Steem-Atlas - My first compilation...

in #steem-atlas2 months ago

Deutsch im Anschluß…

These days I stumbled across the post by @pennsif - who on the one hand is promoting the STEEMATLAS and wants to give it a new lease of life. On the other hand, the step-by-step instructions in the post helped me understand for the first time how the whole thing works ;-)) I hadn't managed to do that before...

I definitely find the tool interesting. Pennsif himself says that hardly anyone gets past a world map with flags; you simply have to look up who has been where or perhaps still wants to go there. It also seems quite practical to me to contextualise the own contributions.

Among other things, this post was about old posts, i.e. travelogues etc. published a long time ago. I took this opportunity: as I have written a lot about travelling, it was obvious to create one or more compilations.

I would like to publish one of them here: I call this compilation

Travelling memories in words and pictures

Dear @pennsif, when I look at this first long list, there's only one thing missing to make me completely happy: a function with which I can display my very own Steematlas map, with all my reported trips and locations... Alternatively, of course, yours or that of any other Steem friend. Can you do me a favour, please? ;-)))

Anyway; there will be more entries from me here. I imagine a compilation of photo albums, hiking routes and possibly a collection of insider information about the home towns of my - past and future - guests. So far in your and your all favour?

Then have fun retracing my tours, which are always close to nature in uncrowded areas!


Deutsche Version:

Dieser Tage stolperte ich über den Post von @pennsif – der den STEEMATLAS zum einen bewirbt und ihm damit zu neuem Leben verhelfen möchte. Zum anderen habe ich mit der enthaltenen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung erstmals verstanden, wie das Ganze funktioniert ;-)) War mir nämlich bis dahin nicht gelungen…

Interessant finde ich das Tool allemal. Pennsif selber sagt, daß kaum jemand an einer Weltkarte mit Fähnchen vorbei kommt; man muß einfach nachschauen, wer wo war oder vielleicht noch hin möchte. Außerdem scheint es mir ganz praktisch, die eigenen Beiträge etwas zu kontextualisieren.

Es ging nämlich an dieser Stelle unter anderem auch um alte Posts, also vor längerer Zeit veröffentlichte Reiseberichte etc. Diese Gelegenheit habe ich genutzt: da ich viel über Reisen geschrieben habe, war die Erstellung einer oder mehrerer Compilations naheliegend.

Eine davon möchte ich vorliegend veröffentlichen: ich nenne diese Zusammenstellung

Reiseerinnerungen in Wort und Bild

Lieber @pennsif, wenn ich mir diese erste lange Liste so anschaue, fehlt mir nur noch eins, um mich vollends glücklich zu machen: eine Funktion, mit der ich meine ganz eigene Steematlas-Karte anzeigen lassen kann, mit allen meinen berichteten Reisen und Standorten… Alternativ natürlich auch Deine oder die eines beliebigen anderen Steem-Freundes. Kannst Du mir den Gefallen bitte tun? ;-)))

Wie auch immer; es wird weitere Einträge hier von mir geben. Ich stelle mir eine Compilation mit reinen Fotoalben vor, Wanderrouten und ggf. eine Sammlung von Insider-Infos über die Heimatorte meiner – bisherigen und zukünftigen – Gäste. So weit in Deinem und Eurem Sinne?

Dann habt Spaß beim Nachvollziehen meiner stets naturnahen Touren in menschenleeren Gegenden!


I think these are great ideas.

Dear @pennsif, when I look at this first long list, there's only one thing missing to make me completely happy: a function with which I can display my very own Steematlas map, with all my reported trips and locations... Alternatively, of course, yours or that of any other Steem friend. Can you do me a favour, please? ;-)))

Maybe a map of the trips of people I'm following or people in a community, too...

The new version of Steem Atlas coming out this week will include a feature of searching by author so you will be able to see all your relevant pins on the map.

We will be looking to add more search features later on.

I'm happy if you like it ;-))

Danke für diesen Post, liebe Heike. Habe damit zum ersten mal vom Steem-Atlas gehört. Deine Idee, die Einträge per Username zu filtern find ich großartig. Sollte doch relativ leicht umsetzbar sein.

The new version of Steem Atlas coming out this week will include a feature of searching by author so you will be able to see all your relevant pins on the map.

Thank you for your work. The world map is very interesting and visually and graphically very well done. The ability to filter by author makes it perfect.

That new feature will be available very shortly.

I remembered Steem Atlas from "way back when" and only get back in touch with it by accident, thanks to one of @pennsif's contests... where it just happened that the references were to where I lived in Spain, as a teenager.

I was reminded again by the recent post... and am thinking I could definitely find some older images in my stuff and write about many different places where I spent time.

I do really like the idea of having a setting where you could either see everything, or just see your own places!

The new version of Steem Atlas coming out this week will include a feature of searching by author so you will be able to see all your relevant pins on the map.

Greetings friend @weisser-rabe

I was not clear about the Steem Atlas application either, but now I understand that our contribution is to give life to each place, that is, that those interested can see a certain place with images and description.

I think you should locate the sites of each publication in the Atlas, copy the address and paste it into the publication related to the point, so that it is displayed there.

I have a question, can I post directly from the Steem Atlas page?

Let's wait for advice from our friend @pennsif

Hi Josè, yes, you can post directly on the Steem Atlas site. Or you can copy an atlas link from there and paste it into your post. Then it will appear, somewhat delayed, in the atlas...

Great, I thought that Steem Atlas was for locating a point and now, I find it interesting, I hope that many users share descriptions of places, complemented with excellent photographs.

Thanks for the clarification.

The new of Steem Atlas coming out this week will have an improving facility for direct posting.

I'm glad to know that, I'll see what places in Cabimas I contribute to the Steem Atlas.

With pleasure! You've already answered a lot of my questions - it's nice that I know something for once ;-)))

Der persönliche Reiseatlas ist eine gute Sache.

Guter Vorschlag 👍

ah, sehr nützliches Tool in meinen Augen, der Don war ein fleissiger (teils) Nutzer dieses Tools um ein wenig Ordnung in die Posts zu bringen.
Das Tool funktioniert gut, hat zwar nicht das Leistungsspektrum eines Googletrackings via timeline in Maps aber hey es ist sehr nützlich, deswegen ist wiederbeleben eine sehr gute Idee, ich werde mal sehen ob ich alle posts die andere Orte betreffen mal dort einklinke (das stinkt nach viel Arbeit) ;)


Thank you for adding so many interesting posts to Steem Atlas.

The new version of Steem Atlas coming out this week will include a feature of searching by author so you will be able to see all your relevant pins on the map.

Yay! You are my hero after all ;-)))

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