4 Reasons Your Comfort Zone Is Holding You Back

in #steem2 years ago


It's natural to want to stay in your comfort zone; after all, it's the easiest thing to do! It's where you feel safe, where you don't expose yourself to criticism and hurt, and where you avoid making difficult decisions.

Regardless of the ostensible "benefits" of remaining in your comfort zone, you are doing yourself a disservice by not putting yourself out there! Here are four reasons why staying in your comfort zone is ultimately harmful:

It is necessary to take action in order to effect change.

You can blame others all you want if your life isn't where you want it to be, but you are the only one truly responsible for your circumstances. How can you expect your life to improve if you stay in your comfort zone, do what you know, and never change?

You can't grow unless you stretch yourself.

You will never grow as a person unless you stretch outside of your comfort zone. Consider people who are true experts in their fields. Do you believe they weren't scared before they began? Do you think it was simple for them to try something new and become proficient at it overnight? It wasn't the case!

You grow as a person every time you take a small step outside of your comfort zone. As a result, your comfort zone expands, making it easier and easier to push yourself to new limits.

You'll Never Find Out Who You Really Are

If you stick to what you know, you will never discover your true identity and calling in life. Even if you think you've found it, something you haven't tried yet could light you up and introduce you to even more amazing things!

Taking risks also reveals aspects of your personality that would otherwise remain hidden. They can demonstrate that you are far stronger than you previously believed. As a result, these new realizations will make it easier to try new things in the future.

Holding back can sometimes cause more harm than good.

There's something unsettling about knowing you're holding back and staying in your comfort zone. It's that nagging feeling that you should be doing something more. When the pain of this feeling outweighs the pain of what you're truly afraid of, it's time to move forward and try new things!

It is not about taking drastic measures and doing everything you are afraid of. It's about taking small steps on a regular basis so that your comfort zone expands. Best wishes!

(Learn from the internet productivity hackers, Lifehack.org how to step out of comfort zone into your growth zone)[https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/10-ways-step-out-your-comfort-zone-and-enjoy-taking-risks.html