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RE: My First Stand Up Gig

in #standup7 years ago

Oh my gosh Ali that's amazing. I have a ton of respect and admiration for what you did there. Not only, standing up on stage (which is already scary enough) and being basically periodically judged by your audience, but also because so many people who have crazy things they want to do, never actually get up the courage to do them.
My friend, you may think you have no balls, but holy guacamole, if you didn't have any before, you have found yourself a titanium steel pair somewhere along the way.
I really enjoyed your little set, got a few chuckles out of me for sure, which I think is even harder over video than live.
I can't wait to see where this will take you. <3
It's funny btw, that you mention that one of the "greats" in this industry still has the same doubts as a fledgling comedian. It's so interesting to me that this seems to be a recurring theme. In my industry we call it "impostor syndrome". That feeling, which according to many professionals I've talked to never quite leaves you no matter how successful you get, that you don't really know what the hell you're doing and any moment now someone is going to find out and kick you the fuck out. XD

courage my friend <3
Really interesting post and welcome to steemit! :D


Thank you Jill!
I always remember the time we were sitting at Robbie's house and you said something to the effect of that "no one is skilled because of 'natural' talent, they are skilled because of dedication and time".
That sentiment really rang true to me, and I try to apply it (amongst other things) in stand up as well :D <3

gawd, all the feels.
Wow, it's a pretty powerful feeling to know someone remembers and internalised something you said. Especially when that something is important to you. Thank you for that.

And yes, I absolutely stand by that statement. I'm seeing it over and over again everywhere. What I find interesting is that nobody doubts how hard a, say, a professional athlete trains to be at the top of his game. But when it comes to creativity, your skill suddenly becomes a "gift from god" in people eyes. It really irritates me, because I work so damn hard. XD haha