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RE: YES, it worked! Steem added to!

in #stateofthedapps6 years ago (edited)

Amazing! It's crazy how in sync our actions were the last few days.

Tomorrow, we should be able to witness the power of Steem on


I'm so so excited to see the rankings tomorrow! Yes, it was truly 'freaky' in a way how we were basically focussed on the same thing on the same day :D Love it. Thanks for all that you do :D

So after 24 hours running the numbers will update? That is going to be interesting :D

It’s going to be a day of refreshing \o/

f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5

Excellent ! @soyrosa

We can also go after other similar portals. This is another one :

Yes, we should get Steem listed on that site too.

The API hasn't been implemented yet. But should be tomorrow (no promises of course :P)

going to be interesting to see if it makes any difference considering:

We will crush EOS Knights ;)


You really shouldn't be soo modest!

You have worked day and night ... and still do - for this. Without you and your initiative - Steem wouldn't have been listed so fast!

Totally agreee. That's what happens when the real @Promo-steem power take place and is handled as it shoulds!
Cheers for us!