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RE: My STEEMIT School Project

in #steem7 years ago

you should consider posting some quality content like this man, dunno why you been laggin! post some real stuff, post your homework, post an essay on steemit, i know you have projects and assignments at school and you can make it all about steemit, trust me the teacher wont care if you went off on a tangent and were supposed to focus on something else, just show the whole class how education itself is changed and you have incentive to actually learn, show the teacher how they can get steempower delegated to them and upvote their own students , just use lots of buzzwords like Blockchain, decentralized Graphene Ecosystem, DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) and Social Media Front End and Blogchain an Backend, and how you can hit it from the front end ( or you can hit it from the backnd (Vessel wallet) and make jokes like that a

or no make jokes about how you can make more money than the teacvher and make a race to see if the whoel class can make mroe than the teacher with all their steemit posts combined
man if you get yuur class on steemit i will get everuone of thir accounts upvotes if they actually post once a day from school and taking grouip pis of everyone in school with a big steem logo on the chalkbaord/whitebaord and i wanna see the teacher list all homework assignemnts on Steemit profile and take assigmemnts AS replies to her post OR she just checks their accounts for their Blog post showing their assignment or use a cuystom Hashtag to make their p[osts all show up in one specific place... I believe we could easily set this up for teachers to use steem and get their students earning money by using some sopecial app that lets them answer questions tpo earn upvotes but it wont let them leave the screen or use wikipedia or google to cheat when taking quzzes, man we could jhave wuiz type system on steem that rewards the winners with steem/sbd or upvotes, upvotes woudl work best, man it would be SO sick because smart kdis would get whales to c ome upvote them from other parts of steemit woul eb SO FUN man, those kids parenyts would be SO happy the kids made MONEY at school, the kids could 'Save for college" which i lame, they can save for their own small buysiness which is bettr OR they can just SAVE STEEMPOWER for thir steemit account so they can just live off THAT in teh future fuck college :D If u wanna party just get a nice apt NEAR the college u were gonna go to, and go to all the parties on campus etc, socialize, and then when its party time u can bring girls to YOUR fucking house or condo OUTSIDE campus whguch will be BETTER than ANYONE ELES house on campus man.. why go to collegfe when u can just fuckin live off campuys and just attend lectures just for fun or hangut on campus for fun, just socialize, and no c;lasses tho its the way to go, school is a waste of time ur future making money is here on steem


Thankyou for the ideas and support. I would love to get some of my classmates on steemit. I think they would look at it like more homework. But I want to show them how my account grows. Then they will want to make money too.

If I didn't have classes, then maybe I'd put a little more effort into Steemit. I actually am busy mate.