Steemit reached 700,000+ accounts & Steem named one of TOP 3 cryptos by Investopedia!

in #steem7 years ago

Hi everybody,

Soon after informing you that Steem was ranked one of the best 5 cryptocurrencies for investment by Weiss Ratings, a renowned independent rating agency, I am here with another great news.

Investopedia, a prestigious American website focusing on investment and financial news, recently published an article with 3 top non-bitcoin altcoins for your portfolio and... yes, Steem is one of them! The article describes Steem as “unique model in the digital currency landscape” and Steemit as “blockchain-related social media platform with elaborate voting system rewarding authors and curators”. You can read the whole article here.

I am sure being featured in this article will only add to the current growth of Steem and I cannot wait to see Steem breaking into the top 10 cryptocurrencies at where it is currently occupying the 25th spot. (see below)

Bez názvu.png

Today was also a big day for Steemit, our beloved platform, as it reached 700,000 accounts! We also broke the record for the number of new accounts registered in one day with more than 20,000 new accounts being created yesterday.

I am really happy that my original estimate of 5-10 million Steemit accounts registered by the end of the year seems to be more realistic every day.

I think we do have some exciting times ahead of us, my fellow Steemians! :)

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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CEO & Founder of CGH


upvote follow resteem.gif


Steemit must overtake Tether and Bitcoin Gold in the next few months, or I'll be loosing my mind! How can a useless piece of crap like Bitcoin Gold be worth more than Steemit? It's crazy!

Haha, valid point.... Unfortunately there are many more projects that have nothing then a white-paper but they are valued in billions... The time will separate those!

My estimation is 3 to 4 million users by the end of this year.
I'm posting weekly steemit charts where you can see the amazing growth of steemit:

Great! Even though it is little short of my estimate I still like your numbers:).......

That was a nice analysis, @sevenseals! I really hope we end up seeing such huge growth, or maybe even a little bit more than your estimation ;)

I always wonder which number i am lol (bites into a piece of bread as crumbs fall) ehh oh well, im here

Your user ID is 653,031, so I would guess you are number 653,031 ;)

Im in the process of powering my vote power back up, (bites sandwich) so as soon huiffhsilduslckjhsliuh oh sorry i was talking with mouth full, um , oh yeah... as soooon as im powered back up, I promise i will come back and upvote this with $100 , wait my bad with %100 percent! yeah yeah thats it. .... happy Steeming!. ill be back (terminator voice)

*Remind me feb 5th 2018

looks like it powered up faster then i thought, here ya go UPVOTE!

Great news in the newyear! Now the mood is Yeah Baby! Power Up That Steem and Don't Be Late! We are already here when most people still contemplating on whether to join or not... and I am just smiling ear to ear thinking about it. This is such a cool news and made me proud to already be here.

People who are thinking about joining should have a look over some of the wallets of the newer users on here and they will see that people are actually making money, even though it is very little at the start.

Great thinking! All the best!

This is something to jubilate for and believe me just this news alone has made my evening. I also really anticipate steem occupying the top ten ranks and then the steem block chains will have more than enough followers as we have a lot of people tropping into the chain market. Cheers and thank you for this wonderful piece

Very happy to hear out your positivism! Have a good one. Tomas

I think many People are waiting for their account-confirmations. I waited around 2 weeks. I am sure we will reach 1kk user soon.

Signip process is still an issue but it is something that is a top priority for Steemit right now and should be significantly improved with HF20.

Your article gives faith to the value of Steem. Thank you for that. I believe that we will wait for the moment when we will be in the top 10 Crypto-currency according to the version -

Ваша статья придает веры в ценность Steem. Спасибо Вам за это. Я верю, что мы дождемся того момента, когда мы будем в топ 10 криптовалют по версии -

Sooner or later I am sure we will make it to top 10... We are on the way there already:)

Thank you for you support.

Once the market recovers, I am sure Steem's value is going to grow really nicely with all of the new accounts being added, I am one of them over the past few days. Hopefully with Lunar New Year ending soon, the market will be recovering soon.

Welcome onboard! You have made a great decision on joining this great platform. Tomas

Thank you Tomas, it has been awesome so far. The community has been very welcoming.

Steem keeps on growing and it's amazing. One day steem and steemit will be as well known as facebook and twitter.

Steem it is a great project in future it will be rise up higher and will be at top of all crypto