Awesome Surprise! - Power went out and Steem auto saved everything I had written - Steem has your back :)

in #steem9 years ago

Maybe I can save you some worry :)

So last night I was writing up a little something something on Steem. I'm still pretty slow at it and was trying to find my pictures, then pictures weren't working so I had to find some new ones that would blah blah blah. Anyways I was probably about 2 hours into this when POOF! the electricity went out!!! I thought I had lost everything, it was gone!

I thought to myself I knew I should have opened a word pad .doc and copy paste saved it just in case, but to my amazement when the power came back on and I restored my pages everything I had written was right there where I left it. Steem had remembered what I wrote! I was super relieved.

Just thought that this was really neat so wanted to share with you guys. Hopefully if gives you a little piece of mind when you are writing something super long :)



holy cow has that saved me a huge amount of times i don't think i'd have the same amount of posts if something happened and it was lost but it always leaves off in the last spot you where writing its frickin fantastic!!

I was extremely grateful when I turned everything back on and saw it was all still there! Thank you Steem!!!! :)