STEEM ATLAS [15 Mar '25] : The Atlas Challenge - The First Winners

in #steem-atlas8 days ago

The Atlas Challenge has its first winners.

The top five positions on the Leaderboard at 12noon UTC today are sharing a prize pool of 150 STEEM.

Indonesia dominated with 3 out of the top 5 winners, with the other two places going to authors flying the flag of Argentina.

The next winners will be picked on 21 March.

The Atlas Challenge #1 : The Winners

The Leaderboard at 12noon UTC on Saturday 15 March 2025...

The top 5 positions shared the prize pool of 150 STEEM...

Congratulations to all the winners and thank your great posts on Steem Atlas.

The next round of winners will again be the top 5 on the Leaderboard at 12noon UTC on Friday 21 March.

Then the big winning event with 550 STEEM for the top 10 positions will take place on 31 March.

How to take part in the Atlas Challenge

To take part in the Atlas Challenge you just need to post on Steem Atlas.

You can post about any place or location that you have personally visited. You must use your own photographs.

Posts can be about...

  • tourist attractions
  • holiday destinations
  • mountains & lakes
  • museums & galleries
  • theatres
  • sport venues & stadiums
  • zoos, animal sanctuaries & wildlife parks
  • churches, temples & places of worship
  • restaurants, cafes, bars & any type of eating place
  • shops & shopping malls
  • universities, colleges & schools

In fact any places or locations that you can locate on Steem Atlas.

For more information check the latest curation guidelines...

You can also follow the Atlas Ambassadors who are regularly producing guides and how-to's for Steem Atlas...

The Leaderboad rankings are not just calculated on the number of posts.

There is a complex algorithm that uses a whole set of different factors to work out the rankings automatically and dynamically. (Being a Steem Ambassador is NOT one of the factors.)

To maximise your chances of moving up the Leaderboard you should read this post carefully...

And you will benefit from reading one other recent post as well 😉

We hope the Atlas Challenge will be a fun challenge for people to take part in.

There are now six days until the next winners are announced, so plenty of time to get posting.

The more you post, the more chance you will have of working out how the algorithm works 😀

So get posting, and start climbing your way up the Leaderboard...

Thank you

Pennsif & the @pennsif.witness team


It is a great honor for me to have made it to first place on the leaderboard, thank you for the prize and congratulations to all the winners.

Keep on making great posts!

Thanks, glad to see the results. Hoping there will be a new name coming in on the 21st, come on all users, get excited.

Selamat ya 👏kami akan mencoba masuk 5 besar untuk pekan depan💪

Saya menantang anda, tentunya dengan pedoman dan kualitas sebagai pertimbangan utama.

Masya Allah, selamat ya! semoga kami bisa juga masuk 5 besar untuk pekan selanjutnya dan terus berusaha.

Teruslah mencoba sesuai pedoman.

akan saya ikuti panduannya.

Amazing,,,sebuah pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa.
Aku yakin, minggu depan akan ada @megaaulia dalam 5 besar , 😁💪

Kita lihat apa ini akan terjadi, senang melihatnya jika hal itu tercapai.

Good luck!

It will be interesting to watch changes during the coming week...

Saya akan berusaha lebih keras untuk mencapai hasil yang diinginkan 🙂

It's an amazing challenge. I am enjoying this challenge. Congratulations to the winners.

I published a post a few hours ago, but it does not appear in the recent posts with the #steem-atlas tag. Here is my post link- .

Hai @sohanurrahman. Already appeared. You just need to do a refresh in steem atlas, so that your latest posts are visible on your phone or PC.


Thank you. It appears on the Steem Atlas website, but not in recent posts on Steemit.

Did you delete your post with same title and then repost it again?

No, I did not delete it. I wanted to include the tag for the type of location and so I edited my post and added #fair #railwaystation & #restaurant to the caption of the place.

It usually happens when the post is published on Steemit and deleted and then published again with same title.

But I am not sure why this is happening to you if you haven't done it.

This is not issue at Steem Atlas but on Steem API.

Make sure you read this post carefully to improve your chances of moving up the Leaderboard...

This post has been upvoted by @italygame witness curation trail

If you like our work and want to support us, please consider to approve our witness


Come and visit Italy Community

Thank you.

He disfrutado toda la experiencia y el aprendizaje a los largo de este recorrido con Steem Atlas, ha sido un gran honor estar en este top cinco junto a estos grandes autores. Felicidades a todos los ganadores y a seguir iluminando el mapa! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Felicidades chicos, merecido ese lugar. Qué sigan los éxitos 🥰

Thank you! It's hell of a fun, and I surely will continue writing the articles published on Steem-atlas.
I'm not sure if I can still be identified with Argentinian flag though. The big part of my heart was left there, but I'm living in Norway now, and I'm Polish, so Poland/Norway would be more accurate ;)

Terima kasih banyak atas penghargaan ini.
Selalu menarik untuk melihat setiap perkembangan yang terjadi pada Steem Atlas.
Saya harap semua orang akan termotivasi untuk terus meningkatkan partisipasi dan masuk dalam nominasi.

Congratulations to the weekly winners this time. Kicked out in the last moment! 🙉🙉 Great work!

Congratulations everyone, the next episode will be most awaited. Wow, unexpected I'm already on the 13th spot, one more push, hahaha!