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RE: My First Stand Up Gig

in #standup7 years ago

It's just tough to be objectively and subjectively judged. Sometimes you want and need that though in order to exceed in your craft. It is like you said: stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there takes a bit of courage. Fortunately it is also possible to "fail upwards" if you just try often enough, you never know what's gonna stick!

Subjectively I really like your jokes and delivery, but of course I've got the context for them.

Objectively (stepping back as best I can) I think there is a lot of talent there that needs further practice. That's really the secret eh, practicing without starting to resent what you are doing. If you can manage that it'll be a fun ride.

For the Horde.


Your point about failing upwards is spot on. Sometimes I think the idea of failing "downwards" shouldn't even exist, failing is part of the process of becoming good at anything :D

Well...that's not what they teach you at school though!
Good for us we have (had) a problem with authority ;)