Does a quality post have to a long written post? - Column - 1st Edition

in #steem-times7 years ago (edited)

Does a quality post have to a long written post?

by @iamjadeline | July 26, 2018

I joined Steemit with the knowledge it is a blogging world which suits anyone into writing and blogging. That's it, I joined, feeling excited to delve into the world of blogging as well as getting the gist of Steemit platform.

So, in the beginning, it took alot of diligence and time just to come out with a decent post. Because everyone (if not all) was talking about "you must come out with original quality post" to get whale's attention or even better to receive the luck of being Curie-d. Brain juices squeezed, fingers and wrist got tired of writing and typing - because a post with at least 400 words will highly get spotted. Therefore, most of the time I was trying very hard to write a longer post, with proper formatting, interesting headers and nice pictures (of course with source citation). Let me be honest with you, it was stressful at times. Demotivating when you have no idea what to write.

After almost 8 months here, many things have changed. Steemit platform continues to grow daily and it has evolved to suit a wider scope of people. I have also come across all forms of posts. And I myself tried a few types (or genre) other than writing super long post, namely art and freewriting.

So it got me thinking. Does quality post have to be a long written post?

I came across few types of posts that I personally think are good quality post. To me, I have come to realise quality post is not determined by the number of words but by the effort behind the scene. Yes, I know writers (I am one of them) did a lot of thinking before they write, but they are other types of authors too. Just like we do not expect a fish to be good in climbing trees or the duck to be good in speed run, likewise we should judge a quality post accordingly.

Post on art- A good quality post on art with not many words but with steps and sentences to describe the art, and of course pictures of the steps of the art. If the art work is amazing, and the author successfully guide me through his/her journey of the art, although the post barely reaches 200 words, I think it is a superb quality post. I did art once, mind you, it took me hours and hours for the behind work, and then only the drafting of the post and inserting the photos.

What about those who did video posts; be it singing or dancing or just opinion or facts video. I also did a video once for contest, and wow wow wow, little did I know, videography is not at all a piece of cake. It involves so much effort behind - the editing, cutting, timing, inserting songs and texts, etc. Plus combing your hair and put some powder to make sure you don't look like a zombie. So if an author only post his or her video without much writing on the post, does it count as not up to par? To me, it is absolutely quality post if the video is properly done, considering the effort spent behind the scene.

Here comes another one - photography post. I did once too, also for the sake of contest. And then all of a sudden, I appreciate photographers more. They did their work not at the comfort of their desk or swinging sofa, neither do they just sit there and type. Photographers move around, they travel, they look around, they search, they scoop to find the correct angle, they wait for the correct timing (maybe sunset or sunrise) in order to get the amazing shot of the day. Then, they reach home and start to draft the post. Should we give them some justice by not requiring them to spend some more time to type long post, aside from the time to insert their photos? Because I think it is tiring enough after spending hours outside for photoshooting. To me, as long as it is their original photos, high quality photos, eventhough with just one short paragraph, it IS a quality post.

I am glad as months go by, I have seen Steemit platform widen up the scope to curate varieties of posts, not just those who can write long posts with thousand of words. Don't forget those who write poem, a short poem did equally the same brain work as a long post. Also those who do recipe or food post, so much effort into cooking and preparing ingredients plus taking photos while cooking, or eating at a restaurant to review the food, fork out own money to eat at a more expensive restaurant, just to come out with a decent post. Quality or not quality?

All the above are only my opinion because I started to realise many who may not be good writers, are tremendous artists, photographers, videographers, chefs-wannabe and eaters .

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : The Steem Times


Quality and quantity sometimes come hand in hand. There's some people that are very prolific, descriptive, and go into enormous depth with their content.

Others, which I am often disappointed by - seem to have no structure, even when they're writing a longer post - there's no clear intent, or introduction; or middle, or end.

You're left with a certain bit of sadness when this happens.

I don't think a lot of people know what they're going to write about, or what they want to say when they do.

A long post is okay, if it has structure, and doesn't waste words. That's something that is hard to do - mostly in terms of engaging your audience, especially on the Steem blockchain!

You are right. Quality and quantity have to go hand in hand. If one desires to write long post, he or she should write something solid with good grammar and sentence structure and proper formatting.

On the other hand, there are short post but good quality of arts and photography and videos which should not be omitted too.

Thank you so much for replying here with thoughtful comment, @holoz0r. It means alot to us at @steem-times 😁