I just bought a bunch of Steem (Warning?) + Quick note about self voting

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: I just bought a bunch of Steem (Warning?) + Quick note about self voting

Neither Steem, Steemit or Steemit INC can be trusted. Research the #SteemHostileTakeover , and come join everyone else on #Hive .


Thank you for buying more steem! It is real value for community!

Congrats @ausbitbank
You were the lowest % on the list, and only you and one other were under 1% at all.
Yes, you sure deserve higher self-votes!

I wasn't on the list but would have been interested to see my numbers. I imagine they were even lower than yours since I wasn't worth discussing ... lol.

I always struggle with not wanting to make it look bad by upvoting myself too high,
but with also being fair to myself and the hours upon hours that I usually put in a post, and most weeks I only do 1 per week anyways but spend HOURS upon HOURS reading other posts and voting for them.

Anyways, I think that we are both probably too hard on ourselves.

All the best!

I don't see any problem upvoting yourself as long as you don't waste all their upvotes on themselves. Your articles are worth every penny they receive @canadian-coconut

Thank-you so much @whatamidoing !
I appreciate it.

I am for self-voting as long as you are contributing to the platform and engaging in conversation. I feel we shouldn't "shame" self-voting, we might want to "shame" bad actors though.

You are a contributor, pay yourself!

Not to fluff your ego or anything @ausbitbank but you're definitely one of the most generous and selfless people I know! That being said I believe that you definitely deserve your own self upvotes and you shouldn't hesitate in putting yourself first! I am so excited to see you posting again! Hugs ❤️

I'll fluff your ego bud. You're a very handsome boy!!!

Handsome indeed much fluffing would be an honor!

Informative and enlightening article @ausbitbank! I also bought a tiny amount of Steem today with my earned SBDs and kept watching the graph every now and then... so I understand the feeling...
You've provided a self voting link in your post that I clicked on only to see how selfless yet generous you have been. So nice to meet you @ausbitbank! I'm going to vote for you as witness now. Good luck to you always! - @sandzat

Voted for you as witness! :) Look forward to seeing more of your posts. Cheers!

@ausbitbank You made a small error, the 22K figure is total, including self-votes :)

I want to repeat here that you are an example for everyone!

Always love the opportunity to BUY.
I wonder what the price of steem is right now anyway 🤔 @steemprice help me out?

Ha, that is useful service steemprice providing!

really useful service indeed.

$1.221 USD/STEEM
Volume: 2.9414 BTC, 5987 STEEM / Average Price: 0.00049122
Last Updated Tue Jul 25 19:03:39 2017

@ausbitbank I really don't have a problem with self voting. I think the real problem is GREED. I read that same article yesterday and there were indeed leeches. I will let our fellow Steemians read the post and see for themselve who those leches are. I don't have an issue with hose upvoting ther posts , as long as it's in balance with their helping the community. All Steemians will be looking. Thanks for your post and for NOT being a self serving greedy bastard.

I'm generally a pacifist, but can we talk about eradicating this species?

I'be tried. Believe me. But those things are like cockroaches.

Can't you force choke all of them. Yoda says "do or do not, there is no try."

I just need to start with one.

misa dont understand follow me as i follow you into a saga situated light years from current time@fauxfinish upvoted ,,vote and follow @fauxfinish,, you know he might just end up being your father!

i sense the force is strong with this one,herrrrrrch

You have given out so many rewards and encouraged a ton of community members. I don't think anyone could ever criticize your voting habits. You are helping the entire community every day. A rising tide lifts all boats... you are helping to raise that tide. Thank you.