Looking To The Future

in #steem6 years ago

photo 27.jpg

Rare occurence on Brick Lane whereby there's no car parked in front of this shop and I can finally get an unobstructed photo

So we have a semi-firm date for HF21 and 'new Steem'.

It's now only a matter of time before we know if the general culture on here will change significantly as predicted. I can already see a lot of people (myself included) making some strategic changes in their curation efforts.

The geek in me is tempted to leave things as they are, not change anything, just to see what the difference really is after HF21.

August is going to be very interesting, not only on the Steem blockchain, but in the cryptosphere generally with a lot of activity and some big changes coming.

This may be indeed the last month when we can earn easy Steem. Despite all the hurdles, buying into Steem from fiat may be way more efficient going forward. That is, spending your revenue producing time elsewhere, and then putting a bit aside to purchase Steem.

July has been quite capricious and I for one am looking forward to the new month. I'm looking to the future.


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.
© adetorrent.com


So the question remains, does buying into Steem actually give you any trading power on Steemit. I ask this because I am starting to think about how Steemit could grow and what other services/platforms can be leveraged for the community as a whole. I saw the card trading game based on Steem and while not really my thing, the concept is quite interesting nonetheless.

What has happened to tokens? Where are they being used in the real world? When will there be a proper crossover of established tech and crypto-projects?

LOL. I have no idea haha.
Tokens, well people just either stake them, like me, or try to sell them for fiat. Most are selling :)

There are some interesting moves I'm reading about. Exyle talked to a diabetes foundation about Actifit and they seem very interested. The incentive based rewards is what I think they're into.

I'm not sure if they still do it, but there is a health insurance company that pays your gym membership if you attend more than 2 times a week. That kind of incentive based arrangement would thrive on Steem.

Well that's the most realistic way to say it, and I think seismic activities will change on steem because intermittently, steem is now going to be harder to earn in August. So I'm predicting most people leaving in September or October.

@awesomianist said it differently.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well pretty much, we have more minnows and they make up like 70% of the population here these guys will pretty much leave, it'll affect them the most,

I'm more curious about that typerium release now lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I had to google that. Looks like another vapourware :)

I'm guessing it will be the new interface to be on steem...independent from steemit! Remember back in the day when @ned spoke about "destiny" ???

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL @ "back in the day" - when was that? Last year? haha
The more the merrier I guess :)

Yeah... lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Destiny, hahaha well that guy sure brought that razmataz, I can't forget "anggrandizment" too

yeah will have to wait and see what will come our way


Posted using Partiko Android

It's going to be interesting to be sure. I'm in the 'wait and see' boat, I don't plan to change anything right away. I'm hopeful for the future but with a healthy bit of skepticism. Nice photo by the way! :)

Yeeey I love that shop also, is my pink sanity on that madness 🤩

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