in the past...

Digging the Dictionaries

Etymological dictionaries say that verb ESTEEM goes from middle of XV century from Old French word “ESTIMER” and this word is from Latin “AESTIMARE” ("to value, determine the value of something"). The last Latin word if we take a look to the roots of pralanguage can be divided to “ais” and “-temos”. Some dictionaries says that “ais temos” mean "one who cuts copper" or "one who mints money".

My Alternative Version

Interesting that the root *ais- also means “to honour, to revere; respect”
And there is another variation of second root *tem- which means sacred place.

We can say that STEEM can be etymologically connected to HONOURABLE SACRED PLACE. And I’m sure devs intending Steemit to be so and I hope all steemians too.


Why not?

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Ned / Dan mentioned in one interview that Steem comes from the word Esteem. It's mentioned in this video :)

Cool! I was just wondering about this. Thanks for saving me the time to look into it. :)

You are welcome @pulpably. I like this short explorations and it was not too dificult but interesting.

I'm writing a piece about what "Steem" means to me, and wondering what it may mean to others. Would you allow me to link and quote this post?