
Do I read it correctly that around 11k active daily users manage to produce around 18k posts and 80k comments every day?

I wonder what is the distribution of the number of posts and comments a typical active user leaves each day. Perhaps you could consider such a chart for your next issue.

Thanks a lot for this great information. There seems to be a relationship of post activity with how high the price of Steem is which actually makes a lot of sense.

Love getting these everyday, Stats checkin :)

a lot of interesting stats, haven't seen those before. Thanks for sharing!

Interesting data :0) havent seen this before.

@arcange Thank You for sharing this info! We all greatly appreciate the charts you've provided in this blog. I'm happy to have been account number 125,000 or so lol somewhere around that range. I honestly think we'll have 5million active users by 2020, what do you think @dantheman ?

Interesting to see that the number of posts correlates strongly with the token price or with crypto market cap in general!

Thanks for the summary

Thanks for sharing your interesting finding with us. Looking forward to more such statistics in future.

Is there a link to live user stats for Steemit ?