Steem Saturday was a BLAST!!

in #steem-saturday8 years ago (edited)

I have to tell you about my #Steem-Saturday experience because I’m still bursting with pride and elation. Not only to help organise, but to be there and experience it all.

What started as an idea six weeks ago by my husband over morning coffee overlooking our garden, became a reality on Saturday 29 October 2016.

I feel blessed, privileged, happy, honoured and all sorts of positive adjectives that I had a part in arranging the first ever #Steem-Saturday. Our dream is to, in time, have a #Steem-Saturday every Saturday somewhere in the world. It was hard work and took a lot of effort to keep our wits about us, but we made it! Admittedly, my husband, @jacor worked the hardest of all putting together Ned, speakers, venue, logos, website, printing, photographers, press etc. @gavvet (also a speaker on the day) helped us generate funding through posts on Steemit and Robert Marshall @robertm from QuadroIT sponsored the rest. I was responsible for the girly stuff. Shirts for the team and all the speakers, name tags for the delegates (done at 23:00 on Thursday with spasms in my back and bloodshot eyes), the safari getaway for Ned and the QuadroIT team the next day and the meet and greet on the day.

The day has come.

We arrived tired, but excited on the morning to set up the location and finalise the last bits for the arrival and registration of the delegates.

I’d like to give you a further play-by-play of the day, but it would mostly consist of words like WOW, unbelievable, amazing, awesome, fantastic, momentous and ‘Man alive, I need a Red bull with a shot of espresso.’ Instead, for those who couldn’t make it, I’ll try to put you there through pictures.

Opening Key-note and speeches

Here’s a photo of me playing photographer

Keynote by Ned Scott on ‘their baby’, ‘his girlfriend’ and baskets full of Steem

What to post next? Gavvet on Dot Com Bubble

Jan Albert Valk and Sakkie van Wijk – Africa is a large, beautiful continent with financial obstacles and challenges in every country, but has immense potential and willingness by its people for growth.

Tea time

Diverse and like-minded delegates had the chance to meet and share thoughts

I had the opportunity to chat to @lmar, @rynow, @gamaroff, @aslammotala, @simplyshad, Ban, and thank @spartanza for inviting all his connections (even the frenchman ;))

Steem-Saturday was @jacor’s dream come true. I’m immensely proud of what he achieved in six weeks and how he made it all come together.

Ceaser Siwale – Transacting within and across the borders of African countries.

Lorien Gamaroff (@gamaroff) sweeping up the room with his ideas on Crowd funding using crypto currency and the blockchain.

What an amazing feeling to see what we accomplished

Next up on the speech list was Ricardo (@steemdrive). I messed up the photo. Sorry Ricardo!

The photo shoot. Of course we had a shoot and lots of selfies!

From left to right: @gavvet, Lorien Gamaroff (@gamaroff), Robert Marshal @robertm behind Ricardo Goncalves (@steemdrive), Jan Albert Valk, Naómi-Louise Rossouw @naomi.louise, Sakkie van Wijk, Jaco Rossouw @jacor, Ned Scott @ned .

Jan Albert, Ned and Sakkie

Lorien, Jaco and Ned

Ned and I

Robert Marshall of QuadroIT and Ned Scott

The press was there too. Ned, Adam Meister @bitcoinmeister and Jaco

Lunch is served

A delicious lunch was served at Chief’s Boma – Indaba Hotel

@bitcoinmeister talking up a storm with @aslammotala and @simplyshad – so glad I got to meet Adam and see my friends Aslam and Shad again

I can’t remember all the names (my apologies) – Johan @johannvdwalt, Ned, Gavin, ?, ?, ?, Linsey @kiligirl and Tim @tim-beck

Please spread the dream

Anyone can volunteer to arrange the event in his/her area. We’ve done all the hard work and will gladly support and guide you when arranging the event. Logos, mock-ups and even the website is already in place for you to use. All you have to do is dedicate time and get sponsors and contact @jacor in direct chat.

Have a look at @gavvet’s post 1st Steem Saturday

Please help us realise the dream to have a #Steem-Saturday all over the world. I can’t begin to tell you how rewarding it is and what a pleasure it is to meet fellow Steemit, bitcoin and crypto currency enthusiasts.

If you enjoy my articles please follow me on my blog at @naomi.louise


Nice photos, thanks for bringing them home to us :)

Followed and resteemed...

It's my pleasure @majes. Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it (maybe feel inspired to host a SteemSaturday?)

