STEEM Did More Transactions In A Day Then Any Other Blockchain........EVER!!!!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

1.3 Million transactions in a 24 hour period of time and it has pretty much been averaging that for the last 7 days. That is more transactions than Ethereum or Bitcoin have ever done in 1 day and it isn't even moving the needle. We are at like 0.11% utilization while Ethereum and Bitcoin are at 100% utilization!!!

It was just a couple of weeks ago when I could see the writing on the wall that STEEM was ready to launch since the SBD were pumped up so high. We knew STEEM would follow. That is why I powered up and strapped in for launch!

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Yes - Steem is awesome. The overall platform is picking up some serious steem!!!!

I love STEEM! People need to wake up and realize that they should invest in projects that are actually working and functional. And the great thing about steem is that it sort of pays a dividend for your investment whereas most other blockchains are speculative; only making money because someone will pay more money for it.


The STEEM ecosystem makes a lot of sense for sure and like you said is more than a speculative investment. I mean people have free blog hosting if nothing else.

A while ago I wanted to start my own wordpress blog but didn't follow through with it because my gut feeling was to focus more on videos instead of writing blogs and building a following on a single domain. Now I am glad to see why. I would've had to spend money and time to set it up and then try and build a following. After, I would need to put ads or something in order to make any kind of income. Now with steemit, I don't need to grind like that and feel this is what I have been waiting for!

I feel Steemit has great potentials to outshine other cryptos owing to the popularity and ease of transaction it allows users.

Yeah just that alone and the fact we can have a real name alias instead of a long public key of letters and number no one can remember should be enough to allow it to gain all kinds of acceptance.

That is absolutely true, sometimes cryptos get lost during transfers due to misspelt address. Steem is simplying all that.

Steem is a great blockchain and it seems to be able to handle many things on it.

Keep sharing I like your post
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Please keep sharing your thoughts. interesting post.

Market cap isn't everything. offers a great new way of measuring value of cryptocurrencies.

The Market Caps are so far out of wack it is ridiculous. Ripple is worth over twice as much as General Motors at this point and the coin isn't tied to any equity of Ripple labs. LOL. It is nuts.

WE have to be getting near what steemit can handle though correct? Then we are in for some serious website issues again here on steemit we have all been there before. Every comment, picture upload, upvote etc all is a transaction from how I recall steem works?

Yeah everything is a transaction on this chain but I have had minimal problems. But yeah I know what you mean. Sometimes if a witness can't process a block it has to go to another witness and that really screws stuff up.

It is technically at 0.11% utilization but I think once they switch it to multi-threaded then it will be able to do a lot more. Hopefully we don't run into too many issues.

The SteemIt blockchain is amazing! Well done to the developers!