Joe Rogan was just introduced to STEEM and his reaction was more than positive. Joe has yet to learn about Dtube, Dlive, Dsound, and the rest of the platforms powered by STEEM. kaBOOM!
Lets ALL tweet Joe, comment on his page, and invite him here to STEEM and Dtube immediately!
Watch the entire podcast here:
Joe Rogan is an auto-believer. He assumes "terror attacks" and "school shootings" are all real. He pretends to distrust the mainstream media, but he literally NEVER questions their narratives, and has yet to expose a single psyop or out a single crisis actor. He's not alt-media. He's mainstream, dressed up as an alternative. He's a gatekeeper and a thought-coraller.
Therefore, in my opinion, Joe Rogan is a dangerous propagandist. He poses as a free thinker, but never looks at the overwhelming and undeniable evidence that most "shootings" and "terror attacks" are simply street theatre and drills sold as real events by the media. Instead, he only discusses these events as if they actually happened. Which is completely insane to anyone who's actually done some research on these things.
Now, I welcome Joe to Dtube and Steem, as I do all folks, but for the record: watch out for this guy. He gives you 90% truths, then slips in the propaganda when you least suspect it.
If Joe Rogan is going to be in Steemit and Dtube: hold his feet to the fire and get him to discuss uncomfortable evidence that goes against his overwhelming desire to make us BELIEVE in the things he's trying to sell us. (And yes, he's trying to sell these events to you)
Bro... I put on the tin foil hat jist to read your comment. ;)
Sometimes in this business man staying neutral and keeping it real are not in the best interest of the program.Joe Is a solid dude I met him back in 2008. He was actually threatened a few years back by the powers that be. for starting to expose truths in media. He lives in the devil's Anus(Cali) alot of mainstream liberal ideology there can tear a man down quick.
Here is a link , and you can search but every video of the testimony has been removed from the web. except for people like Alex jones who has the original copy.
we need joe
If we can get him on here it will be huge! Lets ALL tweet Joe, comment on his page, and invite him here to STEEM and Dtube immediately!
yeahhh budddyyyy
@markjackson, you can say that again. lets pull Joe down here.
Heavy shakers coming down to Steemit...
we need everybody to tell ppl about steemit etc not just one person a community is not built on 1 person its up to all of use to do our part
No, we don't.
I second that. No pseudo-truther & controlled opposition puppet like joe needed here.
Bigger players come on board, bigger audiences follow them, your STEEM and SBD skyrocket.
Wants vs needs.
@champagnecrypto It looks like this may be your highest payout post ever CHAMP, Congrats !!!
Thanks @stokjockey Shout out to the @dtube bot! kaBOOM!
He would bring a massive boost to STEEM! Love Joe! Let's get him on here!
that would be awesome if we could get joe on the platform
He would bring so many with him.
So cool! Here's the location where they talk about Steemit (at 2:38:55):
thanks for this
Joe Rogan is the man! I met him a few years back after one of his shows in Baltimore and gave him my book!

I think Joe Rogan viewers are probably more inclined than average to get on board with this platform too.
@moxeymunchies, every human being wants to be loved, appreciated and cared for which is what steemit is all about. a place to make friends and interact wih people you haven't met in person.
Having his viewers get on board won't be a difficult task at all just as you have rightly put.
"This seems like more next level." ~Joe Rogan, about Steem
That is why I just recently joined, check out my latest video if you are interested in philosophical content. Thanks, dude!
yes @blervin, the next level,
its all about Joe on steemit