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RE: STEEM: Wait until Pension Funds and Institutional Investors want to buy STEEM..!! They won't be bothering with a few STEEM here and there..!!

in #steem8 years ago

It's interesting, because I'm currently talking to wealth managers on a regular basis who are getting more and more interested in the possibility of crypto's in general. Because so many wealth managers are competing in the same shrinking market, often trying to sell the same crappy products to investors who are weary of poor results and large fees, some more radical ones are getting interested in sidelining, away from their traditional institutions. And when you start to realise that the majority of people under the age of 50 will likely never see a pension, or have a retirement age lower than about 80 (due to the huge amount of unfunded liabilities) there will be a stampede of smart, digitally savvy people who want to look for alternatives to the traditional bankster ponzi scheme junk products that theire parents were used to.


"....and when you start to realise that the majority of people under the age of 50 will likely never see a pension, or have a retirement age lower than about 80 (due to the huge amount of unfunded liabilities).."..!! I could not agree more. I have been banging on about this for years to a hail of abuse saying that Banks have it all under control. When I tell them that Derivatives are running the show and will implode soon, they think I am from outer-space..!! See you on Wednesday. Stephen