Oh no! Season 5 has officially ended, but what happened? Who died? Who survived? Who won?

@sireland - @randomness - @dksart

These three were the only players left... now who remains, and who has been reduced to remains?


In the last round, the players heard a cry for help. Since no one wanted to drink more of their own urine, they option to either run away or head towards the cry. Let's see who chose what and how it worked out for them.

OPTION 1 – Run away from the noise in the other direction.

Both @randomness and @dksart chose Option 1 last round. Being unarmed and thinking that it may be a trap, they took off into the woods. Before they got too far though, they were stopped in their tracks.

Some sort of hillbilly with a shotgun was pointing it right at them. He smiled, in a creepy, way out in the woods sort of way, and then began to speak.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? I heard that screamin' for help, and it looks like you're the one behind the harm bein' done. What did you do them anyway?"

The players immediately start protesting and stating their innocence. "No, we didn't do no harm to no one!" The hillbilly cuts back in.

"You ain't gonna be trippin' me up with no triple negatives! If you did not do no harm to no one, then it looks like you just admitted to doing some harm to someone! What do you think, Earl?"

The players look around for another person. Perhaps "Earl" has another shotgun pointed at them. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and the crazed hillbilly begins speaking to himself out of the other side of his mouth.

"Even if they didn't do no harm to no one, they's runnin' away from someone in need. I don't reckon them's the type of folks that we need running round these parts in these desperate times. Whacha thinkin' Herb?"

"You's makin' more sense than usual, Earl. I says we blast 'em!"

"Head or gut, Herb?"

"Let's surprise 'em! I always did like surprises!"

Both @dksart & @randomness have perished. They will each receive half of 25% of the total prize pool, AKA 75 SBD! CONGRATULATIONS!

OPTION 3 – Head towards the noise and try to help.

@Sireland chose the risk of heading towards the cry for help. When he found the man desperately crying out, it was a young man with a large backpack, dangling from a tree. Apparently he had jumped off of a ledge to reach the ground below but never quite made it.

Dangling there upside down, he was a sitting duck. Thankfully, @sireland shows up to rescue and helped him down. The friendly and grateful man rewarded @sireland with the gift that keeps on giving, BEEF JERKY!


@sireland wins! @sireland wins!

Since @sireland is a solo winner, he takes 75% of the prize pool (AKA 450 SBD) and claims his place on the STEEM-Pocalypse hall of fame as one of the very few players that has ever made it through alive! Well done @sireland!

I will do an official recap, game changes, and sign up post tomorrow! Stay tuned for SEASON 6 of the STEEM-Pocalypse Survival Game Contest, a @papa-pepper original available exclusively on!

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title GIFs and the GAME OVER GIF for this season.

Until next time…

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Huge congratulations to @sireland and big thanks to you @papa-pepper for hosting this fantastic game

Thanks and big ups to @papa-pepper for all the real work

Thank you. It was a lot of fun!

100% Upvote for making a real comment! (I'm trying to encourage people to interact in the comments rather than just spam comment.)

Thanks @bigpanda!

hey what is this all about I am new to Steemit and I also want to participate in there contests

It is an elimination contest. People sign up and have to make a choice each day. Some die, some live. Last one left alive wins!

How do I Signup ?

You can sign up by commenting on next season's post when it is available.

Yes 100% free

Congratulations @sireland, well done. Last man standing alive is not an easy job!

And as usual, great job with this season @papa-pepper, now lets see some zombies in the next one :)

I am looking forward to the next one.... maybe Ill survive longer this time.

Wow what an incredible journey! Thanks for another amazing game @papa-pepper and @dksart & @randomness and the rest of the 289 competitors for the final showdown! You are all amazing and for those that died early... I play every season and have only made it to day 2 previously and I believe this was @dksart's first season. Keep fighting, surviving, upvoting, and resteeming this outstanding game and effort from @papa-pepper and his support crew. I will go full SP with my winnings and continue to promote our amazing platform and community... total oscar worthy speech, mic drop haha

Excellent speech man! Also:


Thank you sir!

Nice job @sireland! The risk paid off! See you next season!

Thanks @randomness yeah I figured it was ll or nothing literally and congrats to you!

This season was great, looking forward to season 6! Thanks for all your hard work Papa & team!

It's been awesome to read all the updates and play the game! I look forward to next season! Congrats to the winner @sireland!!!!

Much appreciated

Congratulations @sireland
Woot woot!

Congrats @dksart and @randomness

Thank you and yeah congrats @dksart and @randomness! I wanted to change my answer midday and figured I was basically giving you guys #1 & #2

Congratulations to all 3 winners!

Who wooda thunk a crazed old hillbilly-pepper would be out in the woods shootin people tryin ta stay outta trouble?

Congrats @sireland, I'z jealous :-)

Thanks! I'm always jealous because I'm usually part of the quick and the dead

@sireland! @sireland! @sireland! Way to go my my man! Looks like there is going to be a special Irish song in tonight's episode after all! I was going to play the Pillar cover of U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday if you died, but now I think I may have to play If I ever leave this world Alive by Flogging Molly.

I was just following your advise haha! Gotta watch the @dwells podcast everybody its pure strategic genius and my secret weapon. Mostly hilarious though.

points finger at self then back at @dwells and back again.

Great minds baby. TURTLES!!!! lol

Thanks man! We have alot of fun making the videos. We try to find ways to make them informative and funny at the same time. Next season we are going to try and incorporate more of the options in to funny bits for the show.

Love the bloopers and yeah that last one was hilarious. Honest feedback was the funny bits kept me watching for 7+ mins otherwise I have the attention span of your kitten

Yeah. Our first dozen or so episodes we're pretty long, like 20+ minutes. I started paying attention to other people's videos and realized we needed to shorten them up. People have short attention spans, gotta keep them coming back for more. It's like Turkish Delight. My hope is that we make them funny enough that people want to resteem them.

I am definitely a follower and a fan

I love the show! So does @mama-pepper. What are you guys up to Sunday evening?