@paulag Caricature

And here's a list of some progress-shots just to make this post looks longer and serious so it may have a chance to be curated by some big-straight-communities or at least...
a Socratenean feedback from his pseudo-descendant @aneukpineung78 :D
Heh, so unusual.. Great I like this style 😁👍
Thanks @jeksonjs! :)
Very nice work. I feel like the bottom of the face is a bit weird. Maybe a bit to wide...? But very good, overall! :-D
Nice input! thanks. I was trying to keep the head in cubic-form, thought it would be funnier... but I think it failed
Well, the Queen of the steemcommunity is caricatured. Let me ask the President @mrday for some insight. 😀
Yes! You aren't a writer for sure. You are a drawer. 😂😂
Emang karya nya luar biasa. Bagis sekali bg.
masih belajar bg @cakphotography. Trimakasih sudah mampir :)