Left Digg.com over 9 years ago to join Reddit - Now Steem?

in #steem9 years ago

I remember when I left Digg.com over 9 years ago to join the Reddit.com network and the feelings I got when I became a member of a new community and had to relearn the way things worked. I left Digg because they simply didn't deliver the standard that Reddit.com did at the time.

I cannot believe it has been this long since another social media platform has come and given Reddit a run for it's money (and users like myself). I look back at my years on Reddit and I can't help but wonder what kind of earnings would I have generated had a platform like Steem existed? How much money did Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and the other elite social engines earn off of my user generated content?

I am extremely grateful for the Steemit platform and I hope it ABSOLUTELY disrupts those who don't reward authors, bloggers, posters and content drivers.