How did you discover Steemit?

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

I'm curious.  I realize people will view this as an an upvote attempt, so don't upvote (unless you can't resist - I won't stop you!)

Just tell me your secrets.

I read a MarketWatch article about the huge price increase... felt right away that it was something I wanted to be part of.  


Some people were talking about it in the Poloniex trading site chat a month ago.
That made me curious about it and a little sceptical, but hey a few months later and it's growing even more now so I'll be here for a lot of years ;D

Nice! I've heard of Poloniex but still need to create an account.

I stumbled onto steemit as a side result in my emerging fascination with crypto currency. Getting into it late in the game is hard for an average user to do any effective mining. I wanted to find a new and emerging crypto I could cut my teeth on. Learn to set up a miner program while using my existing system (cpu mining). I'm still looking for that.... But this was an amazing idea and what I had always envisioned of th blockchain technology. Something that served a purpose other than mining of a coin which held value based on belief it has value. LBRY is another one I love seeing.

Same here. I don't know much about it, but I also want to set up my home pc to mine. I feel like I'm behind the curve in my related knowledge. We should push each other along to get the mining operation up and running :)

I had it up and running for LBRY, but it was right as the GPU miners started and a touch late for CPU folk... I'm just wanting to learn a bit about it more than attempt to mine for profit at this point. Fascinating stuff

Is mining difficult or expensive? You just set a program and leave your computer on 24/7 right?

Correct. But I would be CPU mining.... CPU being the slowest in the hierarchy of mining. My limited understanding was as faster and faster systems get involved in mining the difficulty in solving is increased. One reward is going to be issues every fixed period of time, so if three people with same equipment are mining I have a 33% of getting the reward. Having the slowest equipment for mining means I could run it 24/7 (and am while I'm on vacation for a week) and still not receive a reward because far superior equipment by many more people are competing for the same reward

I had heard about it a few months back on some crypto blog. But it really came to attention a couple of weeks back when the value of STEEM soared from under $1 to $4.

How does something like that occur anyway? Was there a massive jump in demand?