Steem Cartoon : Remedies of the Joker
It was Batman's day off. He wasn't well and age is catching up with him. Too much meat and alcohol has caused him some serious gout swelling on the knees. Something smells fishy...
Batman summoned Alfred, his faithful butler. There was a time when Robin puked after partying, but it never smell so bad before. It is like 20 dead rats coupled with 5 salted fishes.
It has to be it, Joker is up to no good again. With a stench worst than fermented beancurd, it has to be deadly.
Batman : 'Alfred prepare my batmobile, I am doing something about this...' (Bat music theme starts playing in the background)
Alfred looked alarmed and deeply concerned. He urged Batman to do his job...
A call of duty is a call of duty, Batman took it like a flying squirrel and off he went...without his Batmobile...
In the basement, it has to be there. Joker has planted the deadly bomb. I will use all the scientific knowledge I knew from Elementary School, cut the yellow wire, or is it red? It is okay its 50/50 anyway...Batman tries to run through his tired brain.
To his surprise...
Batman : 'ALFRED! I am gonna so force you to eat this crap...'
Another day in the life of a superhero.
credit to @zomagic

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Aduiii.. Jahanamnya perangai. Alfred tu campak gaung je...
papa gif haha..tq oren!!!
anak papa gif..tq pandan haha
Please do your laundry Alfred hahahhahaah
haha tq serarious
Harey sungguh feel si Aprit nih.
tq mr.halia :D
Dishh! Dishh! DishHH! sound effects x leh blah ahahhaa ^^
:D tq visit post ni akmal!!