
That is why we need a universal basic income. Poverty is a lack of resources. To solve this, we need to give people around the world the resources they need. It really is that simple. The universal basic income idea is gaining steam with a few trials already in place. However, that isnt enough and people end up arguing about how to pay for it. For this reason, a project that is being announced next month will look to solve this problem using crypto. I will have further information as it is announced.

I followed you.

Yes, we need a basic and profitable income so that we can reduce the heroine and poverty so I called all my friends to get to know each other, and the Lord bless you brother and show a solution to all our brothers and thank you for your passage.

Thank you...I will notify you as I get more information...

I followed you.

Ok waiting for you

I am waiting on it....I think it is something that is going to be huge. Sent them a couple checks to help them pay the bills and continue to lay the ground work...might have to send them another in the next couple weeks to help out.

That said, it is something that I think will be huge. The groundwork and system will be in place to put currency in people's hands on a monthly basis...without exception...the only requirement is they be alive and sign up...