See the developers of Steem working on Github over a one week period

in #steem7 years ago

I came across this brilliant visualisation tool from a UK company called Interition who are also working on an Ethereum app called Zonafide. I highly recommend taking a look at their website and they even have an android app available to download.

Here is their about section

Assure activities are genuine

Just like you send messages and pictures Zonafide® enables you to send someone an assurance that an Activity is genuinely being carried out by you.

Maybe it is an instruction to your Solicitor to make a house payment, confirmation of a change of details with your bank or authority for workmen to access premises.

When you, your family, friends and professionals use Zonafide® together it becomes much easier to ensure that it is your instructions they are acting on.

Zonafide® is a Digital Wallet for Securing Activities.

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Good video,
I like that @cryptofunk

Thank sharring video...

Thats look really cool, Thanks for sharing this details.

It made me think of my Steem Wish flowers- i think they may have to evolve after seeing this :D

I got the app at the meetup, still unsure exactly how it works? ill have to read up! :)

Thank for your bonus! I will remember you. good luck to you

Hi cryptofunk
I remember you when I'm rich.