
How is that NOT benefiting us all? I tend to think that putting a roadster in the limelight is a symbol of self sacrifice.

He he he. Just kidding. OK. It's a total phallic symbol in space. We get it. But still. I <3 Elon. Just sayin'

It was a mass test, they could have sent a concrete block but decided to have some fun.

Not like they burned all that cash on a flight because elon didn't like the colour or something.

Exactly. They had to send something. Why not that? Great photo op.

AT LEAST this.

I feel the benefit already

you are satisfied man

You are the satisfied winner of favoritestupidcomments man.

Didn't he do it during a test of a brand new rocket, the most powerful on earth, though?

that's all right

They were testing a rocket and it didnt matter what they put in the payload area... the car was the sme as a metal weight used to show the capability of the amount of weight the rocke could lift... the fact that they chose a car at the last minute has nothng to do with anything that you could use to actually downgrade the level of achievement he made testing out his incredible revolutionary Falcon Heavy rocket, peopel like to talk shit but sorry we DONT get to uyse any secert alien technology so just face the fact we are stuck with rockets.. ist what HUMANS make ist what we KNOW we have and we CAN use them they aren THAt expensive when you considr the amount of mney youc an amke colonizing space

you think people thought building infrastructur e on the north american continent was waste of money just like peopel think building habiotationa nd infrasytructure on mars and in Space is a waste? Foolish anto explorationaist thought lol wit what are we talking about again? Howd we get to Elon Musk again? Oh yes right

Dear ./@ackza
very responsible post

It was a publicity stunt, and guess worked.
You're talking about it right now. He spent ZERO on advertising by throwing that car into space, but everyone is talking about it now.

Symbols are more important that many acts. The car cost nothing, and the toys and gags in it were a labor of love by the team. I can find nothing negative in the act, and a lot to smile about.