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RE: Moving to hive

in #steem7 years ago

Good idea, but why do you only focus posts above a certain $ value? What's the difference between a person abusing the system with a post worth $1000 USD and the same person abusing the system with 1000 posts worth $1 USD?

What about small scale users abusing the system with the same ROI as the bigger ones, but operating under radar, because no one cares about them?

The ROI of abuse is the same for small accounts as well as big accounts. I believe, small scale abuse goes unnoticed, but if you add up all of those numbers, that might amount to a huge sum as well, if you consider $65 Million USD is distributed in reward money every year to authors and curators.


This is a point to be considered IMO

Thank you, @walden. This seems to be a "can't see the wood for the trees" situation. People are focused on a few individuals and can't see the big picture.

If you do the math, the only solution to this mess is to get rid of the author and curator rewards and introduce a tipping system, where the authors and/or posts are tipped directly by the readers with their own Steem.