Upvoted and resteemed...glad i was there

@mokluc!! I see you finally did your introducemyself. What a great idea - I'm in awe. I'm so glad I got to meet you and take the famous photo. ;)

Yes @mokluc, and thanks to you for taking that famous means a lot.

Man, I wanted to mention you in my post, but you didn't put your name on the list. No worries, I have it now and put it on the list for you.

PS: For those reading this. @mokluc is a great non-bot guy with a super fast and funny mind.

Hi @naomi.louise

Great post with great photos, and again thanks for the day, we really enjoyed the day.

Hi @rynow. I'm glad you enjoyed the day. I had such a nice chat with you as always. Thank you for making the time to enjoy the day with us.

So awesome! What a cool experience. Jealous!

Thank you @littlescribe. I hope I could make you feel like you were there (even just a little)

I can't wait until this becomes a regular thing around the world.. Imagine showcasing a different region/country every Saturday.
It is such a great opportunity to meet IRL the people you interact with online. I hope we can get a #STEEMSaturday going here in South-East Queensland , Australia.

Me neither. I'm still pumped after the weekend. I'm ready to plan the next one!
We had a #steem-meetup about a month ago and now the more formal #steem-saturday. It really is amazing to meet the people behind the posts. AND FUN!!
You can be the person to make a #steem-saturday happen in Queensland @stephen-somers. What do you say? You game?

When potential payout on somebody's post is ($50). How much that person really gets?

Hi @franu. The split is 75% to the author and 25% goes to curation (those who vote and comment)
In other words on 50SBD - 12.50 will go to curation and of the 37.50 left to the author, 18.75 will go to SBD and 9.375 to Steem and 9.375 to steem power.
You can pay out the 18.75 once it's in your wallet and the rest will accumulate for 2yrs.
I think that about covers it. Hope it helps.

Preach it sister!!! Thanks for the great event, was great to meet you and thanks for all you do for Steem!

It's a pleasure @thecryptodrive. Planning the event and pulling it off is very rewarding.

Great pictures! Let's see where will be the next one (maybe will I be able to come?)

Thank you @lemouth. We'll do one again in SA next year. You should definitely come or MAYBE you're inspired enough to host a SteemSaturday in Paris?

I will actually be in SA in a month for the first time.

Concerning a Steem Saturday in Paris, I am unfortunately too busy to be able to handle such an organisation at the moment. Have to cope with committee meetings and two conference organisations :)

Fantastic! Where will you stay? How long?

That's understandable. Next year then ;) I'm just gunning you, but I know you'll be perfect for the adventure!

There is one of the last particle physics conference of the year organized in the Kruger park (and i have been invited to give a plenary there).

I will additionally spend a few days at the University of the Witwatersrand. There is a large high-energy physics group and I would like to chat with a few people working there.

And finally, I will try to free some time to visit (I will be around during 10 days) :)

Congratulations! You'll love Kruger Park. By far one of my favourite places the country. Bring SPF50 and a hat - it's going to be scorching hot!

Wits campus is a bit hectic at the moment with the #feesmustfall movement. Let's hope it gets sorted before you arrive. (I'm already ashamed on their behalf that you might see the students behave like that. Apologies in advance (blush))

Let us know when and if you can free time. I know @jacor and I will love to meet you if possible.

I would be happy to meet you too. I am planning to take a day off, but I still do not know which one (I have to double check with the locals).

In any case, I will be free during the evenings (that is may be the best option for a meeting). I will stay In Johannesburg from the 2nd to the 4th and then move to Kruger until the 9th before going back to Johannesburg airport.

PS: I am not afraid with the students... Already saw too much things in France so that my standards are low... :D

OK. I'll talk to @jacor. Let's see what we can arrange when you know more around your schedule and day off.

LOL! I'm glad you have low standards ;)

I will keep you and Jaco posted! (are you by any chance on the Steemit chat?)

I am, just haven't figured it out or spent much time there yet. I'll keep it open from now on.

Great photo! It was an amazing time. I loved meeting everyone. Here is a video we took after the event.

Thank you Adam. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much and got to meet us and see what a fantastic community we are in South Africa.
I saw the video earlier with @simplyshad and @aslammotala. Two very special friends of mine. Loved it!

Great job! It's wonderful to see the digital community come together in the physical realm; tt makes this revolutionary platform even more tangible. The exchange of ideas must have been exciting!

Thank you @saramiller. It really is. I for one feel more engaged and responsible for what you do on the platform. As I said - all kinds of happy adjectives. I made friends and learned so much from those I met.