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RE: Why did a post telling people to report bugs make 3,000 USD in upvotes and my actual post about a legitimate security issue that the developers directly thanked me get less than 100 USD?

in #steem9 years ago

There is a lot you can do. You can improve the interface so people can find the kind of posts they want. Right now we look in the topics and there is spam all over, and posts which often don't have anything at all with the topic being voted up. Also Trending is the default setting when maybe we should just let people configure an agent and let that agent search for articles according to their criteria.


The underutilized recommended posts feature is quite good in my experience. Probably your mileage will vary depending on your voting pattern.

I agree the "Trending" topic is a bad fit for my tastes personally.

I click straight to new, then start the wild goose chase of guessing hashtags and looking for something related and interesting. Whenever I check trending, other than site updates, I'm usually not interested in anything there at all.

I often click "new" as well and find more options than "trending", but Steem has changed the system so if you vote on things too new, your curation rewards don't count. I just don't worry about that though then. But its another design choice that doesn't work for some of us.

And about your hashtags point, its a shame you can't be sure that later in the day hashtags you looked at will still be listed, you need to be sure to remember them or write them down externally. Even when you click to view more hashtags, ones you saw just a few hours ago are gone.

This is actually an intriguing solution. I'm still skeptical about the nature of the currency in that nobody is spending or risking anything on the transactions.

Totally agree with this, somekind of subthread system should be implemented, just like in Reddit.