Steem Cartoon : Creating a Future for Our Children

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago


Cartoon & Comic Industry in Malaysia

Recently I had the privilege to showcase the work of my students in the prestigious Museum Negara alongside other more accomplished artists. To us artists, having the opportunity to exhibit our work in the National Museum is what we consider a Tier-1 platform. It is just like a scientist having the opportunity to publish their work in a prestigious science magazine.

(Malaysia National Museum) Source

I am the advisor to the comic project that we named 'SCROLL' together with Mr. Erwin (@elvingreen) who is the appointed Creative Director. We had put in our hours of work designing and completing the layout. In the end of the day, we were sleep deprived for 4 nights in a row.

(Promotional Brochure)

Apart from having their exposure in the National Museum, they also had the benefit of showcasing their work in steemit and I am sure some of you if not most of you had seen their work. Many thanks to @perennial for introducing this platform to us all. Let this be a kickstarter for the young talents.

(Me aka @sireh and the Creative Director @elvingreen)

Malaysian Cartoon and Comic House

In my previous posting, I did mention the Malaysian Cartoon and Comic House. That is like a place where people in the same industry such as myself and others congregate. Most of the local talents associate themselves with the Malaysian Cartoon and Comic House where aspiring artists and those who are already established in this field would call their home. This is the place where we disseminate information and share our technique and experience with others from the same industry.

This is also the place where young artists can get themselves acquinted with owners of animation companies or publication house for them to earn a couple of bucks.







My Mission

I am a man on a mission. I feel inadequate to merely perform my role as a cartoonist or lecturer. I am obligated to my students because they must have proper exposure capable of earning a decent income. My foray into steemit if it is not known, I wish to make it known now. I am actually concerned about the new generation of artists because if this is their chosen path, they must be able to pay their bills and feed their families.

I come from the old school. During my time, printed cartoon booklets is a trend. That was how we used to get our salaries. However this day and time, there is a paradigm shift. Creative contents are available for free and on multiple social media platform. Steemit has been particularly intriguing for me because it actually pays and there is a community to support up and coming artists. This is exactly the type of support that I wish my students are acquainted to.


I have a vision. I want my community to get used to this new technology because it is a legitimate and paying platform. I had personally made my withdrawal and it can be done. So that rules out any fraud.






Very impressive work friend............Best of every success

Thank you brother. Hope we can meet up one day and maybe share our experience. I am also quite new to this...still learning.

@sireh, you went further than your normal calling as a lecturer. Hope that it will all be smooth sailing for your henceforth.

Thanks @perennial, no words and numbers can describe how much I learn from you... you're an angel come from the sky with the purpose of helping me realized their dream... tqvm bro!

that's great stuff @sireh ! let me know how i can help if you need any

Thanks master... you and #teammalaysia have helped us a lot... really appreciate your kindness. Truly appreciate it sir. Hopefully, you will continue supporting us in many new projects to come... tqvm.

good job ,really very nice post

thank you vm ya...

Hebat la @sireh. I'm with you all the way to supporting upcoming artists.

... and thank to you and your team too with all the support given to us... we feel very welcome to this community...

Hello my friend. Yo are really doing an awesome job. Keep it up.

Thank You Sir...

This is awesome. Nice one @sireh and everyone else!

Stay tuned buddy... you will also be part of this... I need you for our next stage...


thank you!

Definitely support your vision and mission for the upcoming young talents in Malaysia, and i see that in the brochure the comic project is until April 2018...will find time to go there and show my support!! :D

Thank You Michele @macam.yes ... Yup! we are on the right track... appreciate your support very much!

O, how can i missed you. Very nice post too, great for the local comic industry. You know i am a fan of comics until (don't quite remember when i stopped) I had missed this life after steeping into the social and boring life, that is 8-5 or 9-5 life.

Most people do stop enjoying comic once they entered adult life... im grateful to have the oppurtunity enjoying my passion up till now... nice knowing you...