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RE: Dancing with a Bear - Thoughts on Steem's Future

in #steem6 years ago

If we allow the value of what we're making off our content, to determine the value of our content, then we'll only get good content when the value of what compensates us is high. Take Napster for instance, and how the illegal downloads drove down the value of artist content. In the long run, this forced artists to make better content because people would spend money on what they actually liked/wanted. Unfortunately, I don't see the creators of content on steem mirroring Napster, and I think it's because we aren't a bunch of rich musicians who could afford to lose a little dough on their music (in some cases a lot of dough). Well the steam whales could afford to lose some of their steemit and still be fine. I could also lose my steem, as I have a whole whopping 20.00 after creating content for almost a year. I guess that's part of the problem too, is that creating something, putting in some effort, and not getting paid for it are disheartening. But, your point about creating free content for ever is very apt. Just because I share a doodle, a drawing, or a song I made, does that really mean I deserve compensation for it? The simple answer, is No.


I think creators have an emotional need to create... at least I do, I've been sharings songs and thoughts for over a decade, making money or not never truly stopped me from doing so. Its for me, its because it feels right to work on understanding my own mind.

I suspect you would identify with that thought too.

I too feel an emotional need to create and express myself through different mediums and artistic endeavors. I have rhythms running through my head that are expressed by a daily barrage of beat boxing, guitar playing, doodles, and making goofy faces...all of which I do for free, and for the enjoyment of those around me.