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RE: How do you like DLive now?

in #steem7 years ago

I have to admit I didn't see this coming, I want to make a longer post explaining everything and why I love curating streamers but I'm not able to right now as I only have my phone available. I hope the truth comes to light and the users who I got to know through dlive will see the true power of Steem very soon.

You might call it just being greedy, but I've personally written tons of posts before a streaming platform existed on Steem, you might be right about the users who stopped posting videos to Dtube and turned to Dlive though.

Anyway, the way they did this is really disgusting and it will hurt their own brand more than it does Steem. Considering Limo is only distributed to private investors it's funny they think users will want to go there to enrich them.

Also love the bonus content, they are literally becoming worse than Twitch.


We will leave the light on for you over here at @dtube man.

I was very close to joining DLive. I feel bad about that now.

I think it is time I bought a DTube T-shirt.

There is also @vimm, Live streaming platform... If you need an invite to Discord Server DM me.. STEEM ON!

yea we all moved to @vimm and there is alot of people supporting them.

I’d be interested in that 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

See ya there then ;)

Can you pm me the discord??

Posted using Partiko iOS

The emotion and tribalism is in full force.

Much of the problems Kent outlined in steem have been proven over and over today.

Greedy whales (and ass kissers) will circle jerk eachother dry, while anyone who dissents from their opinion ends up getting flagged.

Whales and those who wish to convert to fiat are constantly devaluing steem, limiting the reward pool and dlive's ability to curate their creators.

Imagine you are dlive, your goal is to create a platform to rival twitch and youtube- you can't do that with the (roughly) $1000 a day the reward pool allows you to allocate.

And did any of the whales (who are so angry at them leaving) come and support some any of their content creators? I know you did, johal did, and fulltimegeek did and ausbit did. The vast majority did not. And it was clearly not enough to make a difference.

I've been told I should quit steem because I support dlive's move. This community would much rather ignore its problems, blame others and fall in line. It's pathetic.

Dlive is leaving for a reason. To say it is an exit scam, a fake ico, whatever- is wholefully and willingly ignoring the real reasons.

Greedy whales (and ass kissers) will circle jerk eachother dry...

Sorry, is Dlive any different? They were given 2 million(?) SP so that they could upvote streamers. Is this not a whale’s share? Is that content and their voting habits not exclusive?

Imagine you are dlive, your goal is to create a platform to rival twitch and youtube- you can't do that with the (roughly) $1000 a day the reward pool allows you to allocate.

Why is a business trying to rely on gifted stake and curating? Sounds like a failed model to me. Maybe they ought to learn how social media companies and revenue models work.

Dlive is leaving for a reason - and that reason is that they have their own blockchain. This was their plan. Steem has tons of problems. But to think that Dlive and their STINC delegation wasn’t part of them is just completely ignorant, and willfully so. They can whine and make excuses all they want, but the only people they’re fooling are the usual lot of fucking idiots.

I understand they also had some significant potential funds from Lino's ICO that, given the same folks ran both, they could have used to increase their stake and operating funds on Steem. If they'd ever seriously tried to they may well have been able to keep running their ops on Steem, and simply ported over to Lino and become a dual chain platform.

They never seriously considered that IMHO.



i'm no whale, but i supported a ton of the dlive community...gonna be sad to see some of them go.

I think @vimm is better and i moved to @vimm . No anymore dlive because I belive in STEEM.

You actually one of those popped in my head when this happened as I noticed you're one of those who believes in the platform a lot (same). I was actually thinking of DMing and asking for the opinions as I was confused AF when if first happened all sudden but didn't do so as I'm afraid I would be 'Way beyond a scam' LOLOL. Glad to see what your thoughts are here. Me.. consuming news and processing still. Peace ❤

Way beyond a scam 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko iOS

Anyway, the way they did this is really disgusting and it will hurt their own brand more than it does Steem.

Yep, was just thinking about their reputation after they did this and they didn't even reply to accusations and statements made by community, rats.

I didn't see this coming either. I was fairly impressed with the way they run their business up until a few weeks ago when I could not upload videos. We had a few emails backwards and forwards but no solution was reached. I could continue uploading videos using DTube so I stuck with them.