It is like the Hunger Games!!

in #steem-drama7 years ago

Watching people hating on each other over money, makes truth to the proverb: "For the Love of Money is the root to all evil".


Since day one I have wished each and everyone I have talked with from the many co-owners of the STEEM Blockchain the best of success. I have seen stars falling from the sky and burning in lava, while others have been lifted up and now stand on mountains. The thing about mountain climbing is there are those who are on their way up the mountain vs those that are on their way down the mountain, we can say they are or have been in the game for a while, and then you have all the others who do not do anything but having an opinion about the players, the money they make, the money they lose... For me that is hilarious! For two years people have been complaining about everyone and everything, and it will continue on forever and ever with each layer or circle of new users joining we will see more comments like this one:

"I think one of the biggest problems facing Steem today is we have a shit ton of unexceptional content receiving exceptional rewards." - @anthonyadavisii

And she is right - and wrong.

Yes, there is a lot of unexceptional posts making more money then they would ever make anywhere else, and that is a good thing. It shows that the world is underpaid and people get rewarded high because that underpaid world has not moved in here yet. But the walkers are coming... We are almost 1 Million Accounts fighting for attention now, but the world has 7000 times more people in it.


Can anyone tell me if the map above is from the past, or if it is a plan for the future?

If you are the first child in the sandbox, you get to play with all the sand. But later the sandbox is so crowded with children that you either end up playing together or against each other until you grow up and move on to bigger and better or worse things.

I think the earth is meant to be unfair in order to always surge for balance or leverage. However morally and ethically I oppose jealousy, envy, spite, fraud. There is something to the song ... starting from the bottom ... In the culture I am from we live by the rule you shall not think you are any better then us.... from the law of Jante... In the culture I moved to, we live by the rule... those who can, can - those who cannot, must applaud.


Believe it or not, if you take a chill-pill, work with what make you good money and spend less time on what makes you little money or even worse, take your money - in 3 years, you will be RICH.



Lol, I agree @fyrstikken. While I sometimes see post wars, I like to stay clear of them and just do my own thing.

If someone has the SP to vote for the post, it's worth that payout.

That's what we all need to recognize.

Somebody put monetary investment or writing investment into the platform, and built into Steemit's value overall; however they want to use it is their choice.

Yes, this can lead to voting cliques and "pool raping" schemes and all the other assorted things we all tend to complain about.

But either we accept that Steemers have the right to use their SP power as they see fit, or we let @spez from Reddit come over here and edit our comments for us.

If whales abuse that power, they'll kill the platform...and their own investment

Full disclosure, I whined about a payout I thought was unfair just a coupla days ago...I was wrong to do so

In the culture I moved to, we live by the rule... those who can, can - those who cannot, must applaud.


Well said! Whining gets us nowhere.

Totally agree with you my friend

"either we accept that Steemers have the right to use their SP power as they see fit, or we let @spez from Reddit come over here and edit our comments for us."

This is a false dichotomy. There are other choices we can make, and do make.

It considers ONLY financial power.

Society is far more than an economy, and far more valuable.

"In the culture I moved to, we live by the rule... those who can, can - those who cannot, must applaud."

Again, a false dichotomy. We can also ignore, disapprove, etc. Consider that this aphorism seems to regard financial success as the only metric. Let us apply it to other metrics, such as how many babies can be eaten at a sitting.

It becomes glaringly obvious how the focus on finance is used to deprave our morals.

Consider what is actually meaningful, and undertake to profit from intercourse in those metrics.

Protip: it's not digits. It's relationships, including the one we have with ourselves.

I'm not saying money is evil. I am saying that measuring only by money is.

I don't know if this is semantics ( I don't think it is), but we do have community groups that share SP to help the community.

As I see it, that does go back to

Steemers have the right to use their SP power as they see fit

and yes, I gave an extreme example there; however, any solution that restricts individual discretion to use their own SP will be abused
(much as SP use is abused).

You and @fyrstikken have the right approach, focusing on morality...but Steemit relations are governed by SP use. it is up to us as individuals and the communities we join to use that SP morally.

Let us apply it to other metrics, such as how many babies can be eaten at a sitting.

Reminds me it's been a while since I had a good veal marsala ;>


Honestly I got over it . I used to go crazy before on here and get upset when someone posted one picture and got 300$ . Maybe I’ll get there one day and I will keep working hard until then

Hola! Visita mi blog! Buen post saludos

It is quite unfortunate how people spend their time hating on each other here. Some people spend the whole day downvoting other people's stuff for no reason just to pull them down, not for plagiarism or anything. It is not supposed to be so. The world would be a better place if we could just share a little bit of love instead of hatred. We should let love lead.

Yeah, I agree that it is the root of all evil. But this is just one sided thing. You must consider people who are really doing great of helping others. :-)

1Ti 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Just keep working hard and you'll succeed on steemit, that's what I tell to my new friends that feel underpaid and most of the "bad" content getting huge rewards it's probably mostly bot money, although I do recognize that some of them have big friends with huge accounts that provide them huge upvotes too.

amazing post @fyrstikken i belive what you saying thanks for sharing this advise all of your post was amazing carry on thanks for sharing upvoted and resteemed

thanks for the advise i belive that what you saying you are always being a inspiration for me nice post upvoted and resteemed