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RE: MARKETING STEEM # 1 : Do we need a Steem PR service?

in #steem11 months ago

The answer is YES.

But the PR-solution is NOT linking each (shxxx) post on other platforms (X, Insta…) Luke a lot of communities and even the greeters demand…

You will make a great plan!


Totally agree on this...

But the PR-solution is NOT linking each (shxxx) post on other platforms (X, Insta…) Luke a lot of communities and even the greeters demand…

I would keep the PR service targeting press and traditional media rather than social media. Social media needs a quite different approach.

I think steem did not need marketing, steem need appreciation and some upvotes to new commers, 1 is one , 2 is 11,more people to steem then lefting the steem is steem needed