
I hope you will be making more posts soon. They can be about any places - shops, sports centres, hospitals, universities, railway stations...

It will be very good to get more posts from Venezuela as there are not many Venezuelans on our Leaderboard yet !

The highest Venezuelan currently is @oswaldocuarta at #16.

Greetings sir. Thank you very much for the mention, we will continue climbing steps in that ranking, new publication coming soon! for #steem-Atlas

Esta bien amigo, es bueno seguir apoyando a los usuarios para que hagan publicaciones para Steem Atlas.

No tenia idea que podríamos hacer publicaciones también sobre sitios en general (como hospitales y universidades), pensé que solo podría ser de lugares para turistas jaja, por eso no lo había usado

pero estoy segura que ahora la usare mas seguido

Yes, are looking for posts about all types of places.

Check the latest Curation Guidelines for more information...

Spread the word - we need to get Venezuela on the map !