Steem good news: Steem Engine starts work on NFTs

in #steem-engine5 years ago

What's an NFT? It's a non-fungible token. Why should you care? Because it enables a billion different use cases.

What's fungible mean?

If something is fungible it's interchangable and you won't know the difference. If I give you a gallon of 87 octane and you give me one back it'll pretty much act the exact same. That's fungible.

If I offer to trade you a Steem Monsters card for another you'll start asking questions like which one? what level? what edition? That's because each card is unique even within the same type of card. For example not all chromatic dragons are the same! That's non-fungible.


Right now there's non-fungible tokens available on Steem Monsters but that isn't available to everyone to do everything imaginable. NFTs could enable Steem to act like D-Amazon, houses, mortgages, auto tracking, collectibibles, and a million different game inventory items. I can't even begin to think of all the use cases. Steem-Engine is going to enable all of them!

When NFT?

We're targeting the end of August. If it all goes smoothly you'll have a decentralized ability to make them, list them, trade them, (combine them?), and track them. New games, new businesses, new apps, and new communities will form around these things.

Price is down Progress is up

I'm looking at Steem keep plummeting on the market. We have one of the best blockchains out there with some wonderful tech, communities, and businesses forming. It's hard to keep Steem dead. Sometimes the traders talk about bullish divergence. This isn't a trackable one, but I see so much shit happening on this chain while the token price sinks. My guess is that when this thing turns it'll be eye-popping at how hard it shifts.

Anyway, there's good news on the horizon and it's gonna reshape Steem. Hope you're ready for it. Hope you're picking up some ENG at these prices keeping in mind that you might not see this again for a looooong time.


Steem engine just keeps growing

Collectibibles on the chain :)

I took the liberty of adding steem-engine to this map of emerging Non Fungible Token Infrastructure systems....

and made this to help people quickly visually grab the idea before we see more official images to describe how it willw ork.. im very excited for all teh GAMES this will enable! and collectibles .... i am sure @banjo will find a way to create collectible banjo tokens maybe EACH STEEM POST can have its own NFT? Maybe the posts with the highest payoust will beteh rare ones? or posst with votes for EVERYONE maybe THATS how u can GENERATE these NFTs

maybe if your post has enough upvotes from a wide variety of whales, maybe that can generate an NFT that only opccurs when you get upvotes from like 5 ofthe rarest steem whales hwo barely evber upvote slike infnity stone collecting

OMG WHJAT if we have a @vegeta style dragon balls where if you collect 5 or 7 of these NFTs you trigger a smart contract with liek 1000 steem or so, and buys you an upvote from a bid bot... just make it so the project posts and gets upvotes from trending, uses those upvoets form comminity to pay for 1 prize a month to be hidden int the blockchain and people can collect the NFTs by engaging teh community attempty to get upvotes from all the rarest whales... liek a NED upvote can generate you an NFT thats SUPER rare....

It would take a lot of steem power though but wouldn't mind doing that at some point. They could be single use and burned.

Posted using Partiko Android

I can't really understand the economics here. but the dApps rock. I am using so many of them and progress on all is amazing. I cannot keep up with the updates and they all keep getting better and easier to use.

I rotate through these now - simply amazing!

  • share2steem
  • esteem
  • busy
  • nTopaz
  • tasteem
  • dpoll
  • dlike

to find and explore more dapps for steem to use check this out

I like @ntopaz and they could be liek our version of teh artist social media site Behanced , we should also have a deviantart style site or we could PARTNER with deviantart to create a scotbot that airdropped to existing deviantart users with activity on theur accounts etc, finally payout people for those accounts theyt made...

ANyway theres SO many dapps on steem now, once we have a proper ONBOARDINg app to give Free Instant accounts to peopel who can prove they dont already have one OR who can register with liek ashort essay or images of themselves, faceID or reddit karma, tehers GOTTA be a way to determien if someoen is good enough toi give a steem account, without giving them all toteh same guy , i KNOW theer sa way to also go use Reddit and twitter accounts, DM peopel special codes directly to theri accounts, abnd we can onboard influencers THAT way, ... but i just want @ned to PAY to subsidize account creation again, or just use @steem and @steemit 's 40 million SP+ RC mana to create a few million accounts a year free... using

THEN we can finally have USERS for all these dapps!

I've been reviewing dapps of the state of the dapps for a few months now on my @bxlphabet blog. This is how I found tasteem, dpoll, esteem, and ntopaz which all have great upvotes for their users.

I agree ntopaz is like Behance. I have had a photo blog over there for years, and like it - but no money comes from it, except for affiliate sales.

I do not think ned is your best resource for marketing right now. I think he has stepped way back. But I see your posts and comments about marketing all the time, @ackza, and this might be a good avenue for you:

@theycallmedan has an open post this week offering to give good upvotes if you promote STEEM in the outer world. He is really trying to boost our presence now. He might do this post weekly if he gets good response. Maybe this is a good opportunity for you to work with him.

How Have You Promoted Steem This Week?

I do daily promos on Twitter with share2steem, and promote STEEM in fb groups a few times a week. But my niche on STEEM is minnow tips. We get over 1000 new people each week and have 95% kill rate. So I work to help the people who stagger in and are trying instead of trying to get more to come in and die. I don't not have weathy connections for the most part, so I would just bring more redfish anyway.

This is very cool. It should open up some options for dev's which is always a good thing. Keep up the great work!

About damn time NFTs came into existence. Steem was meant to be the NFT capital for books/magazines/comics.

Also very eager to see ETH/ERC tokens on SE.

Probably I'm the only one who did not understand what an NFT token is?

nop, not the only one. i have no idea. but i don't have idea about bunch of things here so i am kinda not worried :D

Quite what steemmonsters cards are.

it would be really impressive long term for STEEM to weather this storm and beat out the competing blockchains; this post lists some reasons why that could happen

I'm curious as to folks' opinions on this question:
One big value that STEEM will have is as a trading point for the various SMT offering based on the Steem blockchain

That is my uneducated view of the issue. Are there solid supports either for or against that view?

I'm expecting the same and also having sp being a factor for airdrop or claiming tokens that would be a great angle for investors.

Posted using Partiko Android

a great consideration that didn't even cross my mind!

The more 'success' steem achieves the more those 'insiders' emplaced to see it fail will sell their stake.
Just as silver is manipulated by those that profit from a low silver price, steem didn't get this far without attracting the attention of those that profit from steem not coming to market.
I hope they fail.
Keep taking your freedoms, we are winning.

Looking forward to this! Thanks!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looking forward to watching this grow, keep up the great work!